Chapter 9: The Marshal

title: "Chapter 9: The Marshal"

The initial episode of the second season of the television show The Mandalorian is entitled "Chapter 9: The Marshal". Jon Favreau both wrote and directed the episode, which was broadcast on Disney+ on October 30, 2020.

Official description

In his quest to find others like himself, The Mandalorian journeys to the Outer Rim.

Plot summary

Encounter with Koresh

Din Djarin, the Mandalorian, and Grogu proceed down a street in an industrialized city toward a smaller building. His repulsorlift cradle is where Grogu is seated. As they move past lights that appear to frighten away the wild dogs that are watching them, red eyes emerge from the shadows. Djarin knocks, and a dark–skinned Twi'lek doorman answers; Djarin requests to speak with Gor Koresh. The Twi'lek invites him to watch the fight before escorting him to a makeshift arena where Gamorreans are fighting with vibro-axes to the cheers of onlookers.

The Abyssin is sitting next to Djarin, who says that this is not a suitable place for a child. The Mandalorian answers that Grogu accompanies him everywhere and that he has been "quested" to deliver him to his kind. Djarin wants Koresh's assistance in locating other Mandalorians who might be able to help him with the task that "the Armorer" has given him. Koresh says that discussing business is impolite and tells him to enjoy the show. Grogu squirms as one of the Gamorreans knocks his opponent to the ground. Koresh encourages the Gamorrean to finish off his opponent, but the latter manages to avoid getting hurt.

Djarin states that he would rather avoid gambling when Koresh inquires as to whether the Mandalorian enjoys it. Koresh responds that he is wagering the information that he seeks on the possibility that one of the Gamorreans will perish within the next ninety seconds. Koresh proposes that Djarin exchange his beskar armor in exchange for the information. Din responds that he is willing to pay, but he is not prepared to leave his destiny to chance. Koresh replies that he is not either before shooting one Gamorrean, causing the spectators to flee as Koresh's associates come out with blasters aimed at Djarin.

Djarin is mocked by Koresh for sparing him the effort of hunting down Mandalorians in order to take their beskar armor. He claims that beskar's worth is still rising and that he has made money from it. Koresh orders the Mandalorian to give up his armor or die while holding him at gunpoint. Djarin gives Koresh one more opportunity to avoid conflict, offering to spare his life in exchange for information on where to find other Mandalorians. When Koresh responds that Djarin had previously stated he wasn't a gambler, the Mandalorian replies that he is not before activating his whistling birds, which temporarily blinds Koresh's thugs.

Djarin starts battling Koresh's thugs after pushing Grogu away. The surviving Gamorrean fighter attacks the Mandalorian but misses and collides with a wooden bench. Djarin is grabbed by the dark Twi'lek and a Zabrak man, but he is able to break free. An alien with black curly hair and another Zabrak join the fight, but the Mandalorian murders them with a blade. Koresh makes an attempt to flee Djarin after his colleagues are either incapacitated or killed.

However, his attempt is short-lived as Djarin shoots a whipcord from his wrist to catch him in a snare. Djarin throws the whipcord over a pole, forcing Koresh to be hung by his feet. While hanging, Koresh begs for mercy, offering to sell him the whereabouts of another Mandalorian in return for his life. Djarin responds that Koresh will not die by his hand before getting to business. Koresh informs Din of a rumored Mandalorian residing in Mos Pelgo on the planet Tatooine. Djarin is pleased with the information, so he leaves Koresh hanging and starts to walk away with Grogu. After getting away from the light pole, Mando shoots out the light as the red-eyed creatures begin to swarm towards Koresh. Koresh screams as the animals descend upon him, and Djarin and Grogu leave.

Hangar 3-5

Din Djarin makes his way to Tatooine aboard the Razor Crest. As the ship enters Tatooine's atmosphere, it passes over a number of hills and a Tusken Raider riding his bantha steed. Djarin touches down the Razor Crest at Peli Motto's hangar bay located in Mos Eisley. Djarin permits the three DUM-series pit droids to service his ship, stating that the Crest requires a thorough "one-over," in contrast to his prior visit. Peli observes that he now appreciates droids before permitting them to work on the Razor Crest. She comments that a lot has changed since Din was last in Mos Eisley.

