Star Wars: Honor and Duty, published as a trade paperback (TPB) by Dark Horse Comics, represents the concluding installment in the Star Wars: Republic comic book series. This collection, titled Honor and Duty, incorporates issues 46-48 and 78 from the Star Wars: Republic run.

Experience the decline of the Republic through the experiences of Sagoro Autem, who transitions from Senate Guard to mercenary, then to prisoner, Clone Wars hero, and ultimately, a target of the Imperial regime. This narrative unfolds from before the Clone Wars and extends to Darth Vader's inaugural mission! Obi-Wan Kenobi, a young Jedi Knight, alongside his younger Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, are tasked with safeguarding a senator from a minor system whose life is threatened by assassination attempts aimed at influencing a critical vote. Autem, a devoted Senate Guard, joins the Jedi in their protective endeavor. As Obi-Wan and Anakin repel a group of skilled assassins, Autem uncovers a connection among them that will profoundly impact his own destiny—a secret he will confront only after the Clone Wars have ended, leading him to flee from the Emperor's new enforcer, Darth Vader!