Cobb Vanth

Cobb Vanth, also known by the moniker "the Marshal", was a human male who existed during the times of both the Galactic Civil War and the subsequent New Republic Era. Having once been subjected to slavery, he ultimately achieved the position of marshal for the settlement of Mos Pelgo located on the planet of Tatooine. He held a deep-seated resentment for the Red Key Raiders, a criminal organization that was attempting to establish a strong presence on the planet. In the immediate aftermath of the Battle of Endor, Vanth made his escape into the desert following the Mining Collective's seizure of Mos Pelgo. Subsequently, he encountered a group of Jawas and engaged in a trade, offering a camtono filled with silicax oxalate crystals in exchange for a set of Mandalorian armor.

At that precise moment, Adwin Charu, an associate of the Red Key, made his way toward the sandcrawler. Vanth engaged in conversation with Charu, assisting him in locating valuable equipment within the vehicle. Upon Charu's discovery of the armor and his desire to claim it for himself, Vanth inflicted an injury upon Charu, deliberately leaving him alive so that he could relay a message to his superior, Lorgan Movellan. Vanth then made his return to the town and, acting alone, drove away the Collective, thereby assuming the responsibilities of both mayor and protector of Mos Pelgo.

In his capacity as both sheriff and mayor of Mos Pelgo, which later became known as Freetown, Vanth spearheaded the resistance of the residents against the Red Key Raiders. During the year 5 ABY, he successfully rescued the beastmaster Malakili from a pair of raiders. Vanth then enlisted the beastmaster's services to care for a group of rontos within Freetown, as well as an infant Hutt that had been acquired from the Red Key Raiders.

At a later point in time, the Red Key launched an attack on Freetown, resulting in its capture and the subjugation of its inhabitants. Movellan confronted Vanth, with both individuals questioning the other's motivations for being on Tatooine. Subsequently, the Hutt, accompanied by Malakili, was brought forth, and it emitted a shriek that served as a signal for Tusken Raider reinforcements to engage the Red Key Raiders. Following this, Vanth inscribed a message onto Movellan, intended for the crime boss's superiors.

By the time 9 ABY arrived, Vanth remained in his position of leadership and continued to defend the town, which included engaging in battles against Tusken Raiders who conducted multiple raids on their village. On one particular occasion, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin arrived in the town, seeking out a fellow Mandalorian. Vanth agreed to relinquish his armor to Djarin in exchange for his assistance in eliminating a krayt dragon that resided in the vicinity. Vanth and Djarin formed an alliance with a local tribe of Tusken Raiders, as well as the people of Mos Pelgo, and together they succeeded in defeating the beast. Following this victory, Vanth handed over the armor to Djarin and they parted ways.

Later on, when the Pyke Syndicate was attempting to incorporate Tatooine into their spice trade operations, Vanth killed three Pykes who were engaged in smuggling spice within his territory. A sole survivor was permitted to escape in his landspeeder. Shortly thereafter, Vanth received a visit from Djarin, who requested his assistance to Daimyo Boba Fett in his war against the Pykes. After Djarin's departure, Vanth was shot by Cad Bane, who informed the residents of Freetown that they would remain unharmed if the spice trade continued without interference. Following a battle, the Pykes were driven off the planet, and Vanth received medical attention for his injuries from a modifier.


Sheriff on Tatooine

Cobb Vanth was born and spent his life on the desert planet of Tatooine, where he was once a slave, bearing a star-shaped mark etched onto his back as an indication of ownership. However, he eventually gained his freedom and rose to become the sheriff of the town of Mos Pelgo. The death of Jabba the Hutt and the termination of the Galactic Empire's occupation of Tatooine in 4 ABY led to a struggle for power on the planet, during which the Red Key Raiders, a criminal syndicate headed by the Weequay Lorgan Movellan that operated under the guise of a legitimate mining enterprise, began to establish its presence on the planet.

Cobb Vanth was present in Mos Pelgo at the time when the second Death Star was destroyed during the Battle of Endor.

On the very night following the Battle of Endor, in that same year, a contingent of the Red Key Raiders known as the Mining Collective arrived in Mos Pelgo and launched an assault on the patrons of the local cantina. As they initiated the process of rounding up the citizens, Vanth and the Weequay bartender Taanti fled from the cantina, with Vanth seizing a camtono before making his escape into the desert. After enduring days of aimless wandering, deprived of sustenance and water, Vanth eventually collapsed and was discovered by a group of Jawa scavengers. Upon providing him with water aboard their sandcrawler, the Jawas opened the camtono and realized that it contained silicax oxalate crystals. Vanth was presented with a variety of objects in exchange for the crystals, including the astromech droid N0-AH, but Vanth rejected them all, instead indicating a damaged Mandalorian armor, which had once belonged to the bounty hunter Boba Fett.

