The Great Chott salt flat existed in the southernmost part of the Jundland Wastes region. This region was located on the Outer Rim desert planet of Tatooine. The Great Chott salt flat community was comprised of numerous moisture farms.
Found in the southern reaches of the Jundland Wastes, the Great Chott salt flat sat on Tatooine, a desert planet in the Outer Rim. This salt flat was once the seabed of one of Tatooine's large oceans. It evolved into a parched expanse composed of firmly packed clay and sodium-rich sand carried by winds from the Western Dune Sea.
A community of moisture farmers lived on the Great Chott salt flat, owning and managing dozens of farmsteads throughout the area. Cliegg Lars was among the initial settlers of the salt flat, where he established a homestead that later was inherited by his son, Owen Lars, and daughter-in-law, Beru. Jawa scavenging groups frequently journeyed to the moisture farms in their sandcrawlers to trade salvaged technology.
Seventeen years after the formation of the Galactic Empire, the Great Chott salt flat became a point of interest for the Empire. They were searching for the Rebel Alliance droids R2-D2 and C-3PO, who held highly confidential plans for the Empire's planet-destroying battle station, known as the Death Star. During this search, Imperial stormtroopers set fire to the Lars moisture farm, resulting in the death of Owen and Beru.