Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa

"Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa" represents the third installment of the television program The Book of Boba Fett. Its premiere occurred on January 12 of 2022.

Official description

Boba Fett is faced with confronting a pair of very distinct dangers.

Plot summary

8D8's briefing

The episode commences with a B'omarr Order Brain walker scurrying across the arid, rocky terrain bordering Boba Fett's Palace located on Tatooine. 8D8 provides Boba Fett and Fennec Shand with an overview of the commercial enterprises that previously operated under the protection of the individual whose "name that should not be spoken of". Fett informs him that he is at liberty to utter Jabba the Hutt's designation, which the droid then does. Fett assures the droid that the Hutt has perished and is incapable of inflicting harm. 8D8 clarifies that his apprehension stemmed from the possibility of his new superior taking offense.

Fett is taken aback and inquires as to the reason. When 8D8 suggests that Fett perceived a threat, Fett voices his irritation. 8D8 issues an apology, but Shand redirects him to the matter at hand. 8D8 elucidates that in the aftermath of the "sail barge disaster," a void in leadership emerged. Bib Fortuna subsequently assumed Jabba's position. Under Master Bib's supervision, Mos Espa underwent a division among three distinct factions. The Trandoshans asserted control over the city's central district, while the Aqualish seized dominion over the Worker's District, and the Klatooinians gained authority over the spaceport and the elevated sprawl. Given Master Bib's lack of Jabba's extensive influence, he was reliant on precarious alliances to safeguard his tribute and maintain his position.

8D8 further discloses that Bib had been providing monetary compensation to Mayor Mok Shaiz. Upon Fett's inquiry regarding their current standing, 8D8 clarifies that all parties are observing to ascertain the nature of his leadership. When Fett raises the subject of the assassins, Shand conveys that the Mayor lacks the authority and posits that another entity is orchestrating the events. Fett questions whether the Hutts are involved. Shand inquires whether Fett desires her to gather intelligence. Fett suggests that they exercise patience.

The water monger

Shortly thereafter, one of the Gamorrean sentries informs Fett and Shand that one of his subjects is requesting an audience. Despite the absence of a prior arrangement, Fett grants the visitor permission to enter the throne room with the intention of ascertaining the circumstances. The visitor is revealed to be Lortha Peel, a purveyor of water situated in the Worker's District. When 8D8 questions the nature of his petition to Lord Fett, Peel laments that he lacks respect. 8D8 takes exception, but Fett permits Peel to articulate his grievances.

Peel articulates that since Lord Fortuna's death, the environment in Mos Espa has become chaotic. Fett responds that he is learning of this now. Peel asserts the veracity of his statement and expresses his indignation on Fett's behalf regarding the disrespect exhibited by these "urchins" in the wake of the attempted assassination. Shand states that they will investigate the matter and signals for the Gamorreans to escort Peel out.

Peel then proceeds to elaborate on his request. He conveys that a street gang comprised of young individuals has been pilfering his merchandise, an occurrence that was absent under the previous Daimyos. Peel reiterates that he is insulted on Fett's behalf. Fett inquires whether his merchandise consists of water. Peel concurs and elaborates that he facilitates sales on behalf of the vapor farmers. Fett mentions that he spent his formative years in an environment abundant in water, prompting Peel to remark that Tatooine was formerly entirely submerged in water.

Upon Fett's inquiry regarding the gang, Peel describes them as beings that are partially human and partially mechanical, asserting that they augment their physical forms with droid components to enhance their lethality. Peel implores Fett to rid the streets of Mos Espa of this "scourge" in exchange for doubling his tribute.

Recruiting the youths

Later that evening, Fett, Shand, and their Gamorrean protectors traverse the thoroughfares of Mos Espa. They pass by a pair of Jawa merchants. They approach a contingent of cybernetic human adolescents engaged in conversation near a fire. Fett demands to know the origin of their water supply. A female human identified as Drash responds that they acquired it through theft. Fett counters that theft constitutes a criminal act. A male individual named Skad retorts that Peel imposes exorbitant prices. Fett advises them to cultivate the water themselves.

