Aetherbeasts of the Hyropodic Variety were creatures that naturally occurred solely within a trio of biomes found on the world called Yolthani VI. These creatures exhibited a sizable, muscular upper body, complete with a pair of arms and a head. Their facial features consisted of a pair of white eyes and a mouth filled with pointed teeth, all encircled by red, tentacle-esque growths. The skin of these beasts was a purple hue, adorned with red spots across their head, shoulders, and the upper portions of their arms. During the year 0 ABY, an aetherbeast of the hyropodic kind was presented to the queen residing on the planet Ktath'atn. This presentation was done with the hope that this unusual creature would capture her attention sufficiently to grant the owner an opportunity to request something from her. The queen's initial fascination with the beast led her to contemplate the owner's request. However, ultimately, she dismissed the owner with some compensation after being introduced to the Jedi Luke Skywalker by the archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra.
The initial appearance of a hyropodic aetherbeast took place in the comic book titled The Screaming Citadel 1. The writing was done by Kieron Gillen, the illustrations by Marco Checchetto, and the release date was May 10, 2017.