Unidentified Hutt brother

A Hutt male, along with his twin sister, sought to take over Jabba Desilijic Tiure's criminal empire following the death of Bib Fortuna. However, Boba Fett, who had become the new Daimyo of Mos Espa, laid claim to Jabba's territory for his own empire. This action placed him at odds with the Hutt siblings originating from Nal Hutta.


The Hutt brother and his twin sister were cousins of the late Jabba Desilijic Tiure.

The Hutt male in question was a cousin of Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Jabba, before his demise in 4 ABY, was a notorious crime lord who held sway over the city of Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine. This Hutt, alongside his twin sister, were known together as "the Twins." Before relocating to Tatooine around 9 ABY, they had been living on Nal Hutta, which is the Hutt species' homeworld. Their ambition to control Jabba's territory clashed directly with the plans of Boba Fett. Fett, who had declared himself the Daimyo of Mos Espa, was aiming to establish his own criminal empire after killing Bib Fortuna.

The Twins, accompanied by their retinue of servants and the Wookiee gladiator Krrsantan, arranged a meeting with Fett and Fennec Shand outside of Garsa Fwip's cantina, named the Sanctuary. In a public declaration, they announced their intention to seize control of Mos Espa. Fett dismissed their claim to be the rightful inheritors of Jabba's legacy, asserting his own position as the legitimate crime lord of Tatooine. While the Hutt sister was inclined to immediately kill the former bounty hunter, her brother opted to postpone the resolution of their dispute with Fett to a later time.

Personality and traits

The Hutt brother traveled in comfort on a litter carried by servants.

Boba Fett held the opinion that the Twins were too preoccupied with a life of "debauchery" on Nal Hutta to seriously pursue their ambitions on Tatooine. However, the Hutt brother, along with his sister, journeyed to the desert world with the explicit purpose of claiming the dominion that had once belonged to their deceased cousin, Jabba Desilijic Tiure. In contrast to Fett, who chose to downplay the visible symbols of power associated with a crime lord, the Hutt brother and his sister traveled in considerable luxury. They rode together on a large litter, carried by servants, and announced their arrival in Mos Espa with the use of drums. Furthermore, the Hutt brother employed a rodent to wipe perspiration from his face.

The Hutt brother firmly believed that he and his sister were the rightful heirs to their cousin's estate. He challenged Fett's assertion that Mos Espa belonged to him by presenting a document that supposedly confirmed Jabba's authority over the city. Displaying greater patience than his sister, who desired Fett's immediate demise after he had offended her, the brother decided to delay their confrontation, reasoning that violence was "bad for business."

Physically, the brother twin was a sizable Hutt with orange eyes, green and tan skin, and a distinctive facial tattoo. He communicated in Huttese, the native language of the Hutts, but also possessed an understanding of Galactic Basic Standard.

Behind the scenes

The Twins character poster for The Book of Boba Fett.

The initial appearance of the Hutt brother occurred in "Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine," an episode within the Disney+ series The Book of Boba Fett, which aired on January 5, 2022. The Simplified and Traditional Chinese subtitles provided on Disney+ for this episode identify the female Hutt as the male Hutt's younger sister (妹妹, mèimei). It's worth noting that this line is spoken in Huttese, irrespective of the audio language selected by the viewer.

Ming-Na Wen revealed that cardboard cutouts were utilized on the set to represent the Hutts, who would later be rendered using computer-generated imagery. JJ Dashnaw, who served as Temuera Morrison's body double, supplied the dialogue for the Twins during the filming process.