Drash instructs Fett to return to his palace. Fett cautions her to moderate her language, reminding her that he holds the position of Daimyo in this district and pledges to restore order. The girl dismisses him as a criminal overlord. Skad questions Fett regarding his allowance of the water vendor to demand a month's earnings for a week's supply of water. The girl adds that they lack any earnings. Fett responds that they reside in the worker's district and should be gainfully employed. The girl counters that there is a dearth of employment opportunities and directs Fett to observe the surroundings. Fett approaches the group and removes his headwear. He informs the youths that they will instead be employed by him. He cautions that they should demonstrate fighting prowess commensurate with their verbal capabilities.

Lortha Peel is displeased that Fett has refrained from punishing the youths, asserting that they committed theft against him and that he is permitting them to evade accountability. When Fett inquires about the extent of their debt, Peel states that they owe 1,300 credits for water. Fett instructs Shand to reimburse him with 500 credits. Peel objects, but Fett instructs him to accept the funds and regard the matter as resolved if he wishes to maintain his commercial operations within his jurisdiction. Fett suggests that he consider relocating to Mos Eisley if he finds the situation disagreeable. Fett also cautions him to reduce his prices.

Fett instructs the youths to gather their belongings and accompany him. Shand provides her support, and the youths depart on their customized grav scoots. Peel departs.


Outside of Jabba's Palace, a Scurrier is captured by a winged creature, which is subsequently consumed by a Worrt. Within Fett's bacta tank, he experiences a flashback depicting his father Jango Fett departing on the Slave I in Tipoca City. The younger Fett directs his gaze toward the heavens.

The scene transitions to Fett riding a bantha among his Tusken Raider tribe. The Tuskens observe him with respect. Fett rides into the desert in the direction of Mos Eisley. He asks two Jawas where the Pykes conduct their business in Mos Eisley. As the Jawas converse in their language, Fett rides on his bantha through the town, passing spikes of stormtrooper helmets. Peli Motto can be seen in the background leading three DUM-series pit droids.

Fett tethers his bantha outside a building guarded by two Pykes. Fett announces that he has dealings with the Pyke Syndicate. The Pykes grant him entry into the building. Fett descends the stairs and meets with the Pyke leader, who has received his communication. The Pyke leader explains that protection agreements are standard practice in the Outer Rim Territories. Fett states that he will collect payment and depart.

The Pyke responds that he has consulted with his superiors on Oba Diah, who are unwilling to provide protection payments to multiple entities. Fett clarifies that he is collecting on behalf of the Tuskens of the Dune Sea. The Pyke leader responds that the Kintan Striders have already received protection money for the same territory that he claims. Fett counters that they need not provide protection to that speeder bike gang, as the Sandpeople significantly outnumber them. Fett asserts that the sands have belonged to the Tuskens since the oceans of Tatooine receded.

The Pyke leader states that they are willing to engage in commerce with either party but are unwilling to be exploited by providing payments to both. The Pyke conveys that he hopes Fett understands. Fett pledges to resolve the matter and asserts that they will not hear from the Nikto sand flyers again. The Pyke expresses his anticipation for their partnership.

Fett rides across the Dune Sea on his bantha to return to his Tusken camp. As he approaches the encampment, he observes flames in the distance. Fett proceeds on foot to the Tusken village, only to discover that the clan has been massacred. He discovers scorched tents and numerous deceased banthas. While assessing the devastation, he discovers the remains of Tuskens scattered on the ground. Fett also recognizes the markings of a gang that he had previously encountered on Tatooine. Fett cremates the remains of his Tusken companions before retrieving his gaderffii stick. After paying his respects to the deceased, Fett departs on his bantha.

The Wookiee assassin

Fett is awakened from his slumber by the Wookiee Krrsantan, who forcibly removes him from the bacta tank. Fett retaliates, but the Wookiee gains the advantage and hurls him about. Krrsantan also assaults him with his paws. Fett seizes his stick and counterattacks, but the Wookiee throws him around. Krrsantan lifts him up. Fett attempts to gouge his eye, but Krrsantan bites him. Before the Wookiee can deliver the final blow to Fett, the female youth he recruited stabs Krrsantan from behind.

