"Chapter 14: The Tragedy," an episode of the television series The Mandalorian, marks the sixth installment in its second season. The episode made its debut on Disney+ on December 4, 2020, and was helmed by director Robert Rodriguez.
Din Djarin speaks to Grogu by his given name as the Razor Crest nears the planet Tython. He coaches the Child in utilizing the Force to retrieve the joystick ball. Djarin expresses his admiration for Grogu's Force abilities, assuring him of his commitment to finding a Jedi capable of training him. He explains to Grogu that they must seek out any Jedi who answers the call, emphasizing that Grogu's power surpasses his own capacity to train him. Djarin reiterates his promise to return Grogu to his own kind.

The Razor Crest enters Tython's atmosphere, navigating over a series of hills. Djarin uses the ship's systems to approach the seeing stone that Ahsoka Tano previously mentioned. As the "magic rock" lacks a suitable landing area, Djarin decides that they will have to "travel the last stretch with the windows down." Djarin uses a jetpack to carry the Child to the seeing stone.
They discover that the stone is a rocky dome centered among several stony structures arranged in a circle. He positions Grogu atop the stone, contemplating how to activate the structure. Djarin employs his helmet scanner to search for any controls. Grogu is distracted by a butterfly. As Djarin ponders how to prompt Grogu to activate the structure, he notices a starship circling above, which is revealed to be Slave I, Boba Fett's starship. As Slave I lands nearby, Djarin urges Grogu to leave.
Suddenly, Grogu generates a force field around the stone, preventing Djarin from reaching him. Through his helmet scanner, Djarin spots a figure emerging from Slave I and resolves to defend Grogu by standing guard. Djarin descends the hill, taking cover behind a rock to evade blaster fire. A hooded figure approaches Djarin, announcing that he has been tracking him. Djarin inquires whether he is a Jedi or if he seeks the Child.
The hooded individual removes his hood, revealing himself as Boba Fett, now bald. Fett declares that he is there for his armor. Assuming Fett is referring to his armor, Din retorts that he will have to remove it from his corpse. Fett clarifies that he seeks his own armor, which Din had obtained from Cobb Vanth on Tatooine. Fett asserts that it belongs to him. Djarin questions whether he is Mandalorian.
Fett responds that he is simply trying to survive in the galaxy like his father before him. When Djarin asks if he adhered to the Mandalorian Creed, Fett states that he pledges allegiance to no one. Djarin counters that the beskar belongs to the Mandalorians and was stolen from them during the Great Purge of Mandalore. Fett argues that the armor belonged to his father and now belongs to him.
When Djarin asks what prevents him from shooting him, Fett warns that a sharpshooter on the ridge has a locked scope and will fire the moment he falls. Djarin, wearing beskar, threatens to kill Fett and his companion. Fett retorts that his friend has locked onto Grogu. Fennec Shand identifies herself as the sniper, reminding Djarin of her accuracy.

Djarin demands that Shand stand down or he will unleash his whistling birds. Fett proposes that Djarin and Shand lower their weapons to negotiate. Djarin insists that Fett tell Shand to drop her weapon. Fett counters that he should drop his jetpack first. Djarin and Shand comply, with Djarin setting down his jetpack. Shand comments that Djarin appears to have seen a ghost. When Djarin mentions her apparent death, Fett reveals that she was left for dead on Tatooine, as was he, adding that fate sometimes intervenes to save the unfortunate. Shand displays cybernetics in her lower abdomen, stating that Boba Fett was her fate and that she now serves him.
Fett reiterates his demand for the return of his armor. When Djarin objects based on the Mandalorian Creed, Fett asserts that the armor was given to his father Jango Fett by his ancestors. In exchange for the armor, Fett guarantees the safety of the Child and Djarin. Shand notes that the bounty on the Child has increased significantly, worth ten suits. Fett argues that their offer is fair under the circumstances.
A third starship appears, scattering the three. Djarin rushes back to Grogu, who is enveloped in the rising force field. Djarin tries to enter the force field but is repelled. Meanwhile, Fett and Shand take cover near the shuttle. Stormtroopers emerge from the shuttle and are met with fire from Fett and Shand, who manage to eliminate several. As the Stormtrooper Commander orders his men to spread out, Fett signals Shand to separate.

Concealed behind rocks, she attacks the troopers' flank. The commander orders his remaining forces to approach from different directions. However, Fett ambushes a stormtrooper with his gaderffii stick. Fett circles the troops, striking them with his gaderffii stick and knocking them down. He strikes a wounded soldier across the head, damaging his helmet. More stormtroopers exit the shuttle, but Shand eliminates them.
Several stormtroopers set up a mortar device and an E-Web heavy repeating blaster cannon, manned by an Imperial artillery stormtrooper. A stormtrooper fires at Shand, forcing her to take cover. Shand kicks down a boulder, crushing the heavy repeating blaster and its user. Fett ambushes the commander with his Gaderffii stick, stabbing him through his chest armor. Fett then notices his armor in the nearby Razor Crest.
Meanwhile, Shand evades pursuing stormtroopers, eliminating several. A second Imperial shuttle lands in the clearing. While Shand fights the stormtroopers, Djarin watches Grogu meditate. Djarin decides to protect Grogu and heads down to confront the stormtroopers.
After Djarin leaves, the Child stops summoning the Force field and collapses. Stormtroopers approach Shand, but she eliminates them with her blaster. However, she is soon surrounded by reinforcements. The stormtroopers tell her that they seek the Child. Djarin arrives and uses his whistling birds to eliminate several stormtroopers. He and Shand fight together. Djarin offers Shand a chance to redeem herself. Shand accepts, and they fight together.

