
The Mods, also referred to as the Modifier gang, were a group of cyborg street thugs running amok in the Worker's District of Mos Espa, a city found on the planet of Tatooine. The gang's membership, which included its leader Drash and Skad, tooled around on customized grav scoot speeder bikes and augmented their physical forms with droid parts.

During the early years of the New Republic era, the gang turned to theft, specifically targeting water monger Lortha Peel, because they couldn't secure employment to afford the exorbitant cost of water. Peel reported these illegal activities of the young Mods to the newly appointed Daimyo, Boba Fett. The crime lord confronted the gang; however, upon hearing about their circumstances, Fett extended a job offer to them. The street gang later played a role in defending Fett from the Wookiee gladiator Krrsantan, dispatched by the Twins, who were Hutts, to assassinate him. They subsequently chased the majordomo of Mayor Mok Shaiz through Mos Espa's streets on their Mod scooters. Upon capturing the majordomo, he divulged that the mayor was in league with the Pyke Syndicate. Skad later surveilled the spaceport, observing the arrival of Pyke Syndicate operatives and relaying this intelligence to Boba and Fennec Shand. Following this, the Mods scoured Mos Espa in search of the fugitive mayor. The Mods aided Boba Fett against the Pykes.

Behind the scenes

The Mods made their debut in "Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa," the third installment of The Book of Boba Fett television show. They serve as a tribute to the Mod subculture, a cultural phenomenon that gained traction in Britain during the late 1950s and 1960s. They also reference the film American Graffiti, directed by George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars. Temuera Morrison, the actor portraying Boba Fett, stated that the Mods are intended to inject "a lot of color and a lot of youthfulness" into the series. They are also meant to signify a fresh start where Boba Fett provides everyone with an equal opportunity.

