
Crofyp was a military general of the Kilji people, serving their nation, the Kilji Illumine. He held the position of commander over a specialized task force. This group included his personal flagship, the Anvil, a Kilji war cruiser, and the Kilji picket cruiser Hammer, commanded by Colonel Tildnis. In the year 18 BBY, the Grysk agent known as "Jixtus" gave Crofyp's task force orders to proceed to the Unknown Regions' Rapacc system. Their mission was to capture a group of refugees who were hiding on the planet called Rapacc. Upon the Illumine's arrival at Rapacc, they were confronted by the Aelos, a Nikardun blockade frigate that had been commandeered by the Paccosh. Crofyp issued a threat to Commander Uingali foar Marocsaa, the captain of the blockade frigate, demanding that he allow Crofyp's forces to seize the refugees. Marocsaa refused, which led the general to plan a crossfire attack on the Aelos.

The Anvil maneuvered past the Aelos on its right (starboard) side, while the Hammer mirrored this action on the frigate's left (portside). At this point, the Chiss heavy cruiser Springhawk entered the system and fired two starship-disabling plasma sphere weapons at Crofyp's flagship before joining the battle within the system. The Chiss commander, Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo, whose core name was "Thrawn," ordered Crofyp to move his ships away from the Aelos. This angered the general, who ordered his vessels to fire spectrum laser blasts at the Springhawk. However, the plasma spheres rendered the Anvil inoperable, and Chiss breacher missiles then destroyed the war cruiser, resulting in Crofyp's death, while the Hammer retreated.


Confronting the Paccosh…

Crofyp, a general in the service of the Kilji Illumine, the governing body of the Kilji species, was in charge, as commanding, of a task force that included his personal flagship, the Anvil, a Kilji war cruiser, and the Kilji picket cruiser Hammer, led by Colonel Tildnis. At some point in his life, Crofyp had become enlightened to the Kilji way of order and enlightenment, the religion of the Illumine. In the year 18 BBY, the Grysk operative known as "Jixtus," who had formed an alliance with Generalirius Nakirre, the ruler of the Illumine, dispatched Crofyp's task force to the Rapacc system in the Unknown Regions. Their assignment was to capture a group of refugees who had sought shelter on the planet Rapacc and bring them to a designated rendezvous point. Jixtus also employed Pathfinder navigators Qilori and Sarsh to navigate the Anvil and Hammer, respectively.

After Pathfinder Qilori stopped the Anvil's hyperspace (pictured) journey, General Crofyp spoke with the Pathfinder.

During the hyperspace journey of the Kilji vessels towards the Rapacc system, the [picket cruiser](/article/picket_cruiser] slowed its speed, prompting Qilori to halt the war cruiser's journey to allow Tildnis's cruiser to catch up. Annoyed by the sudden stop, Crofyp demanded an explanation from the navigator as to why he had stopped the flagship's voyage. The Pathfinder provided an answer, but Crofyp deemed it incorrect, believing that Tildnis's cruiser would pass the Anvil without being noticed. However, the Hammer appeared near the Anvil after fifteen minutes, proving Qilori's assessment correct. After the navigator resumed the Kiljis' journey under Crofyp's orders, the vessels arrived at the Rapacc system simultaneously, as Crofyp had desired.

The Kilji task force was met by the Aelos, a Nikardun blockade frigate that had been commandeered by the Paccosh and was in orbit around Rapacc. Commander Uingali foar Marocsaa, the captain of the Aelos, inquired about Crofyp's identity and purpose. The general introduced his task force and explained their mission in the Rapacc system, threatening the blockade frigate's captain to allow them to proceed to Rapacc to capture the refugees.

