The Ezaraa were a species of sentient beings, native to the planet of Ezaraa, known for their warmongering tendencies and carnivorous diet. Their ultimate goal was to supplant the existing Galactic Empire with their own dominion, intending to feast upon other species which they considered inferior. Despite these grand ambitions of galactic conquest, their dominion was geographically restricted to only two continents located on their home planet, Ezaraa. To fuel their planned revolution, the Dominion dispatched Ezaraa individuals to exploit opportunities like the Auction of Rur.
Han Solo, the smuggler, characterized the Ezaraa as "religious types." These beings constituted the Dominion of the Ezaraa, a bellicose faction which held sway over a pair of continents on their world of origin, Ezaraa. Notwithstanding their limited territorial control, the Dominion harbored aspirations of overthrowing the Galactic Empire and assuming its position as the governing power of the galaxy. One Ezaraa even went so far as to declare that their ultimate destiny was to reign supreme over the entire universe. Upon seizing power, they planned to consume other species, which they regarded as lesser beings. Those who opposed the Ezaraa were branded as heretics. In one instance, an Ezaraa derided the human Chelli Lona Aphra as "quasi-sentient flesh," yet they offered a minuscule fraction—specifically 0.00001 percent—of their future profits to Aphra and her descendants for the next ten generations if she provided them with the Rur Crystal. Conversely, they threatened Aphra and her extended Aphra family with torment within torture facilities should she fail to comply. Aphra, however, remained unfazed by their threats and instead deemed the Ezaraa foolish for envisioning universal domination when they lacked control over their own planet.
The Ezaraa's existence revolved around warfare and the act of taking lives. During the Rur Crystal incident, when the intelligence of Eternal Rur managed to take over a droid body, an Ezaraa proclaimed that claiming their prize from the droid's remains was the Ezaraa way. Driven by the perceived glory of the Ezaraa Dominion, that Ezaraa and two others engaged the droid in combat, only for one of them to be killed. In response, one of the remaining Ezaraas swiftly ordered a retreat. One of the survivors attempted to fight the Sith Lord Darth Vader, declaring their species unstoppable before Vader killed the Ezaraa.

The Dominion of the Ezaraa desired universal control and actively sought out anything that could bolster their strength against their adversaries. One of their members journeyed to the Citadel of Ktath'atn in an attempt to barter an unusual item with the queen there in exchange for a favor of the Dominion's choosing. However, this endeavor proved unsuccessful. The Dominion of the Ezaraa also attended the auction for the conscious kyber crystal containing the essence of Eternal Rur, hoping to acquire and weaponize it. They offered the auction's host, Doctor Chelli Aphra, a share of their Dominion if she granted them the crystal and they succeeded in conquering the galaxy. Upon confirming with her protocol droid 0-0-0 that the Ezaraa did not even control their entire home planet, however, she questioned whether they were more foolish for dreaming of universal conquest or if she was more foolish for inviting them in the first place.
However, the kyber crystal managed to possess a Cyban Front droid and launched an attack on those present. Reacting to this and invoking the glory of their government, Ezaraa warriors attacked with the intention of seizing the crystal from the droid's corpse, only for Rur to swiftly eliminate one of them. Frightened, the two remaining survivors chose to retreat. After Imperial forces, summoned by 0-0-0 and Aphra's fellow droid servant BT-1, both of whom were eager to escape her service and hoped to exploit the situation to do so, entered the fray, one of the Ezaraa attempted to engage the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who was leading the Imperial assault, but Vader quickly struck down the Ezaraa before turning his attention to Rur.
The Ezaraa species made their debut appearance in the canon crossover comic The Screaming Citadel 1, authored by Kieron Gillen, with illustrations by Marco Checchetto, and released on May 10, 2017.