Unidentified massiff

A Tusken Raider tribe residing on Tatooine after the demise of Jabba the Hutt possessed a domesticated massiff.


The massiff lays in the sand next to the Tusken child.

Following his escape from the sarlacc in the Great Pit of Carkoon after Jabba the Hutt's death, Boba Fett was apprehended by a tribe of Tusken Raiders and brought to their encampment. The massiff was assigned the duty of guarding Fett and another prisoner, both of whom were secured to the remnants of deceased trees. During the cover of night, Fett attempted an escape, incapacitating the massiff in the process and utilizing its teeth to sever the bonds restricting his wrists. Upon regaining consciousness, the massiff pursued the bounty hunter into the desert. The reptile managed to knock Fett down, resulting in his subsequent recapture by the pursuing Tusken Raiders.

Later, the massiff went with one of the tribe's younglings as the youngling guided Fett and the Rodian into the desert for the purpose of unearthing black melons. This activity inadvertently roused a sand beast that was buried beneath the sand. In an act of defense for the youngling, the massiff launched an assault on the creature, only to be struck and rendered unconscious. Boba Fett succeeded in eliminating the creature using the chain that restrained his legs, and the massiff then accompanied the child and Fett back to the Tusken settlement, carrying the severed head of the sand creature as a trophy.

Behind the scenes

The debut appearance of the massiff was in "Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land," which served as the inaugural episode of The Book of Boba Fett.