Peli is also happy to see Grogu, saying that she had been worrying about him, and quips that she wishes she could have more of Grogu's kind. As the pit droids tangle with a coil, Peli warns her droids to be careful since the Mandalorian distrusts droids and warns them not to give their kind a "bad name." Djarin explains that he is here on business and needs her help. Peli offers to look after Grogu while he goes adventuring. Djarin responds that he is on a quest to bring Grogu back to his kind.

Peli replies that she cannot help because she has never before encountered Grogu's kind. Din explains that the Mandalorian "Armorer" has sent him to seek one of his own kind. If he can locate one of his he can chart a path through the network of coverts. Peli says that he is the only Mandalorian that she has seen in years. While the droids work on the Razor Crest, Djarin asks Motto about Mos Pelgo, a city lost to time and from all maps. Motto explains how after the Empire's fall, the planet became a free-for-all in the power vacuum and the city was destroyed by bandits. After calling over her R5-series astromech droid R5-D4 to project a hologram of Tatooine, Motto shows where on the map it should be before the war; explaining that Mos Pelgo used to be an old mining settlement.

Mos Pelgo

Djarin embarks on his voyage to the forgotten settlement of Mos Pelgo aboard a Zephyr-J speeder bike after Motto informs him that anyone would spot his ship from far away. He comes across Tusken Raiders along the way and sits by a fire with them. Djarin continues his journey, passing through rocky passes into a flat desert plain. Djarin eventually locates the city and slowly travels down the main street of shacks until he notices the town's tiny cantina. Djarin gets off his speeder and leaves Grogu in his side pack before entering the small establishment. Djarin inquires with Taanti, the Weequay bartender, while looking around the empty interior as Grogu sneaks into the bar behind him. The bartender asks for a description of the person he is looking for, and Djarin simply says that they would look like him. Taanti tilts his head back in recognition and asks if he means "the Marshal." Djarin turns to see The Marshal in the doorway, casting his shadow along the floor.

The man wears a set of Mandalorian armor, previously worn by bounty hunter Boba Fett, does so callously, with chest plate and arm gauntlets standing out from normal undergarments. Djarin informs who he believes to be a Mandalorian that he's been searching for him for many parsecs and is excited to talk to him. Ordering two snorts of spotchka, the Marshal proceeds to grab the drinks from the Weequay and sit down at a table, inviting Djarin to a drink. Djarin begins to move towards the table when the other removes his helmet. He then states that he's never met a real Mandalorian, citing stories about their notorious ability to kill. He admits that he expects Djarin to be upset about him wearing the traditional armor of Mandalorians and announces that he believed a duel would ensue until he saw Grogu. He then reveals his name to be Cobb Vanth, the protector and marshal of Mos Pelgo, upon Djarin's request.

Vanth informs him that he purchased the armor from some Jawas when Djarin inquires as to how he obtained it. Din demands that he hand over the armor. Vanth replies that he understands that Din calls the shots where he comes from but that he is the one who tells folks what to do around here. When Djarin demands that he take it off, Vanth asks if he is going to do it in front of the "kid." Djarin replies that Grogu has seen worse. The two men agree to settle their dispute within the cantina. Before the two men can fight, they hear rumbling outside.

They exit and hear klaxons ringing. A pair of scurriers scurry away while a bantha grunts. Several Mos Pelgo residents flee into their houses as a large monstrous shape swims under the sand, stirring up the ground beneath. The creature, a krayt dragon devours a bantha that had been drinking water from a trough nearby. Vanth suggests that they can work something out. Meanwhile, Grogu emerges from a pot. Following the departure of the monster, the residents begin repairing the damage. Vanth explains that the creature had been terrorizing the area long before Mos Pelgo was established.

Vanth explains that he has used this set of Mandalorian armor to protect the town from bandits and Sand People but that the krayt dragon is too much for him to take on alone. He offers to give the armor to Din in return for helping him kill the monster. Djarin accepts and proposes using the Razor Crest to blow the krayt dragon out of the sky using the bantha as bait. Vanth warns this plan won't work because the krayt dragon senses the vibrations created by starships and can hide underground. Vanth offers to lead Djarin to where the krayt dragon lives, which he says is not far.