Acquiring Mandalorian armor

While Vanth was still within the confines of the sandcrawler, Adwin Charu, a representative of the Red Key dispatched by Movellan, arrived with the intention of bartering with the Jawa scavengers for droids, weaponry, and mining equipment. Upon greeting Charu, Vanth identified him as an off-worlder. After Adwin inquired as to how Vanth had come to this conclusion, the sheriff explained that he appeared too clean and lacked an understanding of the Jawas' emphasis on rapport. Charu asserted that he did not have the luxury of time to cultivate rapport with Jawas and expressed his intention to visit Mos Pelgo instead. Vanth concurred that the town or the spaceport city of Mos Espa could be of assistance, and Charu attempted to depart. However, Vanth intervened and decided to vouch for him to the Jawas.

Forced into the desert as a consequence of the enslavement of Mos Pelgo, Vanth was rescued by Jawa scavengers.

When Charu inquired about the price he sought, Vanth declined the prospect of monetary compensation. The Red Key employee agreed and requested the sheriff's name, which the lawman readily provided. Vanth then engaged in negotiations with the Jawas, assuring them that both he and Charu possessed credits. Two Jawas escorted the pair to a room containing droids, weaponry, and the wreckage of a Hutt sail barge. Vanth and Charu surveyed the room until Vanth inquired whether Charu was affiliated with the "Red Key Company," which the representative confirmed, while also mentioning the vacuum on Tatooine that the company could potentially fill.

Charu then cast his gaze upon the Mandalorian armor, expressing his desire to bring it to Movellan. Vanth took note of his intention to acquire the armor for himself. Charu dismissed Vanth's concerns, and the sheriff revealed his official title to the Red Key employee. As Adwin threatened to draw his blaster, Vanth drew his own and discharged it, striking the representative in the shoulder. After expressing his disdain for the Red Key Raiders, the sheriff asserted that he was bringing law and order to a lawless territory. Charu pleaded with Vanth not to kill him, and the lawman instructed the representative to convey to Movellan the message that he should depart from the sector.

Protecting Freetown

Equipped with Mandalorian weapons and armor, Vanth confronted the Mining Collective in Mos Pelgo.

Vanth made his way back to Mos Pelgo, adorned in his newly acquired Mandalorian armor, and entered the cantina he had last visited. As he observed the numerous Mining Collective members present in the establishment, he nodded to Taanti, who cautiously sought cover. Vanth then opened fire on the Collective, whose members were unable to return fire due to the protective nature of Vanth's armor. Vanth observed as the remaining members fled for their lives in a transport vehicle, but Vanth launched a missile from his jetpack, resulting in the destruction of the transport. Following this event, Vanth assumed the role of protector of Mos Pelgo and began to oversee the town and safeguard its citizens, holding the title of marshal in addition to that of sheriff.

By the year 5 ABY, Vanth had become the de facto mayor of Mos Pelgo, which had since been renamed Freetown, where the residents stood in defiance of the Red Key Raiders. The Red Key attempted to smuggle an infant Hutt into the palace dias at Freetown, but their efforts were thwarted by Vanth, who acquired the young Hutt. One day, Malakili, the former beastmaster of the late Jabba the Hutt, was robbed by two Red Key thugs while en route to Freetown. However, Vanth arrived with his Twi'lek companion Issa-Or and opened fire on the gangsters, swiftly eliminating them.

Vanth and Issa-Or assisted Malakili in getting to his feet and declared that they represented the law, introducing themselves and Freetown to the beastmaster. Vanth recognized Malakili, but the beastmaster claimed to be of no consequence and expressed his continued mourning for the loss of his rancor Pateesa. Upon learning of Malakili's profession, the sheriff extended an invitation to the beastmaster to reside in Freetown as an animal trainer for the young Hutt and some resident rontos. Malakili accepted the offer, and Vanth and Issa-Or departed for Freetown with the beastmaster.

The Red Key occupation

Vanth collaborated with the Tusken Raiders to safeguard Freetown from the Red Key Raiders.

