Jo, a female human inhabitant of Freetown, a town located on Tatooine, resided there after the Galactic Empire's downfall. When a krayt dragon posed a threat to the town, Cobb Vanth, the town's marshal, consented to collaborate with Din Djarin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, and a neighboring Tusken Raiders tribe to subdue the dragon. Djarin offered the assistance of Mos Pelgo's inhabitants in the fight. As the Mos Pelgo residents and Tusken Raiders prepared an ambush for the krayt dragon, Jo armed the explosives placed under the sand. She then handed the detonator to Vanth, cautioning him to handle it carefully. Jo survived the krayt dragon confrontation and aided the Tuskens and other villagers in stripping its remains.
During the New Republic era, Jo made her home in the town of Mos Pelgo, situated on the desert planet of Tatooine. While living there, she developed a fondness for desert hunting. Cobb Vanth, the Marshal, protected Jo and the other townsfolk from bandits and Tusken Raiders. He wore Mandalorian armor that once belonged to the renowned bounty hunter Boba Fett, but they constantly faced the menace of a leviathan krayt dragon. In 9 ABY, Din Djarin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, sought out another Mandalorian and heard about someone in Mandalorian armor in Mos Pelgo. Consequently, Djarin traveled to the town and located Vanth. Despite their disagreement over Vanth's possession of Mandalorian armor without adhering to the Mandalorian Creed, Djarin agreed to assist in killing the krayt dragon in exchange for the armor.
Vanth and Djarin devised a plan to eliminate the Krayt dragon, persuading the people of Mos Pelgo to set aside their conflict with a Tusken Raider tribe and unite against the creature. When the Tusken Raider tribe arrived to load supplies onto their banthas, Jo helped move supplies from a storage facility on the town's outskirts for the impending battle. After confirming that it was asleep, the combined forces journeyed to the krayt dragon's den, a deserted sarlacc pit, and began preparing a trap for the beast.
The residents of Mos Pelgo and the Tuskens excavated pits to install explosive charges, with Jo setting up the detonator for them. She entrusted the detonator to Vanth, advising him to exercise caution. The marshal thanked her and instructed her to stay safe, to which Jo responded with a nod and quickly departed. The combined forces initiated their trap, initially failing to eliminate the krayt dragon with the buried explosives. However, Djarin managed to have the creature consume a bantha laden with explosives and transformed the beast into a carcass by detonating them. Afterward, Jo assisted in scavenging the krayt dragon's remains.
Later, the locals renamed Mos Pelgo to Freetown. Around the same time, Boba Fett, having reclaimed his armor from Djarin, established himself as daimyo of Tatooine. However, he was challenged by the Pyke Syndicate, which was expanding its spice operations on the planet. Vanth also clashed with some Pyke Syndicate Foot Soldiers and sent a survivor back with a message to the syndicate. Djarin, who had returned to aid Fett, revisited Freetown and negotiated with Vanth for assistance against the Pyke Syndicate. However, as Djarin departed, Cad Bane, a Duros bounty hunter working with the Pykes, approached Freetown. Upon spotting Bane, Vanth instructed Jo, who was cleaning a speeder bike, to lead the other residents indoors.
Jo inquired if something was amiss, and the marshal explained that he was erring on the side of caution. Consequently, she guided other residents into the saloon as Vanth prepared to confront Bane. As they exchanged words, Jo peeked through a window to observe. A standoff ensued, culminating in Bane fatally shooting both the marshal and his deputy, Scott. Bane delivered a message to Freetown, demanding that they allow the syndicate's spice operations to proceed, and then departed. Jo and the other residents then approached an injured Vanth with a medical kit, followed by several other residents.
Following their marshal's shooting, the people of Freetown dispatched their own garrison of combat-ready citizens to assist Fett in the city of Mos Espa, with Jo among the fighters. The garrison journeyed into the city aboard a modified V-35 Courier landspeeder equipped with a turret operated by the Weequay proprietor Taanti. The speeder arrived at the ruins of the Sanctuary, a cantina that the Pyke Syndicate had bombed, where Fett and Djarin had engaged invading Pyke forces. Jo and the other Freetown fighters then disembarked under Taanti's turret cover before it was destroyed by enemy fire. Utilizing the speeder as cover, the group's firepower forced the syndicate's foot soldiers to seek cover.
Shortly after, the Mods, a gang of cybernetically enhanced individuals employed by Fett, arrived on their speeders and took cover behind the V-35 Courier. Skad, one of the Mods, inquired about the Freetown fighters' origin, referring to them as sand scurriers. Jo responded that she and her comrades were there to save their "tails," calling them city rats in return. Fett advised them to reserve their animosity for the Pyke Syndicate. Additionally, the injured Wookiee bounty hunter Krrsantan joined their forces. At that moment, the Pyke foot soldiers began retreating, prompting Fett's side to cheer in victory.
However, their celebration was short-lived as two Pyke Syndicate Scorpenek annihilator droids arrived, encased in deflector shields. While Jo and her allies began firing on the droids, their shots were ineffective, and the Scorpeneks retaliated. Fett and Djarin instructed Jo and the others to flee while they distracted the two droids, which destroyed the landspeeder. One of the Scorpeneks pursued Jo's group as they fled through the streets of Mos Espa. Taanti eventually advised the group to take cover, and they all entrenched behind a low wall. Drash, another Mod, insisted that they must cease retreating, and Jo relayed this advice to Taanti upon his arrival. Although the Weequay believed digging in was a poor idea, Drash argued that they would have no cover if they continued running.
Drash then proposed utilizing a rooftop as a firing position. Observing the mod's small blaster pistol, Jo doubted its suitability for sniping and had Taanti exchange his cycler rifle for it. Jo and Drash then exited their position through the back and ascended to the rooftops. Once there, Drash asked Jo to eliminate some of the Pykes, to which Jo cited her desert hunting experience. Consequently, Drash decided to distract the Scorpenek droid and began firing openly at it. Simultaneously, Jo mobilized, gunning down several Pyke foot soldiers below who were initially unaware of her presence.
The Scorpenek fired at Drash and Jo, forcing them to take cover, but they were unharmed and returned to fire when Fett arrived, riding a rancor. Fett and his rancor battled and destroyed the droid, and Djarin arrived and urged the other fighters to pursue the remaining Pyke Syndicate forces. Jo and the others proceeded to pursue the Pykes but were distracted when Fett's rancor went on a rampage, having been provoked by Cad Bane. The fighters, including Jo, fired on the rancor.
Jo made her debut in "Chapter 9: The Marshal," the opening episode of the second season of the television series The Mandalorian, which premiered on Disney+ on October 30, 2020. Karisma Gideon played her.