Raid on a Pyke repulsortrain

A raid was executed by a Tusken Raider tribe, spearheaded by Boba Fett, targeting a repulsortrain operated by the Pyke Syndicate.


The Tusken tribe had captured former bounty hunter Boba Fett, and after he demonstrated his value, they welcomed him into their ranks. Fett discovered from the Tuskens that a Pyke repulsor train was trespassing on their territory, and their previous efforts to halt it had failed. As the Tuskens continued with their daily routines, the repulsor train roared by, unleashing fire upon several Tuskens, resulting in their killing. Witnessing a young member of the tribe being hurled into a cremation pyre, Fett was deeply disturbed and resolved to take matters into his own hands. The chieftain granted him permission to depart in search of assistance, although he doubted Fett's chances of success.

Fett journeyed to Tosche Station, where he encountered some Nikto bikers harassing human patrons, namely Laze Loneozner and Camie Marstrap. Fett engaged and eliminated several bikers before commandeering their speeder bikes and returning to the camp. Initially, the Tuskens were frightened, but upon recognizing Fett, the chieftain commanded them to stand down. They then attempted to disassemble the speeders, but Fett intervened, declaring that they would instead utilize them to combat the train. Fett imparted his knowledge of technology to them while simultaneously learning the ways of the Gaderffii stick. Shortly thereafter, a sentry from the tribe spotted the approaching train.

The Attack

The tribe, employing the skills Fett had taught them, swiftly assumed their battle formations. Fett, accompanied by several Tuskens, rode the speeder bikes to approach the train, while a contingent positioned themselves on nearby dunes. The Pykes also prepared for battle within the train, opening fire on the Tuskens and causing casualties. However, this diversion allowed Fett and his fellow riders to board the train, although one bike was destroyed before its occupants could mount. A Tusken youngling detected the train and used a mirror to signal distant tribesmen, who then took up positions and began sniping the guards from afar.

Observing the intruders on the train, the Pykes tried to fend them off, but their efforts were largely unsuccessful. As Fett and three other Tuskens jumped from one train car to another, the Pykes emerged and began firing upon them. One Tusken sustained minor injuries before Fett managed to use a hatch for cover, although the Pyke fire prevented them from retaliating. The lead warrior, witnessing her allies in peril, rammed her bike into the train and leapt aboard.

The engineer droid, AL-42, noticing the damage to the train, immediately accelerated in an attempt to prevent the female warrior from boarding, but its attempt failed as she vaulted into the train through an open window. Inside, she effortlessly dispatched the Pyke guards before reaching and assisting Fett and his companions, relieving the pressure on them. With reduced resistance, the Tuskens advanced, but AL-42 further increased the train's speed, singeing one of the Tuskens and nearly dislodging them from the train.

Two more Pykes appeared, with one grappling Fett. Another emerged from a hatch, but the lead warrior swiftly eliminated the guard. Fett and the other guard tumbled to the side of the train, where the guard lost their grip. Fett managed to retrieve his gaderffii stick and vaulted into the cab, where he ordered AL-42 to halt the train. AL-42 instead jumped out of the window, forcing Fett to use his gaderffii stick to stop the train, causing it to crash.


The remainder of the tribe arrived to loot the train and round up the surviving Pykes for Fett. Fett then demanded to speak with the leader, and a Pyke traveler answered his summons. The Pyke inquired if they would be killed, but Fett replied that it would depend on their answers to his questions. First, Fett asked if they were transporting spice, which the traveler denied, feigning ignorance, before two Tuskens spilled a crate, leading Fett to remark that the situation was not looking favorable for him.

The traveler then revealed to Fett that his people considered the Tuskens to be uncivilized raiders and that they were protecting their route. Fett countered that the sands belonged to the Tuskens and that henceforth, they would have to pay a toll to pass through. He also warned that any deaths caused by the trains would be avenged tenfold before instructing them to walk towards the twin suns, as they would lead them to Anchorhead where they could inform the syndicate of the new terms. When the traveler protested that they would be killed, Fett allowed the Tuskens to escort them. The traveler then complained that they would die of dehydration without their water cart, so Fett stipulated that they would be given black melons to quench their thirst before ordering them to depart.

As the Pyke survivors departed, one of the Tuskens opened a water cart, prompting some of them to gather their containers to collect as much water as possible. The chieftain then arrived with two escorts; upon seeing the train disabled and his people gathering water, he nodded to Fett in respect. Fett would later be formally inducted as a member of the tribe.

The Pykes returned to Anchorhead where they presented the terms to their boss, who then relayed the information to his superiors at Oba Diah, although they refused to pay the Tuskens, as they had already compensated the Kintan Striders Gang. The Pykes massacred the tribe and subsequently framed the Kintan Striders to avoid paying altogether. Upon his return, Fett discovered his tribe slaughtered and burned them on a pyre in accordance with tradition before slaughtering the gang himself. Fett would only uncover the truth from bounty hunter Cad Bane when the Pykes attempted to seize Tatooine for their own purposes.