Despite the fact that Freetown had experienced conflict with Tusken Raiders, Vanth, with the assistance of Malakili, forged an agreement with the raiders to provide protection for Freetown in exchange for water and a pearl extracted from the belly of a krayt dragon. The Tuskens regarded Freetown as a sacred site and respected the fact that it housed a Hutt, who had since been named Borgo. However, Movellan orchestrated an attack on Freetown. Vanth and the residents were overwhelmed by the Red Key criminals, with some fatalities occurring during the conflict. Upon the occupation, Movellan instructed two raiders, the Gran Yimug and the Rodian Gweeska, to bring the cuffed sheriff before him. As Vanth was brought forward, he was thrown to the ground by Yimug and Gweeska, who proceeded to kick him, while the other Red Key Raiders cheered in their vicinity.

Movellan mocked Vanth's Mandalorian armor and commanded Yimug and Gweeska to remove the sheriff's helmet. Lorgan then acknowledged Vanth for impeding the Red Key's progress, with Vanth boasting that it had drawn the crime boss to Freetown, and inquired about Vanth's intentions. After the sheriff expressed his desire for freedom, Lorgan discovered Vanth's slave mark. When Vanth inquired about Movellan's motives for being on Tatooine, the Weequay revealed his intention to enslave the town's population, exploit Tatooine for its dilarium oil and silicax oxalate, and sell Borgo to the Hutts.

Movellan instructed two additional raiders, the Ithorian Vommb and the brute woman Trayness, to bring forth the young Hutt and Malakili. After Lorgan taunted Vanth one final time, the sheriff retorted with his own remark and signaled to Malakili, who issued an order to Borgo. As the crime boss had Trayness strike the beastmaster, the Hutt emitted a shriek. This alerted Tusken Raider reinforcements to Freetown, who launched an assault on the Red Key Raiders. As fighting erupted in the town between the raiders and the Tuskens, Vanth freed himself from his cuffs with the assistance of Malakili and attacked Movellan, disarming the crime boss and forcing him to the ground.

After Vanth informed Movellan of his agreement with the Tuskens, the Weequay attempted to intimidate Vanth by threatening to summon his superiors to eradicate the town. Undeterred by Movellan's threats, the sheriff informed Lorgan that the crime boss was unaware of Vanth's true identity. Despite being aware that he had incurred the wrath of the Red Key, the sheriff declared that he was prepared to die in the service of protecting Freetown and preventing criminal elements from gaining a foothold on Tatooine. As a final insult to the defeated crime boss, Vanth proceeded to carve a message onto Movellan's face.

Meeting a Mandalorian

Cobb Vanth arrives to engage with Din Djarin

By 9 ABY, Vanth held the title of marshal in conjunction with that of sheriff and continued to lead the town as mayor. During that year, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin arrived in the town in search of another Mandalorian. After learning about the individual known as "The Marshal," Djarin encountered Vanth in the local cantina. Vanth ordered two snorts of spotchka before informing Djarin that he had never encountered a genuine Mandalorian. He elaborated by stating that he was familiar with the tales of the Mandalorians and their reputation for their lethal methods. Vanth remarked that he assumed only one of them would emerge from the cantina alive, but upon seeing Grogu, he conceded that he might have misjudged the Mandalorian. When Djarin demanded that Vanth relinquish his armor, Vanth refused and stood up, preparing for a confrontation.

However, a nearby leviathan krayt dragon triggered an earthquake that shook the entire town and devoured another one of their banthas. Vanth explained to Djarin that the creature had been terrorizing the region since before Mos Pelgo was established. Vanth had been safeguarding the town from sand people and bandits, but the dragon proved to be too formidable for him to handle alone. He offered his armor to Djarin in exchange for assistance in eliminating the beast, stating later that he held the town in greater regard than his armor. Vanth and Djarin embarked on a journey to the krayt dragon's lair on speeder bikes. En route, Vanth recounted to Djarin the story of how his city had been transformed into a slavery camp on the very night they received news of the destruction of the second Death Star, how he had acquired his Mandalorian armor from Jawas, and how he had reclaimed the town using his newfound weaponry.

Cobb Vanth displayed unease during his encounter with the Tusken Raiders.

