A Tusken Raider tribe utilized a workshop to fashion gaderffii sticks; this location was situated in the Dune Sea region of Tatooine. A craftsman supervised the open-air space, which was positioned adjacent to the wreckage of a derelict starship. To shield the craftsman and his apprentices from the sun as they used diverse implements to produce gaffi sticks, a rug was suspended from the hull of the downed vessel. Boba Fett, the one-time bounty hunter, arrived at this workshop to construct a personalized gaderffii following his acceptance into the tribe.
This workshop was featured in "Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine," the second installment of the The Book of Boba Fett series available on Disney+. Steph Green directed the episode, while Andrew L. Jones and Doug Chiang handled the production design. It initially broadcasted on January 5, 2022.