May 10th marks the 130th day in a standard year, or the 131st day in a leap year. Following this date, there are 235 days left in the year.
- In 1929, the birth of George Coe occurred.
- Alec Mills was born in 1932.
- 1937 saw the birth of Jonathan Hales.
- David Clennon's birth year was 1943.
- The year 1962 marks the birth of Scott Hanna.
- The second issue of Star Wars (1977) 2 was released in 1977, with an August cover date.
- In 1978, Star Wars Weekly 14 was made available.
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 151 came out in 1986.
- 1999 was the year of publication for Star Wars: Episode I Incredible Cross-Sections.
- Subscribers received Star Wars Insider 49 in 2000.
- The Episode III: Revenge of the Sith: Prima Official Game Guide was published in 2005.
- The _Star Wars: Republic: Honor and Duty_ trade paperback was released in 2006.
- 2017 saw the publication of The Screaming Citadel 1.
- Star Wars Rebels Magazine 31 was also published in 2017.
- "Luke vs. Jabba - Sail Barge Escape" aired on YouTube in 2019.
- Tony Armatrading passed away in 2021.
- The novel Brotherhood was published in 2022.
- The Brotherhood audiobook was also released in 2022.
- The second printing of Star Wars by Jason Aaron Omnibus was published in 2022.
- Star Wars Leia, Princess of Alderaan, Vol. 2 was published in the United States in 2022.
- Darth Vader (2020) 34 was published in 2023.
- The High Republic (2022) 9 was also published in 2023.
- Find more information about May 10 on Wikipedia