The leviathan krayt dragon, a subspecies of the krayt dragon, distinguished itself with sixteen limbs and the capability to project a corrosive ichor onto its adversaries. Famously, Din Djarin and Cobb Vanth once collaborated with a Tusken Raiders group to vanquish one of these formidable creatures.

The leviathan krayt dragon, classified as a species within the broader krayt dragon category, possessed sixteen limbs, each terminating in five clawed digits. It also featured a spiny tail and a substantial head shielded by bony armor. As a defense mechanism, it could eject a harmful ichor directly from its mouth, resulting in the disintegration of the target's organic tissues. Similar to other krayt dragons, it was capable of developing pearls within its gizzard, highly prized by jewelers, artisans, and affluent collectors alike.
Echoing the habits of its relative, the greater krayt dragon, this species would bury itself within the shifting sands, emerging to consume its prey. Given ample sustenance, the dragon was also known to hibernate for extended periods. It was rumored to possess the ability to detect the vibrations of a passing starship.
Back in 3 ABY, bandits pilfered a krayt dragon pearl from a group of Tusken Raiders. The criminal Kay Vess successfully retrieved the pearl for the Tuskens in return for the release of Sullustan Hoss, who had been held captive by them. During her quest for a tooth extracted from a sarlacc's secondary maw, Vess had an encounter with a krayt dragon.

A krayt dragon, having devoured a sarlacc, took up residence within its abandoned pit. This particular dragon became a problem for a Tusken Raider tribe and the inhabitants of nearby Mos Pelgo. It frequently preyed on their livestock, damaged their equipment, and generally posed a threat to their safety. Eventually, this specimen met its end at the hands of the Tusken Raiders and citizens, aided by Din Djarin and [Cobb Vanth]. However, before its demise, it managed to spray and kill numerous attackers with its acidic venom. The Tusken Raider tribe claimed a substantial portion of its meat and its pearl. The Mos Pelgo saloon incorporated the dragon's ribs into its structure, and a group of Jawas used the dragon's skull to decorate their sandcrawler.
The initial appearance of this Krayt Dragon species occurred in the first episode of the second season of The Mandalorian series, which premiered on October 30, 2020.