The Screaming Citadel 1

title: The Screaming Citadel 1

The Screaming Citadel #1 is a solitary comic issue that inaugurated Marvel Comics' crossover storyline, Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel. This crossover spanned both Marvel Comics' Star Wars and Doctor Aphra comic book series. Kieron Gillen penned the story for The Screaming Citadel #1, with Marco Checchetto providing the artwork; it was released on May 10, 2017.

Publisher's summary

A Rebel pilot and a rogue archaeologist journey together into the galaxy's darkest corners, as Luke Skywalker reluctantly allies himself with Doctor Aphra! The Doctor presents Luke with an irresistible offer…one that will lead him to an exclusive gathering within the infamous Screaming Citadel. Will Luke succeed in his quest? Can Aphra be trusted? Or will the Citadel's Queen claim them as her victims?

Plot summary

The Jedi and the rogue archaeologist

[Luke Skywalker](/article/luke_skywalker], a Rebel Alliance pilot piloting a starfighter, walks into a seedy cantina located on Horox III, a world in the Outer Rim. He is greeted with hostility by the predominantly Sabat patrons, who object to the presence of a human. Skywalker responds that he seeks solitude. When a Sabat threatens him with violence, Skywalker retorts that he is unconcerned, knowing who he must confront.

Before any violence can erupt, Dr Aphra enters the cantina, announcing that Skywalker is with her. Before she can address the Sabats, one of them knocks her down, accusing her of stealing Ur-Tharn processors. As the Sabat raises a liquor bottle to strike her, Skywalker intervenes, smashing him over the head with a stool. Aided by the Wookiee Krrsantan, Skywalker and Dr Aphra subdue the Sabat patrons.

Despite their collaboration, Skywalker is wary of Dr Aphra due to her past association with Darth Vader, whom he considers evil. Dr Aphra corrects him, stating that she used to work for Lord Vader, and argues that "evil" is a strong term. Initially reluctant to associate with Dr Aphra, Skywalker is persuaded by her offer to assist him in finding a Jedi Master.

Outside the cantina, Skywalker questions Dr Aphra's assumption that he is a Jedi, to which Aphra replies that he is learning. Skywalker expresses annoyance at being called a "kid." Dr Aphra muses on Darth Vader's interest in capturing Skywalker alive and mocks him for his role in destroying the Death Star. Skywalker attempts to deny being a Jedi, but Dr Aphra highlights his exceptional skills as a marksman and starfighter pilot.

Capitalizing on Skywalker's desire to become a Jedi, Dr Aphra reveals a cylindrical green crystal of Eternal Rur recovered from the Ordu Aspectu temple. Unable to activate it himself, Dr Aphra intends to present it to the Queen of Ktath'atn, an ancient monarch who trades favors for encounters with intriguing organic and Force-sensitive beings. Dr Aphra proposes that Skywalker accompany her for dinner with the Queen, in exchange for meeting his ancient teacher. Skywalker hesitates, prompting Dr Aphra to challenge him: is he a farmboy, or a Jedi Knight?

Journey to Ktath'atn

Skywalker consents to join Dr Aphra on her journey to Ktath'atn. Aboard the Ark Angel II, Skywalker is reunited with Aphra's homicidal protocol droid, Triple Zero, who previously electrocuted him. Triple Zero reminds Skywalker that he severed his arm with his lightsaber, but assures him that droids do not bear grudges. Triple Zero introduces Skywalker to his astromech counterpart, Beetee, who engaged R2-D2 in combat during their last meeting. Triple Zero cautions Skywalker about Beetee's violent tendencies.

During their hyperspace voyage, Skywalker expresses his wish that they had informed Han Solo, Leia Organa, or even Sana Starros. Dr Aphra suggests that they might have intervened due to their distrust of her, and notes that the Queen of Ktath'atn only grants audiences for one night each year.

Skywalker, Dr Aphra, and her companions arrive at the Citadel of Ktath'atn amidst a rainstorm. When Skywalker inquires about the meaning of Ktath'atn, Triple Zero provides a literal translation: "the military expedient construction of loud, shrill exhalations," but prefers the abbreviated "Screaming Citadel." Starving villagers from the Ktath'atn village, distinguished by their white eyes, plead for food, but Black Krrsantan drives them away.

