Drash was a female human who served as the leader of a street gang located in the Worker's District of the city of Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine. She and her group became part of the Fett gotra and participated in the Battle of Mos Espa, which resulted in the Pyke Syndicate being forced off Tatooine.
Drash spent her formative years in a section of Mos Espa that was within a short distance of an alley, which would later become the site of a conflict with forces from the Pyke Syndicate. At some point, she became a member of the Mods street gang and eventually rose to the position of their leader.

After Lortha Peel, the water-monger, reported the street gang's acts of theft to Boba Fett, the new Daimyo, Fett confronted the criminals. Drash explained that the gang resorted to stealing due to a lack of employment opportunities, which led Fett to offer them jobs working for him.
The street gang later aided Fett in defending against the Wookiee gladiator Krrsantan, who had been dispatched by the Twins, Hutts, in an attempt to kill him. They also pursued the majordomo of Mayor Mok Shaiz through the streets of Mos Espa.
Drash attended a meeting concerning the growing threat posed by the Pyke Syndicate, as the crime syndicate was amassing troops in Mos Espa. Fennec Shand provided a summary of the Pyke's troop buildup and noted that Mok Shaiz's departure from the planet was an indication that war was imminent.
During an ambush that occurred in the Worker's District of Mos Espa, Drash and other members of the Mods were rescued by Shand. She was the only one who expressed gratitude, saying "thank you," which made a positive impression on Shand.
She fought with the Freetown garrison against the Pyke's Scorpenek droids during the Battle of Mos Espa. She briefly exchanged her blaster pistol for Taanti's Cycler rifle before positioning herself on the rooftops, along with Jo, to snipe at Pykes.
Drash carried both a retractile vibro-stiletto and a hold-out blaster pistol. During the Battle of Mos Espa, she temporarily traded her pistol for a Cycler rifle.
She rode a blue speeder bike that featured two sets of reflective mirrors extending from its sides.
Drash made her debut in "Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa," the third episode of the television show The Book of Boba Fett, which premiered on Disney+ on January 12, 2022. Sophie Thatcher played the character, with Callie Croughwell and Crystal Hooks serving as her stunt doubles. Although she was not named in the episode itself, Drash's name was revealed in the stunt performers' credits. Her name was first mentioned in "Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor."