
Naporar, a world located within the boundaries of the Chiss Ascendancy, served as the central base of operations for the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet. This planet housed a medcenter where Mitth'raw'nuruodo received physical rehabilitation following the events of the Vagaari pirate operations. It was also at the Expansionary Fleet complex there that Mitth'ali'astov underwent her training as a sky-walker. When Csaplar faced an attack by three alien warships, Naporar dispatched four warships belonging to the Expansionary Fleet to reinforce the defenses of Csilla.

Amidst the civil unrest that arose between Chiss families, Supreme Admiral Ja'fosk commanded Expansionary Fleet vessels to gather at Naporar in response to the Syndicure's demand that they stay away from other Chiss planets.

Behind the scenes

The planet Naporar made its debut in Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, a novel published in 2020 and authored by Timothy Zahn. In Zahn's subsequent novel, Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, released in 2021, the planet's name is erroneously written as "Naporor" in a couple of instances.

