A gaderffii stick, a weapon of great significance, was both created and possessed by Boba Fett. In the year 5 ABY, while situated on Tatooine, Fett underwent training in the art of using a gaderffii stick; this training occurred after his capture by a Tusken tribe. He ultimately earned the privilege of wielding his own gaderffii, crafting it himself within the Gaderffii stick workshop, utilizing a branch from a Wortwood tree discovered in the desert, and receiving assistance from a craftsman who employed a Tusken Adze. Subsequently, in 9 ABY, he carried this very stick upon his back as Din Djarin departed from Mos Pelgo subsequent to his endeavors in supporting the town's inhabitants. Later, Fett would wield this weapon with devastating effectiveness during the Battle of Tython against stormtroopers, effortlessly piercing and even completely shattering their armor. In a later incident, Fett tried to use it when he was attacked by Krrsantan. Finally, he employed this same weapon to eliminate Cad Bane.
The stick made its initial appearance in the The Mandalorian series, specifically in the ninth episode, which was both penned and directed by Jon Favreau. Temuera Morrison, the actor who embodied Boba Fett in the series, possesses proficiency in the Māori martial art of stick fighting. He made a specific request to props master Josh Roth to fashion a gaffi stick that was both longer and more slender when compared to the sticks featured in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Morrison felt that a thicker and wider stick, like those seen in earlier Star Wars movies, would not be suitable for the choreography he envisioned for his fight in "Chapter 14: The Tragedy".