However, the Paccosh ship remained in place, prompting Crofyp to threaten its destruction. Seeking a peaceful resolution, Qilori, believing Marocsaa to be a member of the Nikardun species, suggested that the Kiljis' arrival could lead to the resurgence of the Nikardun under Jixtus's guidance. However, the general interrupted him, dismissing Qilori's claim as false and verbally confronting the Paccosh commander, instructing Marocsaa to either move aside or face death. When the Paccosh did not comply, Crofyp ordered his Kilji vassals—followers of the Kilji way—to prepare a crossfire attack on the Aelos.

…and dying at the hands of the Chiss

General Crofyp faced Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo at Rapacc.

Under Crofyp's command, Vassal One moved the Anvil along the starboard side of the frigate, while Vassal Four signaled Tildnis to do the same on the Nikardun vessel's portside. Vassal Three prepared to destroy the Paccosh ship if it moved to attack. As the Kilji ships moved into position, the Chiss heavy cruiser Springhawk arrived in the outer Rapacc system and fired two vessel-disabling plasma sphere weapons at the starboard side of Crofyp's flagship. The Chiss vessel then performed a microjump and joined the battle in the inner system. Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo, the commander of the Springhawk, also known by his core name as "Thrawn," ordered Crofyp to move away from the Aelos, which Thrawn considered his prey.

Enraged by the orders of an unenlightened being to move away from the frigate, the general ordered his task force to fire three spectrum laser salvos at the Chiss ship after turning to face the newcomer. As the Chiss began exchanging fire with the Kiljis, the plasma spheres struck the Anvil's starboard side, disabling its weaponry, sensors, and systems. Qilori attempted to warn Crofyp about the attack, but the general did not see it coming.

While Crofyp maneuvered the Anvil to shield the Hammer from the Chiss attack, Qilori attempted to escape the battle in an escape pod. However, the Anvil's commander noticed Qilori's movement and, while communicating with Tildnis via comm, informed the navigator that he would not flee, as those enlightened to the Kilji way stood, fought, and prevailed. The Pathfinder disregarded this, calling Crofyp a fool and rushing towards the escape pods. Crofyp pointed a large, black weapon at him, threatening him for fleeing. Qilori escaped before the Anvil's bridge exploded when the Springhawk's breacher missiles struck it, killing Crofyp. The Hammer fled to the "Sunrise" system in the Unknown Regions, where it was later destroyed by Thrawn and the Paccosh.

Personality and traits

General Crofyp believed that his forces should not flee after the Chiss heavy cruiser (one such vessel pictured) Springhawk disabled the Anvil's starboard side.

As an enlightened Kilji, Crofyp held a deep disdain for those who "walked in darkness," meaning the unenlightened. He dismissed their desires as unimportant and rejected their opinions, treating them with contempt. According to Qilori, Crofyp had an inflated sense of self-importance, which led him to disregard the concerns of the unenlightened, such as Qilori's warning about the Chiss attack. When speaking to Marocsaa, the general falsely claimed that the Kiljis were Jixtus's masters, not the other way around, as Jixtus was actually in command of Nakirre and the Illumine. The general called the Paccosh commander deaf after Marocsaa inquired about the Kilji's intentions with the refugees.

The Kilji was impatient and quick to anger, threatening Qilori with the Pathfinders' enlightenment when he attempted to explain that a crossfire attack on the Aelos could result in significant damage to his task force. He believed that instead of retreating after the Springhawk disabled the Anvil's starboard, the Kiljis should stand, fight, and prevail. The Kilji was short in stature and had wrinkly, rubbery skin that Qilori found utterly repulsive. When Mid Captain Ufsa'mak'ro, also known as "Samakro," of the Springhawk, heard Crofyp's voice over the comm, he noted that it was full of fury and arrogance.

Skills and abilities

During his attack on Rapacc, Crofyp communicated with Vassal Two, the Anvil's sensor operator, in the Kilji language. When speaking to Qilori, the Paccosh, and Thrawn, he used the Taarja trade language, pronouncing words as if they were sour fruit.

Behind the scenes

General Crofyp made an appearance in Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, the 2021 novel that concluded the Ascendancy Trilogy by Timothy Zahn.

