A Stormtrooper Commander, a male human, was part of a Galactic Empire remnant under the command of Moff Gideon. In 9 ABY, Gideon dispatched the commander and his detachment to the planet Tython with the mission of capturing Grogu, the Force-sensitive infant. The trooper urged his fellow soldiers to push forward up the incline against Fennec Shand, an assassin, and Boba Fett, a bounty hunter, while maintaining continuous fire. Ultimately, Fett outmaneuvered the Stormtrooper Commander, striking him down with a gaderffii stick, resulting in the death of the hunter's bounty.
During the reign of the New Republic, the aforementioned Stormtrooper Commander served within a remnant faction of the Galactic Empire under the leadership of Moff Gideon. Aboard Gideon's light cruiser in 9 ABY, the trooper journeyed as it tracked the gunship known as the Razor Crest to the planet Tython, their objective being to locate and secure the Force-sensitive child, Grogu. Gideon deployed the Stormtrooper Commander to the planet's surface via an Imperial transport, where he led a detachment with orders to find and capture Grogu. After the dropship landed near the Razor Crest, the stormtroopers disembarked and advanced towards the child's location. However, they were immediately met with enemy fire from Boba Fett, the bounty hunter, and Fennec Shand, the assassin, who were positioned on a higher slope, resulting in several trooper casualties before the Stormtrooper Commander instructed them to move up the hill after the pair.

The commander's unit engaged the two adversaries, utilizing their E-11 medium blaster rifles. The trooper directed a member of the unit to flank them from above on their left side. The other stormtrooper responded by saying that there was too much incoming fire right before being shot and killed, which caused the commander to order the remaining troopers to proceed up the slope. As stormtrooper reinforcements arrived from the dropship, the troopers continued to fire up the hill slope, sustaining further losses from Shand's attacks. An Artillery stormtrooper and an E-Web turret attempted to eliminate the assassin, but she dislodged a large boulder, which crushed several stormtroopers and the E-Web emplacement before coming to rest near the Stormtrooper Commander.
The commander urged the other stormtroopers to continue their advance before Fett, having stealthily approached from behind, tapped the trooper on the shoulder with his gaderffii stick. The stormtrooper attempted to raise his blaster, but the bounty hunter disarmed the trooper, knocking the rifle from the trooper's grasp, and taking down the commander. After eliminating three more stormtroopers with his weapon, Fett walked to the Stormtrooper Commander and grabbed the trooper by the throat, throwing the commander to the ground and impaling the trooper's chest armor. Despite the arrival of another Imperial transport, the remaining stormtroopers quickly retreated, and Fett destroyed both dropships as they ascended. However, Gideon's cruiser destroyed the Razor Crest, and his dark troopers successfully captured Grogu and escaped.

The Stormtrooper Commander, a human male, consistently instructed the trooper's subordinates to advance toward the enemy, even berating one of them as an idiot when the other trooper voiced concerns about the intensity of the incoming fire.
The Stormtrooper Commander made an appearance in "Chapter 14: The Tragedy" of The Mandalorian, the 2019 Disney+ television series created by Jon Favreau, directed by Robert Rodriguez, and released on December 4, 2020. While unnamed in the episode, the trooper was identified as "Stormtrooper 2" in the subtitles and was portrayed by an uncredited extra.