As they rode, they detected the sound of a creature. Both of them promptly halted their bikes and drew their weapons. Grogu sought refuge in his bag. While Vanth observed nervously as the creatures emerged from behind the rocks, Djarin initiated communication with them. A group of Tusken Raiders also appeared, and Djarin explained that they, too, were attempting to eliminate the dragon. The pair established a campsite for the night alongside the Tuskens. While seated around a campfire, Vanth inadvertently offended the Tuskens by declining to consume a black melon. Vanth and the sand people engaged in an argument, with Vanth asserting that he had only killed their people in self-defense. Djarin then activated his flamethrower and instructed both parties to settle down and concentrate on devising a strategy to eliminate the dragon.

Observing the krayt dragon

Vanth, Djarin, and the sand people then traveled by bantha to the abandoned sarlacc pit that served as the krayt dragon's habitat. Djarin translated for the Tuskens, explaining that they had studied its digestive cycle for generations and possessed the knowledge of how to feed it in order to induce sleep. The Tusken stationed at the entrance of the cave secured the bantha and began to shout in an effort to awaken the dragon. As Vanth observed apprehensively, the Tusken attempted to flee but stumbled and was consumed by the dragon, while the bantha remained unharmed. Grogu averted his gaze, visibly frightened, and Djarin suggested that they might be open to considering alternative approaches.

Combining forces

The group reconvened, and the sand people arranged a diorama composed of bones and pebbles, which represented the krayt dragon and its combatants, respectively. Vanth insisted that it was not to scale and that the krayt was depicted as being too large, but Djarin assured him that it was accurate and that Vanth was unaware of the true size of the dragon. Following a signal from Djarin, a Tusken Raider added a few more pebbles. Vanth inquired about the source of the reinforcements, and to Vanth's surprise, Djarin explained that he had volunteered the people of Mos Pelgo.

Vanth and Djarin established an alliance between Mos Pelgo and the Tusken Raiders.

Vanth and Djarin returned to Mos Pelgo on their speeders. The people of Mos Pelgo gathered in the cantina. Vanth explained the issue of him possessing the Mandalorian armor and that Djarin believed it was his right to reclaim it. He also conveyed that Djarin was willing to assist in slaying the krayt dragon, which had been terrorizing the town, in exchange for the armor. The people accepted this arrangement, but Vanth then revealed to them that the sand people were willing to contribute to the crusade. This caused an uproar, with the people proclaiming that the sand people were monsters. Djarin then presented the case for the Tuskens, acknowledging that they were indeed raiders but emphasizing that they possessed more knowledge about the krayt than anyone else present and would honor their word. If the carcass of the dragon was left to them, they pledged to stand by Mos Pelgo in battle and never attack them again, unless Mos Pelgo were to violate the peace. This was accepted with reluctance.

As they prepared supplies and weapons, the sand people arrived on their banthas. The people of Mos Pelgo began to load the supplies onto the banthas. One of the Tuskens dropped an explosive, which prompted a villager to retaliate. He began to yell at the Tusken, who started to yell back at him, until Vanth intervened and broke up the altercation, explaining that it was an accident. The fighting ceased, but the tension lingered.

Dragon slaying

Djarin and Vanth observe as the krayt dragon emerges from the cave.

The group proceeded on foot to the krayt dragon's cave. One Tusken approached the entrance and felt the ground near it. Djarin translated that the dragon was asleep and that its breathing could be heard. A trench was dug near the cave, and the explosives were buried within it. The sand people also prepared a number of ballistae. A villager named Jo then handed the detonator to Vanth, who instructed her to remain safe. A trio of Tuskens approached the cave and began to shout in order to awaken the dragon. They fled as soon as they heard it stir. Vanth observed as the dragon slowly crawled out. The Tuskens fired their arrows, but the dragon began to retreat back inside the cave. Vanth was about to detonate the explosives, but Djarin cautioned that they would only have one opportunity and that they needed to lure it out.

The villagers and sand people began to fire arrows and blaster shots at the krayt, provoking it to emerge further. The krayt dragon then unleashed a stream of its spit upon its attackers, resulting in the deaths of several of them. It was at this point that Vanth detonated the explosives at Djarin's instruction. The group cautiously approached the site of the explosion, although Vanth and Djarin did not believe that the dragon had been killed. The dragon then suddenly burst through the hill above its cave and unleashed another stream of spit. Vanth remarked that they were being picked off like womp rats, donned his helmet, and flew with Djarin via his jet pack toward the dragon. The pair began to fire at it with their blaster rifles. They both took off when the krayt took notice of them.

Djarin and Vanth engage in firing upon the krayt dragon.