Boba Fett arrives in his reclaimed armor and jetpack and uses a grav charge to disorient the stormtroopers. He eliminates several with his blaster and in hand-to-hand combat. The remaining stormtroopers retreat when he kills two with rocket darts concealed in his kneepads. They flee aboard their ships, which depart. After scanning the ships, Fett uses his jetpack's missile to destroy the engines of one shuttle, causing it to collide with the other. Both ships explode.
Djarin compliments Fett's marksmanship, but Fett says he was aiming for the other one. A turbolaser blast destroys the parked Razor Crest. Shand tells Fett to get to his ship. Djarin watches the wreckage of his ship before spotting a light cruiser. Djarin realizes that the Imperials are after the Child.
On the cruiser, the gunnery officer informs Moff Gideon that it was a direct hit. Gideon asks if the Dark troopers have been deployed. The Imperial comms officer replies momentarily. Four armored Dark Troopers descend onto the magic rock. Djarin, Fett, and Shand run up, but the droids reach Grogu first. One of them snatches the screaming Grogu and flees into orbit.

Shand tells Fett, who is flying Slave I, that the Imperials have taken the "baby." Djarin convinces Shand and Fett to call off the attack. Fett decides to follow them. He follows the Dark troopers into the upper atmosphere of Tython. Sighting the orbiting light cruiser, Fett says that the Empire is back.
Shand is shocked, believing that the Outer Rim is under the jurisdiction of the New Republic. Fett responds that this is real because he is seeing the Imperial cruiser. Fett decides to head back while the Imperial cruiser jumps into hyperspace.
Djarin surveys the wreckage of his ship. He finds the joystick ball and places it in his pocket. Shand stands silently while Djarin retrieves the beskar spear. He approaches Fett and Shand, telling him that this is all that survived. Fett shows Djarin a hologram of his chain code, which has been encoded in his armor for 25 years. Written in Mando'a script, the chain code contains his family lineage, revealing "foundling," "mentor Jaste," "father Fett" and "Boba Fett" along with "Concord Dawn" and other words.
Djarin realizes that Fett's father was a foundling. Fett confirms this and adds that Jango Fett even fought in the Mandalorian Civil Wars. Recognizing Fett and his father as Mandalorians, Djarin allows Fett to keep his armor. Fett is pleased. Djarin thinks their deal is complete, but Fett says not quite because he and Shand promised to guarantee the safety of the Child in exchange for the armors return. Since the Child has been kidnapped, Fett says that he and Shand are in Djarin's debt until the safe return of Grogu.

The trio travel on Slave I to Nevarro City. There, Djarin learns that Carasynthia Dune has become a Marshal of the New Republic. He tells her that he needs her help to locate someone on the New Republic prison registry. While Dune consults her computer, Djarin explains that he is looking for a former Imperial sharpshooter named Migs Mayfeld, who was apprehended near the Dilestri system on a derelict prison ship. Dune finds that Mayfeld is serving a 50 year sentence in the Karthon Chop Fields for springing a prisoner himself and being an accessory to the death of a New Republic officer.
Dune surmises that Mayfeld is trouble and asks why Djarin needs him. Djarin explains that he needs his help in locating Moff Gideon's light cruiser. Dune is sympathetic but says that she needs to follow rules as a Marshal. Djarin tells Dune that the Imperials have the "kid."
Gideon's light cruiser travels through hyperspace. Moff Gideon exits the bridge and walks down a corridor flanked by stormtroopers. He enters a cell where he finds Grogu using his Force powers to throw stormtroopers. Grogu even Force chokes them. One of the stormtroopers issues the order to set for stun but Gideon motions him to wait. Gideon watches as Grogu hurls stormtroopers against the walls before collapsing.

Gideon compliments Grogu for his display of Force powers but says it makes him sleepy. He then shows Grogu the Darksaber, asking if he has seen its like before deactivating it, saying that Grogu is not yet ready to wield it. He then tells Grogu that he could do with a nice sleep before a stormtrooper stuns him. The female Imperial comms officer watches from behind. Gideon then orders the stormtroopers to put Grogu into shackles.
He then tells the comms officer to send an encrypted message to Dr. Pershing, telling him that they have gotten their donor. As the Imperials leave the cell, a stormtrooper applies electric shackles around Grogu's body.