Kintan Striders Gang

The Kintan Striders Gang existed as a Nikto criminal organization that operated within the Dune Sea region of Tatooine during the initial years of the New Republic Era. Originating from the Nikto homeworld of Kintan, they adopted their name from the Kintan strider creature native to that planet. During his time as a captive of a Tusken tribe, Boba Fett observed the speeder bike gang in the act of raiding a farmer's settlement on Tatooine, marking a wall with their symbol. He later located members of the gang at Tosche Station, situated outside of Anchorhead. As the gang members engaged in unruly behavior and harassed Camie Marstrap and Laze Loneozner, Boba Fett made his entrance. The former bounty hunter engaged the gang in combat, ultimately defeating them. Subsequently, Boba Fett confiscated their speeder bikes, returning them to his Tusken tribe. Following the massacre of Fett's Tusken tribe, with the Striders' logo falsely attributed as graffiti at the scene, he attacked and eliminated a group of Kintan Striders, unaware of the fact that the Pyke Syndicate had orchestrated the situation.


A member of the gang wearing their typical garb

The Kintan Striders Gang was composed of Nikto gangsters who rode speeder bikes and hailed from Kintan. Their name was inspired by the Kintan strider, a dangerous animal indigenous to the Nikto homeworld of Kintan. They used a skeletal image as their gang insignia, often leaving it behind at locations they attacked. These Nikto criminals were known for extracting credits from inhabitants of small towns, looting settlements for essential resources like water, and demanding payments for protection from other groups that ventured into their territory. The Kintan Striders generally had large, unpleasant members who wore brown clothing and leather jackets, with many wearing masks, goggles, or head coverings while riding their speeder bikes. The Kintan Strider speeder bikes were modified repulsorcraft designed for maximum velocity, sacrificing comforts and safety features for speed.


Around 4 ABY, the Kintan Striders Gang established their presence in the Dune Sea regions of the desert planet Tatooine. Gang members conducted a raid on a homestead, pilfering a portion of its water supply before departing on their speeder bikes. A Tusken Raider child, accompanied by his massiff and two restrained prisoners, a Rodian and Boba Fett, observed the raid from a distance. Subsequently, the Pyke Syndicate initiated the transporting of sansanna spice through the Dune Sea. Sharing territory with the syndicate's operations, the Kintan Striders began extorting protection money from the Pykes. Similarly, a Tusken Raider tribe found themselves in conflict with the Pyke Syndicate's spice transportation activities.

A Nikto biker attacks Laze Loneozner

Fett, having integrated into the tribe, resolved to assist his new community and trailed a group of Kintan Strider bikers to Tosche Station, a power station and repair shop located on the outskirts of the settlement Anchorhead. Inside, the Nikto bikers engaged in drinking and conversation, with one proceeding to steal food and beverages from two patrons, Laze Loneozner and Camie Marstrap. Loneozner voiced his disapproval of the Kintan Striders' actions, prompting the gang members to assault him and restrain his companion. At that moment, Fett arrived and initiated a fight with the Niktos. Fett emerged victorious against the group of bikers and departed Tosche Station with their speeder bikes.

Fett gifted the stolen Kintan Strider bikes to his Tusken tribe, instructing their warriors in their operation. The tribe then attacked and disabled a Pyke Syndicate repulsortrain, with Fett relaying terms of protection money to the surviving Pykes. The syndicate's boss on Tatooine presented these terms to his superiors on the planet Oba Diah, who refused to simultaneously pay protection money to both the Kintan Striders and the Tusken Raiders. The boss relayed this information to Fett during a meeting at the Pyke's headquarters on Tatooine, and Fett pledged to address the Nikto bikers.

Slave I massacres the Kintan Striders

Seeking to avoid exploitation, the Pyke boss ordered his subordinates to slaughter the Tusken Raider tribe while Fett was in his presence, deliberately leaving behind the Kintan Strider's emblem to falsely implicate the gang. Deceived by the Pykes' scheme, Fett vowed vengeance against the Nikto bikers. After recovering his Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft, Slave I, in 9 ABY, Fett intercepted the Kintan Striders as they traversed the dunes of Tatooine and unleashed fire upon them. All of the Nikto bikers were killed as a result.