It retreated once more, only to emerge from beneath the ground behind them, giving chase to both the Tusken Raiders and the inhabitants of Mos Pelgo. Djarin instructed Vanth to draw its attention, prompting Vanth to crouch down and launch a missile from his armor towards the creature. Subsequently, he passed the detonator to Djarin, who then inadvertently struck Vanth's jet pack, causing it to malfunction and ascend rapidly into the sky. Djarin then armed a set of explosives that were fastened to a bantha, and had the dragon consume them both. Following this, the dragon burrowed back underground. Vanth experienced an awkward landing nearby. The assembled group, including Vanth and Grogu, surveyed the area for the krayt, concerned about Djarin's well-being. The dragon resurfaced, and Djarin was seen flying out, having utilized his Amban phase-pulse blaster to deliver an electrical shock to the dragon. He then triggered the explosives on the bantha, which remained within the krayt's stomach, resulting in the dragon's demise.

A joint celebration commenced amongst the group, as Vanth observed. The sand people began to carve into the dragon's flesh, eventually unearthing the krayt dragon pearl they sought. Djarin offered an apology for not having fully explained his strategy, but Vanth brushed it aside, proceeding to hand over the Mandalorian armor as promised. Vanth expressed his hope for a future reunion and clarified that he was not responsible for any damage to the armor. Djarin and Grogu then departed on their speeder, their exit observed by the original owner of Vanth's armor, Boba Fett. Fett would continue his pursuit of Djarin, ultimately reclaiming his armor on Tython.

Confrontation with the Pyke Syndicate

Vanth confronting the Pykes.

During the Pyke Syndicate's seizure of Tatooine, some of their spice runners trespassed into the Mos Pelgo territories, where Vanth discovered them examining a shipment of credits and spice. The marshal issued a warning that such activities were forbidden in his territory, but then extended an offer for the Pykes to leave peacefully. They responded with an attempt to shoot the Marshal, but Vanth demonstrated superior speed, fatally shooting the majority of them; he dispatched the surviving Pyke back to the syndicate with a warning that any spice runners in Mos Pelgo would not return, and he confiscated the spice crate as a penalty for their incursion. Vanth discarded the crate's contents into the desert sands, ignoring the runner's plea that it held more value than his entire town.

Shortly thereafter, Vanth received a visit from his acquaintance Din Djarin, who first soothed his assistant deputy Scott regarding a parking violation. While purchasing the Marshal a beverage, Djarin informed him of the impending conflict between the forces of Boba Fett and the Syndicate for control of Tatooine's criminal operations. He then requested that Vanth lead a group of citizens to assist Fett, offering financial compensation for their efforts. Although Vanth and Taanti agreed that the town desired no involvement in the conflict, Djarin argued that their interests were intertwined with the entire planet, and that the Pykes would eventually target Freetown. Vanth considered his words and responded that he would assess the situation.

Standoff with Cad Bane

As Djarin departed, the Marshal instructed Taanti to gather all capable men and women to fight for Fett, intending to discuss the matter further. However, as he left, Vanth noticed a figure approaching from the desert; he instructed Jo to have all citizens take cover, uncertain of the nature of the encounter. Standing in the middle of the main street, Vanth told Deputy Scott to get inside as well, intending to confront the stranger alone: the newcomer being the Duros bounty hunter Cad Bane. The gunslinger arrived with a proposition from the Pyke Syndicate, offering to match any payment Fett had promised the Marshal in exchange for his neutrality in the conflict. Scott, however, returned to support his Marshal, asserting that the Marshal could not be bought, which displeased Vanth and irritated Bane.

As Vanth requested his identity, Bane cautioned him about the consequences of his actions, and commented on Fett's reputation as a ruthless killer frequently employed by the Empire; Vanth countered by stating that Tatooine would not participate in the spice trade and had witnessed enough violence, instructing the Duros to relay this message to his superiors. Bane retorted that Vanth should not have relinquished the Mandalorian armor.

Vanth after being attacked by Bane, who claimed Tatooine for the Pyke Syndicate.

As Bane revealed his blaster, Vanth and Scott braced for a duel. Despite Scott being the first to reach for his weapon, Bane reacted more quickly, injuring the Marshal and killing the deputy. Bane departed the town, warning Taanti (who had emerged to witness the outcome of the confrontation) that Tatooine now belonged to the Pykes, and they would be left undisturbed as long as they refrained from interfering with the spice trade, while the other citizens rushed to Vanth's assistance.

