The armor of Boba Fett was a personalized set of Mandalorian armor that Boba Fett, a human clone who became a bounty hunter, donned. This armor was constructed from beskar and included a helmet, chest plate, vambraces equipped with retractable wrist blades, and a Z-6 jetpack. Furthermore, the armor integrated a range of armaments and contraptions, such as a Czerka Arms ZX miniature flame projector, a BlasTech Industries Dur-24 wrist laser, and a Kelvarek Consolidated Arms MM9 mini concussion rocket launcher. Additionally, the armor incorporated a chain code that served to identify the Fetts as its rightful owners. Initially, the armor belonged to Jango Fett, a foundling whose genetic template provided the foundation for both Boba and the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. For a certain time it was held, respectively, by Cobb Vanth and the Mandalorian Din Djarin.
During a battle, Jedi Master Mace Windu killed Jango while he was wearing the armor, which then fell into Boba's possession. Boba repainted the armor with unique colors and wore it throughout his career as a bounty hunter. Following the rescue of Han Solo, a group of Jawas scavenged the armor from Boba, who had been injured after plummeting into a sarlacc at the Great Pit of Carkoon. After the Galactic Empire suffered defeat at the Battle of Endor, Jawas sold Boba's armor to Cobb Vanth.
Vanth utilized the armor to protect the people of Mos Pelgo, a settlement located on the desert planet Tatooine, during the New Republic Era. He relinquished the armor to Din Djarin in exchange for the Mandalorian's assistance in destroying a krayt dragon. Subsequently, Boba, who Djarin encountered on Tython, reclaimed the armor. After working with the Mandalorian, Boba, clad in his armor, returned to Tatooine and rose to become the new crime lord of a criminal empire.

The customized Mandalorian armor worn by both Jango Fett and Boba Fett was equipped with a lethal array of weaponry. The vambraces featured retractable wrist blades, a snare, a Czerka Arms ZX miniature flame projector, a BlasTech Industries Dur-24 wrist laser, a display linked to the Imperial Enforcement DataCore for locating bounties, and a Kelvarek Industries MM7 rocket launcher, which was later replaced by an MM9 mini concussion rocket launcher.
Despite being briefly painted green, the vambraces were predominantly painted red throughout their use, eventually reverting to their original hue. Furthermore, the armor incorporated a chain code within the left vambrace. This encoded file contained information regarding the armor's owners, from Jango to Boba Fett.

A Z-6 jetpack was also part of the armor, enabling the wearer to engage in aerial travel and combat over short distances. The jetpack included an explosive missile that could be launched. Aside from the Z-6 model, Jango also possessed a JT-12 jetpack. Kneepad rocket dart launchers were also integrated into the armor's right kneepad.
The armor was constructed from beskar. During Jango's ownership, it was originally silver and blue. After Boba inherited it, the sleek design was eventually modified to feature a green and brownish red color scheme. By the time of the Imperial Era, the armor displayed a Mythosaur skull sigil, as well as braids made from Wookiees that Boba had defeated in combat.

Despite its worn condition by the New Republic Era, the armor remained an effective tool, allowing the wearer to withstand blaster bolts and overcome multiple opponents in combat. Boba replaced his father's destroyed Z-6 jetpack with a nearly identical model, as well as an additional pack with a distinct green color scheme, which he used interchangeably. After recovering his armor in 9 ABY, Boba promptly restored it, giving it a fresh paint job.
Boba Fett inherited his armor from Jango Fett, his clone template (or "father"), who received it from the Mandalorians after becoming a foundling. Fett initially wore his armor as a Mandalorian warrior during the Mandalorian Civil Wars, the very conflict in which he was given the armor. Throughout his distinguished career as a bounty hunter, Jango utilized his armor effectively, collecting bounties for various clients. Fett wore the armor when he was hired to be a clone template. He continued to wear the armor during the final days of his life, while employed by the Separatist Head of State Count Dooku. Nevertheless, Prime Minister Almec of Mandalore did not consider Jango a member of his people, but rather a simple bounty hunter who somehow acquired Mandalorian armor.