Traveling with Cobb Vanth

The two travel to the krayt dragon's lair, with Din riding his Zephyr-J speeder bike and Vanth riding a contraption made from a modified podracer engine. While riding through the dunes, Vanth explains that Mos Pelgo was on its "last legs" shortly after they got news about the second Death Star's destruction. While residents had cheered the Battle of Endor and the withdrawal of Imperial forces from Tatooine, their celebration was short-lived because the Mining Collective took advantage of the power vacuum to invade Mos Pelgo and turn it into a slave camp overnight. That night, Vanth had managed to escape with a camtono carrying silicax crystals.

Vanth explained that he had wandered for days with no food and water when he encountered a Jawa sandcrawler. The Jawas saved his life in return for the camtono of silicate crystals. In addition to the full waterskin, Vanth used the crystals to obtain a suit of Mandalorian armor. Armed with the armor and ammunition, he expelled the Mining Collective from Mos Pelgo, using the rocket in his jetpack to destroy the fleeing thugs and their landspeeder.

Djarin and Vanth travel through a canyon where they encounter a pack of massiffs. Din speaks to the beasts in Tusken, causing the beasts to act friendly towards them. As Djarin strokes a massiff, a group of Tusken Raiders approach. Using Tusken, Djarin communicates with the Tuskens. When Vanth asks what is going on, Djarin explains that they also want to kill the krayt dragon.

Forging an alliance

Later that night, Din and Vanth sit by a campfire with the Tuskens. Djarin speaks with the Tuskens while Grogu nervously watches a massiff. The Tusken chieftain offers Vanth a drink from a black melon. Vanth is reluctant but Din explains that it is wise not to offend their hosts since the Tuskens are upset with the settlers for stealing their water and not drinking it. The Tusken chieftain is aware that Vanth had killed several members of his clan during a raid on Mos Pelgo. Vanth and the Tusken chieftain argue but Djarin silences the argument by firing a flamethrower. He tells the Tusken chieftain and Vanth that if they fight among themselves, the monster will kill them. Din turns his attention to the attention of killing the krayt dragon.

The following day, Djarin, Grogu, and Vanth accompany the Tusken Raiders on banthas to confront the krayt dragon. While Djarin, Vanth, Grogu and the Tuskens watch from a cliff, a lone Tusken and his steed ride into a large cave, which one of the Tuskens explains is the home of the krayt dragon. Translating, Djarin explains that the krayt dragon lives in an abandoned sarlacc pit. Vanth says that he has lived on Tatooine his whole life and that there is no such thing as an abandoned sarlacc pit. Din disagrees, suggesting that the krayt dragon ate the sarlacc.

Peering below with his binoculars, Djarin explains that the Tuskens are laying out a bantha to protect a settlement. Having studied its digestive cycle for generations, Djarin explains that the Tuskens feed the dragon to make it sleep longer. After tying the bantha to a stake, the Tusken Raider calls out to the krayt dragon before running away. The krayt dragon emerges and soon devours the Tusken Raider but leaving the bantha. As Grogu scurries away in fear, the Tuskens react in horror. Djarin opines that the Tuskens may be open to some fresh ideas.

Later, the Tuskens discuss a plan using bones and rocks to show the krayt dragon and them. Studying the model, Vanth and Djarin realize the sheer enormity of the krayt dragon. The plan involves Vanth's village. Later the two ride back on their speeders to Mos Pelgo. Vanth is unhappy about working with the Tusken clan, since they killed six of their miners less than a year ago. Vanth explains that he took down twice as many Tuskens. Din says that the town respects Vanth and will listen to reason. Vanth disagrees.

Convincing the townsfolk

At Mos Pelgo, Cobb Vanth convenes a townhall meeting, introducing the Mandalorian Din Djarin to them. When the Weequay bartender remarks that he has heard the stories, Vanth adds "then you would know how good they are at killing". Vanth explains that Djarin wants to claim his armor before talking about the krayt dragon's raids on their farm animals and theft of their mining equipment. Vanth warns that the krayt dragon might turn its attention to sentient beings and the school. Vanth says that the Mandalorian is willing to help them slay the leviathan in exchange for returning the armor to its ancestral owners.

