Unidentified blue Cyban Front droid

A droid acted as the representative of the Cyban Front at the Auction of Rur, accompanied by another droid from the same organization. These two questioned the capabilities of the crystal's technopathy, leading the host, Chelli Aphra, to allow the crystal to take control of the droid. This possession was interrupted when her associate, Krrsantan, destroyed the droid. Subsequently, 0-0-0, another of Aphra's companions, placed the crystal inside the droid during its repair. The droid was then utilized to massacre other attendees of the auction, until Darth Vader intervened and destroyed the droid completely.


The Cyban Front droid gets possessed by the Rur crystal.

This particular droid belonged to the Cyban Front and was present at the auction of Rur circa 1 ABY to represent them, in conjunction with a red droid. Chelli Aphra, the host, believed they were friendly due to their mutual connection with the Droid Gotra. Upon the crystal's presentation to the guests, the droid and its companion expressed skepticism regarding the crystal's [technopathy](/article/technopathy], requesting evidence from Aphra. In response, she activated the [Rur crystal](/article/rur_crystal], resulting in the droid's possession. Subsequently, Krrsantan shot and destroyed the droid.

Following this, Aphra had the droid repaired. However, 0-0-0 and BT-1, who were there to assist her, inserted the [Rur crystal](/article/rur_crystal] into the droid. Equipped with two lightsabers, including the Blade of Rur, the droid was unleashed to attack the auction participants. Possessed by Eternal Rur, the droid proceeded to slaughter numerous guests, aided by the Sorca Retreats' automated weaponry controlled by 0-0-0. Members of the Dominion of the Ezaraa engaged the droid, but it began to slaughter them and their leader fled. The possessed droid then attacked the representatives of the Shadow University, killing one. After eliminating more auction members, the droid pursued the members of the Son-tuul Pride. Their leader, Yonak, escaped through a blast door, but the droid quickly cut through it and continued the pursuit. He soon encountered Aphra and pinned her to the floor. However, 0-0-0 directed the automated guns to shoot down the droid, allowing Aphra to proceed and address her own needs.

Darth Vader engages the possessed droid.

Soon after, Darth Vader arrived and boarded the Sorca Retreat accompanied by several stormtroopers. The droid persisted in killing the auction members and soon silenced Thomas Toov. Aphra then reappeared, and the droid pursued her, leading it into a squad of [stormtroopers](/article/stormtrooper]. After the droid eliminated them, Vader confronted it. A lightsaber duel ensued, with Vader using his strength to gain the upper hand. He eventually severed the droid's right arm, and the Eternal Rur attempted to seize control of the circuitry in Vader's armor. This attempt failed, and Vader subsequently destroyed the droid using the Force, retrieving the Rur crystal from its remains.

