Serving under Sheriff Cobb Vanth, Scott held the position of deputy in Freetown, a settlement located on the planet of Tatooine. Scott, a human, met his end during a duel; he was killed by Cad Bane, a Duros mercenary.

Around 9 ABY, Scott began his service as the deputy to Marshal Cobb Vanth in Freetown, a settlement situated on the desert planet Tatooine. Upon observing the arrival of a N-1 starfighter, which had landed right in the center of the town's main thoroughfare, he promptly informed its pilot, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin, about the improper parking. He insisted that Djarin relocate his vessel to the outskirts of town. Djarin disregarded Scott's instruction, stating that he was there to see Vanth. Scott took this personally and instinctively reached for his blaster. However, the marshal himself intervened, dismissing Scott and proceeding to greet his old acquaintance. Vanth characterized Scott as "jumpy," explaining that he had only recently been appointed to the role.
Shortly after Djarin's eventual departure, Vanth noticed Cad Bane, a Duros bounty hunter, approaching Freetown on foot. The marshal directed the townspeople to seek shelter inside their homes. Scott emerged from the local cantina, questioning his superior about the situation. Vanth responded that he could manage the situation and ordered the deputy to return inside. Scott persisted in his desire to assist, but he was once more instructed to go back inside. He stood by the cantina door as the marshal went to face Bane, who had been dispatched by the Pyke Syndicate.

As Bane attempted to bribe Vanth, Scott declared that the marshal would not accept the offer, drawing a stern look from his superior. When Bane issued a threat to Vanth, both men prepared for a confrontation. Scott also became tense, briefly moving towards Bane and readying to draw. He then reached for his blaster pistol, prompting the other two to do the same. However, the Duros proved to be faster, injuring Vanth and shooting Scott four times in the chest, resulting in his death.
Scott was a human male, distinguished by his light complexion, brown hair that was beginning to grey, and grey eyes.
Scott was a dedicated enforcer of Freetown's laws, as evidenced by his brief interaction with Din Djarin regarding the parking of his starfighter. Cobb Vanth described Scott as "a bit jumpy," indicating his recent appointment and eagerness to demonstrate his authority. While well-intentioned, he lacked an understanding of the situation. These two characteristics contributed to his demise, as he intervened in the conflict between the Marshal and Cad Bane, despite being instructed to allow Vanth to handle it. Ultimately, his actions worsened the situation, distracting Vanth and allowing Bane to shoot both of them, with fatal consequences for Scott.
Scott made his first appearance in "Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger," the sixth installment of the television series The Book of Boba Fett. The episode was broadcast on Disney+ on February 2, 2022. JJ Dashnaw played the character. Although not explicitly named within the episode, Scott's identity was confirmed in the credits.