A war cruiser represented a type of capital ship within the organizational structure of the Kilji Illumine, which was the state representing the Kilji species. These Kilji war cruisers incorporated various systems, such as engines, escape pods, electrostatic barriers for defense, and a hyperdrive for faster-than-light travel. Regarding their armament, they possessed spectrum lasers alongside missiles. In terms of size, they exceeded the length of the Illumine's Kilji picket cruisers but were substantially smaller, approximately a quarter to a third of the size of a Grysk Shatter-class WarMaster warship.
During 18 BBY, Generalirius [Nakirre], who governed the Kilji nation, and Illumine General Crofyp held command of the Kilji war cruisers Whetstone and Anvil, respectively. Notably, Anvil served as the flagship for Crofyp's task force.
The war cruisers were first introduced in the 2021 book Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, penned by Timothy Zahn as part of the Ascendancy Trilogy series.