The youths encircle the Wookiee. One of them brandishes electric nunchuks around one of his arms, but Krrsantan shrugs it off. The youths fire upon him, but their blasters deflect off his thick hide. Fett strikes the Wookiee, but Krrsantan dismisses his assault. The two Gamorreans attempt to intervene, but the Wookiee charges at them and leaps upon them, forcing them down the stairs. They engage in combat within the throne room. Krrsantan throws one of the Gamorreans to the ground and bites the other.

Before he can eliminate them, the youths converge on the Wookiee. Shand then materializes and instructs the youths to maintain their distance as she activates the trapdoor, causing Krrsantan to slide downward. The Wookiee attempts to maintain his grip with one of his paws, but Shand dislodges his paw with a knife, causing the Wookiee to plummet into the former rancor's pit. Shand attends to the injured Gamorrean while Fett arrives. Fett instructs Shand to transfer the wounded Gamorrean into his bacta tank. Fett and his forces observe Krrsantan growling from within his enclosure.

The Hutt twins

Subsequently, an R5 series astromech droid serves Fett and Shand a lavish banquet. Fett dismisses the droid to assist with the patrol. Shand remarks that he is the head of the family and should indulge in the amenities. Fett responds that he must react because everyone is observing and awaiting his next action. Shand advises him to partake in some sustenance, but Fett states that he must convey a message.

Shand counters that he already has. She elucidates that his adversaries dispatched Krrsantan to assassinate him and that the Wookiee is now confined within his dungeon. Shand advises Fett to permit them to reveal their intentions. Fett responds that these are Hutts and that inaction will only afford them the opportunity to strike again. 8D8 interrupts the banquet with news that "the Twins" have arrived bearing a gift. Shand smirks.

Fett commands that the gates of Jabba's former palace be opened. He and Shand proceed to greet the Twins, who are being transported on a litter by numerous servants attired in white and red. The Hutt brother announces that they have arrived to offer an apology. The Hutt sister acknowledges that they dispatched Krrsantan to assassinate Fett. The brother asserts their remorse and presents a gift as recompense. This gift is revealed to be a bound rancor, which is being transported on a repulsorlift sled. The creature is accompanied by a human rancor keeper.

Fett instructs them to vacate Tatooine in exchange for considering a truce. The Hutt sister concurs, but for a different rationale. She informs him that there is information he should possess. The Hutt brother explains that they had been misled, as Jabba's territory had been promised to another criminal syndicate. When Fett inquires as to who made the promise, the Hutt sister reveals that it was Mayor Mok Shaiz. The Hutt brother states that the pair will be returning to Nal Hutta since the Hutts desire to avoid conflict. The sister asserts that conflict is detrimental to commerce.

A Gamorrean guard escorts the bound Krrsantan. Fett offers to release the Wookiee if they relinquish all claims to Jabba's legacy on Tatooine. The Hutt brother states that they are departing Tatooine and advises Fett to do the same. The sister characterizes Tatooine as a worthless rock and proposes selling the Wookiee back to the gladiators. The Hutt brother describes the Wookiee as their tribute to Fett. The Hutts depart with their entourage.

Fett instructs the Gamorrean guard to release the Wookiee while Shand aims a firearm at him. Fett addresses the Wookiee, stating that he harbors no animosity and asserting that it is purely business. Fett advises Krrsantan to refrain from working for criminals in the future. Krrsantan growls in Shyriiwook before fleeing. Shand questions Fett regarding the wisdom of releasing Krrsantan. Fett responds that they were faced with the choice of releasing or killing him. When Shand inquires whether he believes the Hutts' statements, Fett responds that he has no reason to trust them. He reasons that they will benefit from their enemies engaging in conflict.

