On the desert planet of Tatooine, just outside of Anchorhead, resided Tosche Station, a power generation facility and repair center. It was under the ownership of Merl Tosche but operated by Laze Loneozner. During the Galactic Civil War era, Loneozner maintained friendships with both Luke Skywalker and Biggs Darklighter. Before Darklighter's involvement with the Rebel Alliance, he, Skywalker, and others from Anchorhead, including Loneozner and his girlfriend Camie Marstrap, frequented the station, spending time there. Skywalker, having witnessed a battle between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire above Tatooine, shared his account with his friends, though they doubted the veracity of his claims. It was at Tosche Station that Darklighter revealed his intentions to defect from the Empire and join the Rebel Alliance to Skywalker.

Tosche Station, a repair shop and power station, was situated on Tatooine's Great Chott salt flat, near Anchorhead. While Merl Tosche held ownership, he rarely visited, entrusting its operation to his employee, Laze "Fixer" Loneozner.
The station comprised three distinct structures. The primary building accommodated recharge stations, a sales area, and a recreation room. Adjacent to it stood a garage dedicated to spare parts and repairs. The reactor building, located behind the main structure, housed a fusion generator sourced from an in-system space barge. This reactor supplied energy via subterranean conduits to Anchorhead's buildings and neighboring moisture farms.
Although Merl Tosche was the owner, he was an infrequent visitor of Tosche Station. Due to the lack of frequent customers, Loneozner had considerable freedom in managing the station. He often spent his time there alongside friends like Camie Marstrap (his girlfriend), Luke Skywalker, Biggs Darklighter, Windy, and Deak. Secretly, Loneozner was constructing a podracer within the spare parts garage, aiming to sell it in Mos Espa and use the profits to finance his wedding with Camie. Skywalker considered Tosche Station his favorite place to socialize with his friends.
In 0 BBY, Skywalker visited the station to describe the aerial battle he witnessed between two spacecraft above Tatooine to his friends. It was during this visit that Biggs Darklighter disclosed his plan to abandon his newly assigned position on the Imperial starship Rand Ecliptic and enlist with the Rebel Alliance. Following the Battle of Yavin, Skywalker reflected on his failure to acquire the power converters he had mentioned before departing Tatooine.

Subsequent to the Rescue of Han Solo, Boba Fett, a former bounty hunter, tracked a speeder bike gang of Nikto—the Kintan Striders—to Tosche Station, where they were harassing Loneozner and Camie. Fett entered the establishment, swiftly subdued the gang, and subsequently appropriated their speeder bikes for delivery to the Tusken tribe, in preparation for their attack on a Pyke Syndicate hovertrain.
Originally, Tosche Station was intended to be featured in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope; however, the scene was ultimately cut from the final film. Nevertheless, the scene was later made available as part of the deleted scenes included in the special features of the Blu-Ray release of the original trilogy. This particular scene depicts Luke Skywalker recounting his experience of witnessing a space battle above the planet to his friends.
The station's location, layout, and the identity of its owner, Merl Tosche, were officially established as canon with its inclusion in the 2016 edition of Star Wars: Complete Locations.
The scenes set at Tosche Station were filmed at the Sidi Jemour Mosque, located on the island of Djerba in Tunisia.