The Colicoids, an insectoid species endemic to the planet Colla IV, were sentient beings. These beings were infamous for their utter lack of emotion and murderous tendencies. Mirroring themselves, they engineered the three-legged droidekas. Furthermore, they headed the Colicoid Creation Nest, a corporation renowned for producing both the Pistoeka sabotage droid and the Trident-class assault ship. In return for unusual meats, the Trade Federation acquired droideka shipments from the Colicoids.
Encased in a thick chitinous shell, Colicoids stood at a height of two meters. These frightening beings were incredibly bellicose, demonstrating hostility even amongst themselves, and exhibiting extreme violence towards outsiders. The Old Republic ceased dispatching representatives, including Jedi Knights, to quell the concerns of others regarding the Colicoids' excessive behavior.
Following considerable deliberation, particularly concerning financial implications, the proposition gained approval. The Neimoidians responsible for developing the droid army sought out a weapons manufacturer. Ultimately, the Colicoids of Colla IV, situated far from the center of the Republic, were granted the contract.