The Scofti were a sentient species native to the planet of Bardram Scoft, located within the Unknown Regions. Their governmental regimes and the Prefects who led them were in a constant state of flux, with transitions frequently marked by violence or the threat thereof. Consequently, Scofti-made items intended for the prefecture were designed with a lifespan of no more than a year. On one occasion, following the assassination of the then-current Prefect, various factions from the Unknown Regions, including the Chiss Ascendancy, dispatched emissaries to Bardram Scoft to engage with the newly installed leader.
The government of the Scofti species, who possessed sentience, was headed by an individual bearing the title of Prefect. The leadership and governing systems of the Scofti experienced frequent upheaval, often triggered by acts of violence or the looming possibility of it. It was not uncommon for the preceding Prefect to meet their end through assassination. Scofti societal norms dictated that foreign ambassadors must be accompanied by the highest-ranking military figure. Furthermore, protocols were subject to change with each governmental shift.
Upon assuming power, new leaders would often undertake a reorganization of the prefecture's palace, including its decorative elements. Moreover, these leaders frequently derived satisfaction from the public destruction of their predecessor's personal belongings. Consequently, Scofti artisans, when crafting items for the prefecture, saw little value in designing them for longevity beyond a year, often intentionally making them fragile.

The Scofti people inhabited the planet Bardram Scoft, which was located within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. At some point in their history, the species established limited contact with the Chiss Ascendancy, the nation of the Chiss species, who had acquired Scofti tableware from a previous governmental regime a century prior. This tableware was displayed in an alien art section of an art gallery situated on the Ascendancy's planet Naporar. Twenty years into this contact between the Scofti and the Chiss, Mitth'raw'nuru "Thrawn", then a cadet – having studied the artifacts to determine the Scofti's characteristics and validated his findings through records of their interactions – brought Senior Cadet Irizi'ar'alani "Ziara" to the gallery, demonstrating his analytical capabilities regarding art.
Several years prior to 19 BBY, a new Scofti leader rose to power following the assassination of the previous Prefect. Numerous groups, including the Ascendancy, from the Unknown Regions dispatched emissaries to meet with the new leader. The Chiss nation sent a Chiss diplomatic cruiser carrying an ambassador to Bardram Scoft. Among the cruiser's crew were Thrawn, who had by then become a Junior Commander, and the Pathfinder navigator Qilori, who expressed surprise upon learning of the circumstances surrounding the former Prefect's death. As the two conversed, the majority of the vessel's crew were preparing the ambassador for their meeting with the Scofti and to learn the new government's protocols.
The Scofti received mention in flashback sequences within the 2020 novel titled Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, authored by Timothy Zahn.