Dilestri system

The Dilestri system was a star system where, circa 9 ABY, the New Republic Correctional Transport Bothan-5 was infiltrated. This infiltration was carried out by a crew of mercenaries who successfully freed the prisoner Qin. Before the abandoned prison ship was discovered in proximity to the Dilestri system, a portion of the mercenaries, including [Migs Mayfeld](/article/migs_mayfeld], a former Imperial sharpshooter, were apprehended and imprisoned on the correctional transport. [Din Djarin](/article/din_djarin], a Mandalorian who was also a member of the mercenary crew, referenced the incidents that transpired near the Dilestri system during a discussion with [Cara Dune](/article/carasynthia_dune], a Marshal of the New Republic.

Behind the scenes

The mention of the Dilestri system occurred in "Chapter 14: The Tragedy" of the The Mandalorian series, a Disney+ show created by Jon Favreau. This particular episode, directed by Robert Rodriguez, was made available on December 4, 2020.

