The conflict against the Pykes represents a campaign undertaken by Daimyo Boba Fett, along with his gotra, during 9 ABY within the New Republic Era. Its purpose was to keep the planet Tatooine from being seized by the Pyke Syndicate.
After the sail barge disaster and the Galactic Civil War, the Pyke Syndicate initiated spice transportation through the Dune Sea, under the protection of the Kintan Striders Gang. Utilizing a repulsor train, the Pykes traversed the Dune Sea, defending their route against a tribe of Tusken Raiders. During this period, the Tuskens welcomed the once-thought-dead bounty hunter Boba Fett into their community. Fett then taught the Tuskens how to operate speeder bikes and attacked the repulsor train. Fett and the Tuskens chose to spare the Pykes on the train.
Fett attempted to negotiate payment for the Tuskens' passage through the Dune Sea with the Pykes in Mos Eisley. However, the Syndicate opted to massacre the Tuskens, falsely blaming the Kintan Striders. Consequently, Fett started formulating plans to establish his own gotra by taking Bib Fortuna's place as Tatooine's Daimyo. He successfully recruited Master Assassin Fennec Shand to serve as his primary lieutenant.
Following Fortuna's elimination, Fett took control of the palace, along with two of Fortuna's Gamorrean guards. Fett gained recognition as daimyo from the leaders of the Trandoshans', Aqualish, and Klatooinians' crime families in Mos Espa. Jabba's cousins, the Twins, tried to claim Jabba's remaining empire, but they left Tatooine when Mos Epsa's Mayor Mok Shaiz struck a deal with the Pykes. Despite these circumstances, Fett managed to enlist the Mods, Krrsantan, and Din Djarin into his gotra as enforcers. A showdown in Freetown then unfolded between Cad Bane, a Duros mercenary employed by the Syndicate, and Marshal Cobb Vanth and Deputy Scott of Freetown, who were law enforcement officers.
Subsequently, the Pyke Syndicate bombed the Sanctuary located in Mos Espa, resulting in the destruction of the cantina and officially marking the start of the war. However, the Battle of Mos Espa led to the destruction of most of the Pykes' forces. Shand then wiped out the Syndicate's leadership on Tatooine.
The war was initially hinted at in "Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm," the fourth episode of the live-action television series The Book of Boba Fett. Jon Favreau wrote the episode, and it was broadcast on Disney+ on January 19, 2022. The conflict was first shown in "Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger," which Dave Filoni directed and co-wrote with Favreau, and which was released on February 2.