The armor enabled Jango to fight Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi while attempting to leave the planet Kamino. His combat gear allowed him to compete with the Jedi's lightsaber combat skills and Force-sensitive abilities. After his Z-6 jetpack was destroyed, Jango, along with his cloned son Boba, fled Tipoca City before Kenobi could stop them. Jango later replaced his lost Z-6 with a JT-12 jetpack.
The Fetts retreated to Geonosis, where Jango engaged another member of the Jedi Order, Jedi Master [Mace Windu](/article/mace_windu], against whom he was no match. As Windu advanced towards Jango, deflecting the mercenary's blaster bolts with his lightsaber, Jango attempted to escape, but his JT-12 jetpack malfunctioned. Consequently, Windu's blade decapitated Jango with a single strike across his neck. Boba witnessed Jango's death and recovered his father's helmet after the Grand Army of the Republic—clone troopers bred from Jango's template—arrived to fight the Separatist Droid Army.

Upon Jango's death, his armor passed to Boba. During the Clone Wars, Boba attempted to kill Windu with a bomb planted inside his father's helmet. Although Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker triggered the explosive, Windu survived and saved Skywalker in the process. Trapped under the wreckage of the Endurance, Windu inspected the damaged helmet of the hunter he had defeated on Geonosis, realizing Boba's involvement in the plot against him. A baradium charge explosion destroyed the helmet used as a trap to lure Windu. The Republic later recovered fragments of the helmet, and metallurgical analysis confirmed its unparalleled beskar purity.
Boba ultimately followed in Jango's footsteps, donning the Mandalorian armor as a bounty hunter during the reign of the Galactic Empire. The armor became a defining characteristic of Fett and his reputation. He was one of several hunters hired by Sith Lord Darth Vader to track the Millennium Falcon, a Rebel starship, during the Galactic Civil War. By that time, Fett had a reputation for disintegrating his prey, which Vader, who wanted the Falcon's crew taken alive, warned him against. Eager to claim Jabba Desilijic Tiure's bounty on the Rebel-aligned smuggler Han Solo, with whom Boba had prior dealings, Fett assisted in the early stages of the Imperial occupation of Cloud City and departed with Solo's body frozen in carbonite.

However, Fett's journey to Jabba's Palace on Tatooine to claim the bounty on Solo was interrupted by the return of his former ally Nakano Lash, against whom Fett held a grudge and chose to hunt down in revenge. Fett's diversion resulted in Solo's carbonite form beginning to destabilize, forcing him to divert his journey again to head to the moon of Nar Shaddaa, where he hired Doctor Ragon to stabilize the carbonite. Unable to pay Ragon for his work, Fett agreed to enter the Garkata Fighting Arena and kill the champion Wyrmen Lictor, avenging a fighter Ragon had previously sponsored. As the arena was owned by the Kanji Criminal Enterprise, Fett did not want to directly anger the syndicate, so he used some of Ragon's nano-spray paint to disguise his armor, painting it black and entering the arena under his father's name. While "Beskar Brawler Jango" fought through the arena and killed Lictor, agents of the re-emerging Crimson Dawn syndicate killed Ragon and stole Solo's carbonite form as part of Lady Qi'ra's plans.
Returning his armor to its normal color, Fett used his armor in the ensuing War of the Bounty Hunters to reclaim Solo and deliver him to Jabba. Boba later fought against Jedi apprentice Luke Skywalker during the mission to rescue Solo on Tatooine. After failing to kill or subdue the Jedi with his weapons, Boba tried to shoot Skywalker while he was distracted. During the fight, Fett's jetpack sustained a gash in the back. Before Fett could land a shot on Skywalker, a blind Solo accidentally hit Boba's jetpack, causing the bounty hunter to careen into the side of Jabba's sail barge before tumbling into the Great Pit of Carkoon where a sarlacc swallowed him.

Fett survived his fall into the sarlacc and managed to escape by activating his flamethrower to burn through the sarlacc's hide, digging himself out of the pit. Exhausted and wounded from the encounter, Fett collapsed near the wreckage of the Khetanna. Some time later, a group of Jawas with yellow eyes found him and separated him from his armor, which had been scarred by the sarlacc's acid. When Fett attempted to resist their theft, the Jawas knocked him out and left him for dead. Sometime after the destruction of the second Death Star, the Jawas traded the armor to Cobb Vanth for a camtono of silicax oxalate crystals.

Although he used it to protect the residents of Mos Pelgo as their [marshal](/article/marshal], the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin demanded that he surrender the suit to him when they met in 9 ABY, as Djarin believed that Mandalorian armor belongs to the Mandalorians. Vanth agreed in exchange for Djarin's help in slaying a krayt dragon. They managed to kill the dragon, and Vanth gave the armor to Djarin.