The new rancor

Shand offers to arrange a meeting with the mayor. She describes the rancor as "quite" a gift. The creature is housed in the lair of Jabba's former rancor Pateesa. Fett inquires as to why the creature remains inert. The rancor keeper explains that the rancor is experiencing depression and elucidates that they are emotionally complex beings. When he inquires as to why it wears blinders, the keeper clarifies that the creature is a calf bred for combat. The keeper explains that he preserved this creature for his personal training. He adds that it forms an attachment to the first human it encounters. Now that Fett has arrived, he will commence its training.

Fett requests permission to approach the rancor. The keeper states that rancors are generally peaceful unless provoked. Fett strokes the creature, prompting the keeper to observe that he is fond of it. Fett resolves to dedicate more time to the rancor. The rancor keeper encourages him, stating that rancors can develop profound affection. Fett had presumed that they were bred solely for combat. The keeper clarifies that they are formidable combatants, which is the prevailing perception.

He elucidates that the creatures develop strong bonds with their owners. The Witches of Dathomir were rumored to have ridden them through the forests and fens. Fett expresses his desire to learn how to ride this rancor, asserting that he has ridden creatures ten times its size. The rancor keeper cautions that it will necessitate a substantial degree of discipline. He agrees to commence the lesson immediately.

The rancor keeper instructs Fett to stand before the creature while he removes the harness from its mouth. Fett establishes eye contact with the creature, which reciprocates. Fett approaches the creature and strokes its chin while maintaining eye contact. 8D8 interrupts with news that Mayor Mok Shaiz's office has indicated that he will be unavailable for the next 20 days. Fett tasks the rancor keeper with feeding the rancor an entire ronto carcass from the larder. He senses that the creature is experiencing hunger. Fett instructs 8D8 to inform Shand to prepare for departure, as they will not be awaiting an appointment. The rancor keeper reassures the rancor that Fett will return.

The runaway majordomo

Fett, Shand, and the gang of youths ride to the Mayor of Mos Espa's office to confront Mok Shaiz. Fett and Shand enter the office and encounter the majordomo. The majordomo explains that the Mayor's schedule is quite demanding. Shand cautions him to exercise caution in his forthcoming statements if he values his life. She gestures toward her blaster. The majordomo offers to reschedule his appointments and retreats into the mayor's office. The majordomo secures the door to the throne room.

Fett and Shand follow, only to discover that it is unoccupied and deserted. The two rejoin their gang of youths. The majordomo flees in a landspeeder, and Shand dispatches the youths after him on their speeder bikes. They chase the majordomo through the streets of Mos Espa. They evade a protocol droid but overturn a repulsorlift cart being towed by an astromech droid. As the pursuit persists, the majordomo's landspeeder strikes a pit droid and topples a stand laden with fruits. He also overturns additional objects, including a tank of water.

Led by the female youth Drash, the youths outmaneuver the majordomo. Two of them scrape his landspeeder. As the pursuit continues, a male youth rides his speeder bike through two pedestrians carrying a painting of Jabba before crashing into a picnic table. The majordomo collides with a droid rickshaw carrying two Bith passengers, causing them distress. Drash manages to navigate her bike over a building before landing on the majordomo's landspeeder. He crashes into a stand filled with meiloorun fruits. Fett and the youths converge on the majordomo.

The majordomo reveals that the Mayor is collaborating with the Pykes and that he has absconded. Fett inquires as to his whereabouts. Subsequently, a starliner carrying numerous passengers, including a substantial entourage of Pykes, lands at Mos Espa's spaceport. Skad observes the Pykes and rides his bike to a holobooth. He informs Fett and Shand that he observed at least a dozen. Fett expresses his gratitude for his diligent work and instructs the youth to maintain surveillance. Fett quips that it is merely an expression, noticing Skad's cybernetic right eye. Skad informs him that he need not apologize, as he invested a significant sum in his cybernetic eye. Shand instructs him to keep them informed of his observations. Shand cautions Fett that these are merely the vanguard and that they are on the verge of war. Fett vows that they will be prepared.


