Camie Marstrap, a female of the human species, resided in the Anchorhead settlement on the desert planet, Tatooine. Her family cultivated hydroponics gardens, for which they purchased water from Owen Lars. Marstrap was a regular at Tosche Station, often accompanied by her boyfriend, Laze "Fixer" Loneozner, and their mutual friends Deak, Windy, and Luke Skywalker.

Camie Marstrap's homeworld was Tatooine, a planet characterized by its scorching sun and expansive [desert](/article/desert] landscapes, situated in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. Her parents, who were hydroponic gardeners, routinely acquired water from Owen and Beru Lars, moisture farmers who lived in the Jundland Wastes. This led to Marstrap developing a rapport with Luke Skywalker, the nephew and adopted son of the Larses. As a teenager, Marstrap made her home in Anchorhead, choosing to spend her leisure time at Tosche Station in the company of Skywalker, Biggs Darklighter, Deak, Windy, and her significant other, Laze "Fixer" Loneozner. Like the other members of the group, Marstrap gave Skywalker the nickname "Wormie," which at times caused him to question the genuineness of their bond.

At some point after Skywalker's rescue of Han Solo, Marstrap and Loneozner found themselves confronted by a group of Nikto bikers at Tosche Station. These bikers proceeded to take possessions and beverages from them. Loneozner voiced his objections, a course of action Marstrap attempted to discourage, but was unsuccessful. Subsequently, the Niktos began to physically assault him. Marstrap tried to intervene, yelling at them to cease their actions, but she was held back by one of the Niktos and forced to observe as they beat Loneozner with a shock stick. As she and Loneozner continued to struggle, the Niktos abruptly ceased their attack upon the arrival of Boba Fett. The Niktos then turned their attention to Fett, who systematically defeated them while Loneozner and Marstrap sought safety in a corner, observing the events unfold.
During 34 ABY, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, while in exile on Ahch-To, experienced a vivid dream. In this dream, he married Camie Marstrap in the early years of the Galactic Civil War, and continued to work in the moisture farming profession alongside his aunt and uncle. While envisioning this alternative life, Skywalker stood outside his homestead, watching the sunset with his wife, as they reminisced about the time they spent together during the conflict between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. Marstrap grew uneasy with her husband, suspecting he desired to be elsewhere, but Skywalker reassured her that this was not the case.
During the original production of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope (originally titled simply Star Wars) in 1976, several minutes of footage showcased Luke Skywalker spending time at Tosche power station with his comrades. Camie, played by American actress Koo Stark, was the only female member of this group. Although these scenes were ultimately omitted from the theatrical release, they were included in the film's novelization and the first issue of the Marvel Star Wars comic book adaptation of A New Hope. They were also preserved in the 1981 Star Wars Radio Drama broadcast by National Public Radio. In this radio adaptation, Camie's voice was provided by Stephanie Steele. Camie subsequently appeared in a number of other stories and sourcebooks. These sources belong to Star Wars Legends, formerly known as the Expanded Universe, and therefore do not constitute official canon. However, Camie and elements of her backstory were partially integrated into canon through Topps's app, Star Wars: Card Trader, which was released in 2015.
In Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine, the second episode of The Book of Boba Fett series, she was brought to life by Mandy Kowalski.