Seeking retribution, the town established a garrison and joined the battle against the Pyke invasion of Mos Espa, where they aided Fett and his allies in repelling the Pykes. Following their victory, Vanth received medical treatment for his blaster wounds from a modifier, while inside a bacta tank within Boba Fett's Palace.

Character Traits

Though he was not Mandalorian, Vanth was naturally adept in using the armor.

Cobb Vanth was a human male characterized by light leathery skin, graying hair with a beard, sharp hazel [eyes](/article/eye], and defined facial features. Bearing the scars of his former enslavement, he had a star-shaped mark on his back accompanied by a series of dots and dashes. As a consequence of his past as a slave, Vanth deeply valued freedom and was committed to safeguarding Freetown, even declaring his willingness to sacrifice his life for the settlement. He held a strong disdain for syndicates such as the Red Key Raiders, who attempted to legitimize themselves within the evolving galactic environment. Vanth had also cultivated a degree of understanding with the local Jawas on Tatooine, recognizing their importance in accessing essential goods.

Upon greeting Adwin Charu, Vanth smiled knowingly as he guessed that the Red Key employee was not native to Tatooine, chuckling when Charu confirmed his suspicion. Vanth decided to vouch for Adwin to the Jawas and assist the representative in acquiring what he sought. After Charu discovered a set of Mandalorian battle armor, Vanth expressed keen interest in obtaining it to wear as a lawman and remained resolute when Adwin defiantly claimed the armor, firing a warning shot at the representative when he threatened to draw his own blaster. The sheriff spared Charu's life solely to convey a message to his employer, Lorgan Movellan. After donning the Mandalorian armor, Vanth acknowledged the trials he had endured before wearing it, considering it well-deserved.

After killing the dragon, Vanth gave his armor to Djarin who claimed it on behalf of the Mandalorian people.

Vanth firmly believed in the inherent worth of every individual, reinforcing this notion to Malakili when the beastmaster referred to himself as insignificant. The sheriff welcomed individuals to reside in Freetown on the condition that they demonstrated their usefulness. Upon learning of Malakili's profession, Vanth promptly offered him an opportunity to utilize his skills in Freetown. Recognizing the Tusken Raiders' perspective on slavery, Freetown's location, and the town's ownership of a Hutt, Vanth negotiated an agreement with the Tuskens to leave the settlement undisturbed in exchange for water. After Malakili brokered a further agreement for the Tusken's protection, Cobb leveraged this agreement after the Red Key Raiders occupied Freetown. Similar to his treatment of Charu, Vanth kept Movellan alive to deliver a message to his superiors.


Vanth rides with Din Djarin on their speeders.

Cobb Vanth wore a maroon shirt, brown trousers, a brown belt, a red scarf, and brown shoes. He later came into possession of a complete set of Mandalorian battle armor, previously owned by Boba Fett, during his visit to a sandcrawler with Charu. The armor was predominantly green, and it featured a jetpack equipped with a missile as well as red Mandalorian vambraces. Vanth operated a speeder constructed from a single modified Radon-Ulzer 620C podracer engine. The speeder incorporated flight controls and a saddle, and was used by Vanth for rapid transit between Mos Pelgo and the Jundland Wastes. He carried an HF-94 heavy blaster pistol, which he kept in a holster on his belt, as well as a KA74 blaster rifle. Following the Mining Collective's occupation of Mos Pelgo, he carried a cantomo containing silicax oxalate.

Production Notes

Cobb Vanth was conceived by author Chuck Wendig for his series of novels Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy, making his first appearance in the initial book, Aftermath, in 2015. In an interview with, Wendig mentioned that the interlude chapters in Aftermath: Empire's End, the final book of the Aftermath Trilogy released in 2017, including the one featuring Vanth, were designed to contribute to the overarching narrative.

Concept art for Cobb Vanth by Christian Alzmann

Vanth made his first live-action appearance in "Chapter 9: The Marshal," the opening episode of season two of the television series The Mandalorian, directed by Jon Favreau and released on Disney+ on October 30, 2020. He was played by Timothy Olyphant, with Paul Darnell as his stunt double. Olyphant's involvement in the series was first reported on May 15 of that year by The Hollywood Reporter. Four days later, on May 19, Slashfilm revealed that the actor had been seen wearing Boba Fett's iconic armor and predicted Vanth's appearance, a speculation supported by other sources. Chuck Wendig later expressed his enjoyment of the episode featuring Vanth on Twitter.