Vanth then explains that they can't take on the krayt dragon alone but that the Sand People are willing to help. A villager denounces the Sand People as monsters who raid their mines. Vanth responds that the krayt dragon could devour their town. Djarin speaks up for the Tusken Raiders, saying that they are brutal but that they have survived for thousands of years in the Dune Sea. While they are raiders, Djarin says that the Tusken Raiders will keep their word. He explains that they have struck a deal with the Sand People. In return for leaving them the krayt dragon's carcass and its ichor, the Sand People will stand by their side in battle and not attack this town unless one of the townsfolk breaks the peace.

The townsfolk agree and begin assembling explosives and munitions. Later, the Sand People arrive on bantha steeds and begin loading explosives onto their banthas. One of the villagers argues with a Tusken Raider after he drops a shell. Vanth calms the situation down, explaining that it was an accident. After loading weapons, Din and Vanth travel with the Tusken Raiders and townsfolk towards the cave of the krayt dragon.

Confronting the krayt dragon

Jo handed Vanth the master detonator

A lone Tusken approaches the cave while Grogu watches from his cradle. The Tusken scout says that the krayt dragon is sleeping. After Vanth drinks a drink offered by the Tuskens, the townsfolk and the Tuskens get to work planting charges at the opening of the cave. The next stage of the plan involves provoking the krayt dragon into charging outside the cave. Once it has exited far enough, their plan is to set the detonators to explode. A girl named Jo hands Vanth the master detonator. He thanks her and tells her to stay safe.

The Tuskens and townsfolk form a horseshoe-shaped array of ballistae outside the cave. Three Tuskens then approach the cave and make war cries, which awaken the krayt dragon. They then flee the cave as the krayt dragon emerges, causing the ground to shake. The Tuskens fire their ballistae, which pierce the krayt dragon's hide. However the beasts begins to withdraw into the cave. The townsfolk and Tuskens fire and hurl objects at the krayt dragon in an effort to lure it out. Using their ropes and ballistae, the Tuskens and settlers try to drag out the beast.

As it advances, the krayt dragon vomits on them. When the krayt dragon is over the explosives, Djarin instructs Vanth to ignite them, causing the krayt dragon to fall into the sand. As the settlers and Tusken approach the blast site, Djarin and Vanth agree that it is not yet dead. The krayt dragon re-emerges from the top of a hill, spewing vomit on the Tuskens and settlers. Djarin and Vanth ignite their jetpacks and fly up to confront the krayt dragon while Grogu watches from his cradle.

Jetting to the top of the hill, the two men fire at the krayt dragon, causing it to retreat underground. The krayt dragon soon returns and emerges behind the attacking force. At the instigation of Djarin, Vanth distracts the krayt dragon by firing rockets at it. Djarin tells Vanth to look after Grogu before hitting Vanth's jetpack, causing him to fly away to the flanks. After activating the detonators on a bantha steed, Din holds on to the bantha's reins as the krayt dragon swallows them both before disappearing underground.

Meanwhile, Vanth lands at the edge of the battle. While Grogu, the settlers and Tuskens watch, the krayt dragon re-emerges. Djarin flies out of its mouth with his jetpack and detonates the explosives, killing the krayt dragon. The townsfolk and Tuskens cheer over the defeat of the krayt dragon.


Later, the Tuskens harvest the flesh of the krayt dragon. Grogu eyes the meat while Din loads a block of meat onto his speeder bike. Djarin apologized to Vanth for not explaining his plan, but the Marshal understands. Honoring their agreement, Vanth hands the Mandalorian armor and jetpack to Djarin before telling him to tell his people that he did not damage the jetpack. A Tusken finds the krayt dragon pearl as the Tuskens cheer. Djarin rides away with Grogu and the Mandalorian armor and jetpack. As he rides into the sunset, a scarred, bald man wearing robes and armed with a Gaderffii stick watches in the distance, before walking away.


Every episode of the series has been released using letterbox framing. This episode is unique in that it shifted to full screen for the scenes involving the battle against the krayt dragon. As the krayt broke the surface of the sand coming out of its cave the scene gradually widened to full screen and narrowed back to letterbox framing as Djarin sped away with Boba Fett's armor.