Boba Fett attempted to recover his armor following his time with the Tusken Raiders. Joined by Fennec Shand, he returned to the sarlacc pit after retrieving his personal starship, Slave I, unaware that the armor had been taken by Jawas. Shand assumed that the armor had disintegrated within the sarlacc, but Fett knew that its beskar would remain intact. After Fett searched the creature's remains, Shand advised him to cease his efforts to recover it, asserting that the armor served its purpose by allowing him to survive within the sarlacc.
Fett located his armor by the time Din Djarin acquired it from Cobb Vanth. Fett and Shand followed Djarin to the planet Tython, where Fett attempted to reclaim his armor from the Mandalorian. Djarin refused to surrender the armor after Fett denied having any allegiance or loyalty to the Mandalorians, despite his father Jango's past affiliation with them. Their dispute was interrupted by the arrival of stormtroopers loyal to Moff Gideon. During the skirmish, Fett took advantage of the situation to reclaim the armor from Djarin's ship, the Razor Crest. Donning the armor, Fett returned to the battle and brought it to a swift end. After Fett presented the armor's chain code, providing proof of ownership and revealing that his father was a Mandalorian foundling, Djarin acknowledged Boba's claim on the armor.

Before a mission to Morak, Fett repainted his armor, restoring its vivid colors. Fett also produced the missing left kneepad, which was absent during the Jawas' and Vanth's ownership of the armor. Despite wearing his newly restored gear, Fett was unable to help Djarin infiltrate an Imperial refinery during the Morak mission, citing that he could need to remove his helmet and that the Imperials would recognize his face. Fett thus served as their get-away-pilot aboard the Slave I.
Fett encountered the Mandalorians Bo-Katan Kryze and Koska Reeves when Djarin attempted to recruit them for his plan to rescue the foundling Grogu. Kryze denounced Fett, stating that he was not a Mandalorian in spite of the armor that he wore and the fact Jango was a Mandalorian, although Fett countered that he never claimed to be Mandalorian himself even despite his heritage. Recognizing the bounty hunter as a clone by the voice he shared with the clone troopers who fought in the Clone Wars, Kryze told Fett that he disgraced his armor. She also referred to the armor's original owner as Fett's donor rather than his father, causing Fett to threaten Kryze. A physical altercation ensued between Fett and Reeves, both of whom utilized their armor's weaponry against each other until Kryze stepped in to end the fight. The armor remained in Boba Fett's possession following the rescue of Grogu from Moff Gideon's Imperial remnant.

With his commitment to the Mandalorian fulfilled, Fett, accompanied by Shand, traveled to Tatooine. Inside Jabba's former Palace, Fett eliminated Bib Fortuna and assumed his position as a crime lord. The newly appointed lord of crime took up residence in the Palace, maintaining a bacta pod and several droids to aid him in equipping his armor. During this period, Boba was haunted by persistent dreams of his past, notably the retrieval of his father's helmet following Jango's demise on Geonosis.
Fett donned the armor for formal occasions, such as receiving guests and accepting tributes as the new Daimyo. Instead of emulating Jabba's reign of terror, Fett aimed to cultivate his gotra by earning the respect of those under his rule. Despite rejecting the typical displays of a crime lord, like being carried in a litter as a nobleman, Fett endeavored to adapt to the local traditions of Tatooine. Consequently, he allowed one of the Twi'lek attendants at Garsa Fwip's cantina, the Sanctuary in Mos Espa, to clean his helmet.
A snippet of incomplete animation originating from a shelved episode of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars was presented during the Animated Origins and Unexpected Fates discussion at Celebration Orlando in 2017. The segment depicted Boba Fett putting on his iconic armor for the first time in the show during a confrontation with fellow bounty hunter Cad Bane. The episode would have also clarified the origins of the prominent dent on Fett's helmet, revealing it to be a result of Bane's blaster shot.
In the Helmets section of Star Wars Helmet Collection's second issue, entitled "Boba Fett–Notorious Bounty Hunter," it was mentioned that Fett's helmet was constructed from Duraplast. The 2018 canon reference book Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition asserts that Fett's armor was crafted from durasteel. However, the fourth episode of the television series The Book of Boba Fett confirms that the armor is made of beskar. This article considers the information provided in The Book of Boba Fett as the authoritative source.