The Mos Pelgo saloon was a cantina that could be found in Freetown on the planet Tatooine, a settlement that was once called Mos Pelgo. Taanti, a Weequay, ran the establishment.
Not long after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the townspeople gathered at the cantina to commemorate the downfall of the second Death Star, but their revelry was cut short by an assault on the saloon by the Mining Collective.
In 9 ABY, the Mandalorian Din Djarin made his way to the cantina as he searched for Marshal Cobb Vanth. Vanth then came in, and as he talked with Djarin, he requested some spotchka to drink. Soon after, Djarin and Vanth convened with the residents of Mos Pelgo at the cantina to explore a potential alliance with a band of Tusken Raiders with the goal of taking down a krayt dragon.