As they approach the entrance to the Queen's palace, her guards deny entry to Black Krrsantan due to the Queen's allergy to Wookiees. Dr Aphra gives Krrsantan a deck of cards as a token of consolation and encourages him to socialize with the locals, including Gamorreans and Sabats. When Skywalker asks Dr Aphra about her acquaintance with Black Krrsantan, she replies that she owes him a significant sum of money. Skywalker presses her on how she found him, but she is hesitant to answer.

Luke's rebel friends

Meanwhile, at the temporary rebel outpost on Horox III, Sana Starros replays Dr Aphra's hologram message, in which Aphra seeks to reconcile after their previous encounter at Sunspot Prison. Han Solo then solicits Sana Starros' assistance in communicating with Skywalker's temporary astromech droid Essfour, an R5 unit that communicates exclusively in Binary. Princess Leia Organa demands to know Luke's location, but the droid refuses to divulge the information. Through questioning, Starros discovers that Skywalker is accompanied by Dr Aphra.

Leia expresses her displeasure, while Solo wonders why Skywalker would associate with someone as unstable as Dr Aphra. Leia suspects Dr Aphra of kidnapping Skywalker, while Solo questions whether Dr Aphra could reprogram a droid to maintain a secret. Starros doubts Aphra's ability to do so and suggests that Aphra rarely considers the consequences of her actions.

Guests of the Queen

At the Citadel of Ktath'atn, Dr Aphra guides Skywalker in donning a spavat, with Triple Zero offering suggestions. When Dr Aphra comments that Skywalker looks surprisingly sophisticated for a "farm boy," Skywalker retorts that he is more than just a farm boy. Dr Aphra assigns Triple Zero and Beetee to guard their room. When Skywalker inquires why Dr Aphra has not dressed up for the reception, she replies that he is the "main attraction."

In the ballroom, Skywalker is captivated by the well-dressed guests and the diverse species present. Dr Aphra instructs Skywalker to follow her lead and advises him to conceal his lightsaber. Skywalker replies that he has been keeping his Jedi identity a secret for a long time. When Skywalker asks about the "A.I. Jedi," Aphra reveals that she only met him briefly but that he has strong opinions. Skywalker encounters an Ezaraan guest who speaks of replacing the Empire with a Dominion of the Ezaraa where they would consume the flesh of all "lesser species." Skywalker deems the guests insane.

The two soon observe the Queen of Ktath'atn standing before her throne with her entourage. The Queen is a pale-skinned humanoid woman with red hair and red and black attire. One of her servants, Varroa, a bald pale man, invites the guests to present their gifts. A humanoid with orange eyes presents a chained Hyropodic aetherbeast, native to three biomes on Yolthani VI. Varroa replies that the Queen is intrigued and will consider his request.

A Toydarian presents a cyberanimate flop from the laboratories of the "gene-heretic" Cylo. However, Varroa responds that the Queen is not interested in his gift. A Dressellian guest offers a microflora effusion of polysatyrs. Varroa responds that his Queen will consider his request. Dr Aphra then presents Skywalker, describing him as a very interesting Tatooine farm boy. Varroa rejects Skywalker and warns Aphra that the Queen does not easily tolerate offense. The Ezaraan mocks Skywalker as a foolish boy.

Aphra tells him to leave Skywalker alone but he grabs her arm, telling her that he acts as his wish. Skywalker warns the Ezaraan to leave Aphra alone and uses the Force to throw the Ezaraan to the ground, intriguing the Queen. Aphra compliments Skywalker while quipping that someone has eaten too many canapés. Varroa orders all the guests to leave and offers compensation to the guests whose gifts are no longer required. However, he allows Skywalker and his companion to stay so that the Queen can hear his request in the morning. Aphra teases Skywalker for blowing his Jedi cover.

The heart of evil

Later, the Queen tells her female servant Vespinax that Skywalker has so much power and so little experience, making him perfect for her intentions. When Vespinax asks if they should bring Skywalker to her, the Queen responds that they should not because they need to be at their full strength for such a confrontation. The Queen then orders her servants to gather her harvest, which involves drawing the life energies from the inhabitants of the surrounding village. The Queen then feeds off the harvested life energies of the servants while desiring the taste of Jedi.


