A drinking establishment existed upon the Outer Rim Territories celestial body known as Horox III. This particular bar was a common haunt for individuals belonging to both the Sabat and Duros species. During the year 0 ABY, the Jedi apprentice Luke Skywalker made his way to the bar seeking a moment of solitude for contemplation; however, he was approached by a pair of Sabat. One of them asserted that he had erred in entering the bar and warned the nascent Jedi to brace himself for a physical altercation. Just as the Sabat was poised to engage Skywalker in combat, the unconventional archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra appeared, accompanied by the Wookiee Krrsantan, and together they assisted Skywalker in subduing the bar's clientele. Following the conclusion of the brawl, the trio departed from the bar.