Doctor Aphra (2016) 6

Doctor Aphra 6 is the sixth installment in the comic book series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, published by Marvel. This issue was penned by Kieron Gillen and the artwork was crafted by Kev Walker. Its official release date was April 12, 2017.

Publisher's summary

  • Aphra and her father, Sr., have unexpectedly discovered an age-old Jedi stronghold…
  • …however, it seems that some form of life remains…
  • …and they are decidedly UNPLEASED by the intrusion. [1]

Plot summary

Encountering the "Eternal Rur"

At the Citadel of Rur, a cold weather assault stormtrooper informs Captain Magna Tolvan that the "prisoners" have retreated to the floating core. Given their inability to access it, the snowtrooper suggests deploying an astromech droid to attempt a system slice and reactivate the bridge. Tolvan acknowledges the suggestion, but points out that the area beneath the bridge leads directly into the vacuum of space. She orders them to signal the Lambda-class shuttle for a bombardment of their target.

Simultaneously, Chelli Lona Aphra negotiates with Eternal Rur, who communicates through droids, offering the current time in exchange for Rur's account of the Citadel's history. Eternal Rur recounts that the conventional Jedi Order and Ordu Aspectu ratified a peace agreement after the Entruvia Conflict, granting the Jedi permission to scrutinize the Ordu's research for indicators of "hazardous heresy." Identifying himself as Rur, Eternal Rur claims to have been researching the replication of his own intellect.

However, Rur alleges that his research went awry, resulting in his consciousness being transferred to the computer core, leaving an malevolent entity to inhabit his physical form. Upon the Jedi's inspection of the Citadel of Rur, the Eternal Rur seized control of the machines and launched an assault on both the Ordu Aspectu and the Jedi, resulting in numerous fatalities. Amon and the "Fake Rur" survived and tried to disable "Eternal Rur".

"Eternal Rur" asserts that he propelled the Citadel of Rur into the depths of space to prevent reinforcements from finding them. Lacking Ordu crystals, the Jedi were unable to track their location. Amon succeeded in halting the Citadel's power generator before being killed. He states that "Fake Rur" managed to dislodge the crystals, putting him out of action for a prolonged duration. "Eternal Rur" posits that the droids eliminated the organic lifeforms until their power reserves were depleted.

The Vengeance of Eternal Rur

Now, "Eternal Rur" insists that they fulfill their part of the agreement. Using the Domancion Accord's calendar, Korin Aphra deduces that Eternal Rur existed before the modern Galactic Republic, which had endured for a millennium. Eternal Rur is infuriated to discover that everyone he knew is deceased and that his aspirations of establishing an empire have been shattered. Unable to exact revenge on the dead, he resolves to punish the living and activates his droids, prompting Aphra to engage in combat.

With Krrsantan having deserted them, Aphra suggests to her father that they commandeer the Imperial's Lambda-class shuttle. A crystal is required to activate the bridge. However, Korin advises her to destroy the console and retrieve the crystals from it. Aphra bandages her father's injured right arm. She then ascends on the lift into the computer core and proceeds to hack the machine using her blue lightsaber.

During this process, Aphra also pilfers a cylindrical green crystal. Subsequently, she inserts an Ordu crystal into the bridge control panel, activating the bridge. Upon returning to the bridge, she discovers Captain Tolvan and her snowtroopers under attack by Rur's droids. Aphra attempts to guide them to safety but reconsiders and removes the crystal, causing the snowtroopers to plummet into the abyss along with the droids. Captain Tolvan is the sole survivor of the fall.

Captain Tolvan demands an explanation for Aphra's actions that triggered the self-destruction sequence. Aphra denies any involvement and instructs Tolvan to signal her ship for retrieval. When Tolvan inquires about the fate of Aphra's ship Ark Angel II, Aphra responds that the situation is complicated. Aphra, Korin, and Tolvan escape aboard Tolvan's shuttle.

The End of the Ordu Aspectu

Inside the cockpit, the Aphras and Tolvan realize that Eternal Rur has taken control of the RA-7 protocol droid, which then murders the pilots. The possessed droid throws Tolvan to the ground and attempts to choke Aphra. However, the Citadel of Rur detonates, seemingly eliminating Eternal Rur. The protocol droid reverts to its normal programming. Korin remarks on the demise of the Ordu Aspectu.

An irate Tolvan brandishes a blaster and demands to know Aphra's identity. However, Korin injures Tolvan in the right arm using the salvaged lightsaber. Later, in the Outer Rim Territories, Aphra abandons Tolvan and the RA-7 droid on an uncharted planet. She comments that killing her would be the logical choice but acknowledges her attractiveness. Korin jokes that his daughter has "poor taste" in women. Aphra retorts that it is a trait of the Aphra family.

Aphra reveals to her father the cylindrical crystal core she recovered from the Citadel of Rur. Deeming the object as inherently evil, Korin expresses reluctance to reactivate it. Nevertheless, Aphra persuades her father to store the crystal on Quarantine World III in Kallidahin Space. The Crystal core is secured within a fortified vault.

After leaving Quarantine World III, Aphra assures her father that the planet is the most secure location in the galaxy to safeguard something as perilous as Rur's crystal core. Korin concedes that he was mistaken to seek salvation in the past. He hopes that this salvation lies in the future and endeavors to discover it. He expresses gratitude to Aphra, who then convinces her father to address her doctorate predicament. With improved relations, Korin consents to eliminate the incriminating evidence.

Resuming Operations

Upon returning to the Cosmatanic Steppes, Aphra persuades the droid Ergo to purchase several lightsaber artifacts. While the droid accepts her goods, the payment she receives is less than anticipated. At a Cosmatanic Steppes bar, Aphra encounters Soo-Tath's brother who informs her that her debt has been settled. When he inquires about her ship's whereabouts, Aphra responds that it is a valid question.

At that moment, Black Krrsantan appears and greets Aphra. She harbors no resentment towards him, understanding that he was acting in self-preservation. Aphra acknowledges her debt to him as well. Aphra reveals that the green cylindrical crystal core she entrusted to her father Korin was a decoy and that she had retained the genuine one all along. She informs Krrsantan that the crystal presents them with an opportunity to amass wealth.


