The Jedi Order's history is deeply intertwined with the terrestrial planet of Tython, situated within the Tython system in the Deep Core. This lush world, brimming with [the Force](/article/the_force], was ultimately left behind as the ever-shifting hyperlanes in that area moved away, causing the planet to fade into legend. The Martyrium of Frozen Tears was constructed there by the Jedi, and some Jedi scholars argued that Tython was the location of the Jedi Order's first temple. To mislead Darth Vader, the Imperial commander, concerning the true location of the Rebel Alliance's main base (which was actually on Hoth in the Outer Rim), Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra guided him to Tython's Meridional Ice Cap during the Galactic Civil War.
Located at galactic coordinates L-10 on the Standard Galactic Grid within the Deep Core region of the galaxy, Tython was an uninhabited, verdant, terrestrial planet of the Tython system. It had at least two orbiting moons, the most prominent being Ashla, and possessed an extraordinary abundance of the Force. The Meridional Ice Cap and a more temperate region were among its surface features. Various native creatures inhabited Tython, including birds, butterflies, beasts, and small mammals. The planet's landscape consisted of forests, grasslands, and mountains.
The name "Tython" was also used for Tythonian pendants, Tythonian Mastery Tokens, and Tythoni Square in Jedha City.

Tython's influence on the Jedi Order's past is undeniable. Descriptions of Tython's unique creatures were present within the sacred Jedi texts. The Martyrium of Frozen Tears was built by the Jedi in ancient times within the Meridional Ice Cap. The planet was eventually deserted when the hyperlanes in the area became unstable and shifted.
Although the Jedi Order's first temple was actually situated on Ahch-To, some Jedi scholars believed that Tython was the location of the Jedi Order's first temple, leading to the planet being shrouded in legend. It was rumored that the planet possessed troves of holocrons and datacards containing Jedi knowledge from throughout the ages, and if someone were to discover it, they could gain access to unmatched power.
The ancient Ga'Garen Codex, housed within the Jedi Archives, referenced Tython and its primary moon, Ashla, and its enigmas had puzzled linguists for a significant time. Following the dedication of the Starlight Beacon in 232 BBY by several months, Jedi Master Elzar Mann consulted the Ga'Garen Codex and traveled to the Isle of Seclusion on Ashla aboard his Jedi Vector. Mann sought solitude on the Isle to meditate on a disturbing Force vision he had experienced during the dedication. Entering the ocean surrounding the Isle, he eventually received a vision that guided him to the planet Valo. Harli Cogra mentioned Elzar Mann's mission to Ashla in Chronicles of the Jedi, a document detailing the Jedi of the High Republic written in the weeks following the destruction of Starlight Beacon in 230 BBY.

During the Imperial Era, the 15th Deep Core Reserve Fleet maintained a hyperspace interdiction checkpoint along the only known hyperspace route between the Empress Teta system and the Deep Core's interior.
In 3 ABY, Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra attempted to rescue her loved ones at the Rebel Alliance's headquarters on Hoth by leading Imperial forces, led by Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine's lieutenant, to Tython to divert them from discovering the location of the rebel base. Aphra led Vader to the Martyrium of Frozen Tears in the Meridional Ice Cap on Tython, where the Dark Lord and his subordinates were ambushed.
Sometime between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Luke Skywalker, a rebel and aspiring Jedi, acquired an Aurebesh list of potential Jedi locations from the Galactic Empire, presuming they had destroyed and looted them all. Tython was on that list.

In 9 ABY, Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan, instructed Din Djarin, the Mandalorian, to bring Grogu, a Force-sensitive child, to Tython. Djarin complied, traveling to Tython and placing Grogu on the seeing stone. While on the stone, Grogu entered a meditative state. Meanwhile, Boba Fett, a bounty hunter, and his partner, Fennec Shand, tracked Djarin to Tython in his ship, Slave I, with the goal of reclaiming his armor that Djarin had obtained from Cobb Vanth on Tatooine. They were attacked by Moff Gideon's Imperial forces, and after a battle and the destruction of Djarin's ship, the Razor Crest, the warlord's dark troopers ultimately abducted the foundling.
In 21 ABY, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker traveled to Tython and meditate upon the seeing stone. There, he had a vision of him on Exegol where he dueled nine wraiths before the Force spirit of his father, Anakin Skywalker, came to his aid.

An ancient temple with a strong connection to the Force, though in ruins by 9 ABY, was located on a mountain on Tython. A seeing stone was located at the summit of this mountain.
The Meridional Ice Cap housed the underground Martyrium of Frozen Tears, which featured a Force-sensitive confessional crafted from solid kyberite. The ice cap was also marked by ancient statues of robed figures near the Martyrium's entrance. The seeing stone was on the top of a hill in a scrubland area.
The term "tython" can be traced back to the second draft of what eventually became Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Tython's first mention in Star Wars canon occurred in Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 36, a 2015 magazine from the Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon series. Its first appearance in a comic book was in Doctor Aphra (2016) 40 in 2019. Rocky Peak Park in Simi Valley, California, served as the filming location for Tython in "Chapter 14: The Tragedy," the sixth episode of The Mandalorian's second season.

In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Tython was initially mentioned in the 2002 sourcebook Power of the Jedi Sourcebook, identifying it as the original homeworld of the Je'daii Order and its successor, the Jedi Order.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game primarily places "Tython" in Standard Galactic Grid square L-10, with partial placement in K-10, mirroring Star Wars Legends material. However, the Star Wars Galaxy Map predominantly places "Tython" in grid square K-10, with partial placement in L-10. Based on comments from the map's creator, Jason Fry, this article currently assumes the K-10 placement on the Star Wars Galaxy Map to be a graphical error until a future canon source clarifies the location.