"THE TWINS," an episode of the anthology series Star Wars: Visions Volume 1, is a short animated film that debuted on Disney+ on September 22, 2021. Trigger, Inc., a studio for animation based in Japan, produced it. Hiroyuki Imaishi directed the episode, and Hiromi Wakabayashi wrote it.

A manga adaptation of the episode was created and released by Square Enix in Japan's Big Gangan Vol.09 magazine on June 24, 2022.

Official description

On a massive Star Destroyer, twins born into the Dark Side engage in a conflict when one of them takes a powerful weapon.

Plot summary

Servants of the dark side

The episode begins with a Gemini-class Star Destroyer moving through space. A figure in black armor proceeds down a hallway and then enters another hallway where T-Stormtroopers are standing in formation. A small, wheeled droid accompanies the armored figure. He goes through a gate at the end of the hallway and walks across a long bridge that leads to a large power generator containing a kyber crystal.

The protocol droid B-2ON informs Master Am that the final adjustments to the Gemini-class Star Destroyer are complete. B-20N tells Am that they are prepared to deploy and are awaiting her command. Am expresses her relief that the moment has finally arrived. The droid says that ever since she and her brother Karre were entrusted to their care, he has observed their growth and is now relieved to witness her completing her mission.

B-20N comments on the length of their journey. Am refutes this, telling B-20N that the journey has only just begun. Am declares that with this new power, she and her brother will establish order in the galaxy, a feat that no one else has managed to accomplish. She states that this is their purpose as twins created by the power of the dark side of the Force. A flashback shows embryos of the twins being cultivated in a laboratory by dark side followers.

B-20N informs Am that Central Command has reported the completion of the final adjustments to the hypercannon and its imminent operational status. Am inquires about the weapon's full firepower. The droid responds that it is currently charging in the power generator. He explains that high-purity energy must be extracted from their power source in the central core. He also mentions that this is the same energy transferred into the dark armor worn by the twins. Once the refined dark energy is unleashed through the ship's hypercannon, it will possess the capability to obliterate any planet or star system.

B-20N voices his concerns regarding the potential effects of the prototype armor on the physical bodies of Am and Karre. Am dismisses these concerns, stating that she has been prepared to sacrifice everything for the dark side since her birth. B-20N pledges to be their loyal servant forever, until his functions cease. Am acknowledges his pledge and shifts her focus to launching a surprise attack on the New Republic. She gives the order to fire the hypercannon, which B-20N relays.

The stolen power source

Karre and his droid

However, the bridge crew receives an alert from Central Block B-25 that the cannon's power source has been stolen. The hypercannon cannot be fired without it. When B-20N notes that only the twins have access to the power source chamber, Am glares at the opposite Star Destroyer bridge and realizes that Karre is gone. While B-20N wonders about Karre's whereabouts, Am deduces that he has stolen the power source.

Meanwhile, Karre assures the rectangular astromech droid R-DUO that everything will be alright and that they will not find the power core. However, they encounter a squad of stormtroopers. As Karre walks past the stormtroopers, they demand that he return the power source. They attempt to subdue him with stun blasters, but he uses the Force to deflect the stun bolts and throw them aside. He and R-DUO proceed to the hangar bay, which is filled with starfighters, including a X-wing starfighter. Before they can reach it, they are confronted by Master Am, B-20N, several stormtroopers, and two AT-ST walkers.

Karre tells R-DUO to leave while he confronts Am. Am asks where he intends to go with the power core. Karre responds that he is going to a galaxy far, far away. Am demands that he hand over the power core and promises to forget what happened. B-20N tells Master Karre that this is disappointing. Instead, Karre removes his helmet and armor, declaring his refusal. When Am asks if he plans to give the power core to the Republic, Karre replies that he does not care about either the Galactic Empire or the New Republic.

Karre tells Am that she would not understand even if he explained it to her. Am asks if Karre has lost his mind. Am decides to seize the power core by force and ignites both of her lightsabers. Meanwhile, R-DUO locates and powers up Karre's X-Wing, piloting it to attack Am's forces. Am survives by using the Force to create a bubble around herself and B-20N. Karre boards the X-wing and escapes from the hangar.

Duel of the twins

While flying through space, R-DUO tells Karre that he has a bad feeling about this. Their X-wing is caught in Am's Force grip, who manages to seize the power core in the same grip. Karre and Am engage in a Force-powered tug of war for the power core, which forces Karre out of the starship. The X-wing spins out of control. Parts of the Star Destroyer's hull are damaged. The two continue their Force tug of war on the hull of the Star Destroyer, causing the power core's container to shatter. Am is impressed by the power of the kyber crystal, stating that it will be a beacon of hope for the galaxy.

She commands the kyber crystal to come to her. Karre says that he will not allow her to have it, stating that the crystal only brings despair. As the two channel their Force powers into the crystal, it shatters under the strain. Am is overwhelmed by the shockwave, which removes her helmet. Karre tells his sister that he was able to foresee her future through the Force. Am does not believe Karre, asking why only he can see it. Karre only says that he does not have the answer, but warns that she will die if she uses the power of the kyber crystal. Am does not believe Karre's explanation that he stole it to save her.

Karre insists that it is the truth. He tells her that she would never have listened to him even if he had told her. He tells Am that he is unwilling to let her die despite her stubbornness. Am laughs and says that she does not fear death. She reminds Karre that they are twins born from the dark side and that they were created to restore order with a power that even transcends death itself. She believes that they were destined to be born for that purpose. Karre tries to reason with his sister, warning her that the power inside the kyber crystal will destroy her. Am refuses to listen and vows to make death yield to her through the power of the dark side.

Am places a shard of the kyber crystal into her armor's power source, infusing her armor with the dark side's power. This powers up six lightsabers which transform into whips. Am uses her armor to hurl beams of dark side energy at Karre, prompting him to hide behind a turbolaser emplacement. Karre arms his lightsaber with a shard from the kyber crystal. The beams of kyber energy from Am's armor wrap themselves around Karre's lightsaber, which he disperses.

Karre leaps down on Am and the two engage in a lightsaber duel. Am fights back with her blades, taunting him that he cannot save her if he cannot save himself. As she advances on Karre with her weapons, Am taunts her brother for being afraid of death. She vows to send him back to the galaxy as dust before hurling him into space. Karre is picked up by R-DUO in the X-wing. Meanwhile, Am loses control of her kyber crystal, causing her armor to begin overloading.

Breaking free

Karre resolves to save his sister from death and wonders what he should do. At R-DUO's suggestion, he decides to use the X-wings propulsion system and his lightsaber to slice through one of the Star Destroyers. As he approaches Am, his enraged sister accuses him of undermining their life mission. Karre replies that it is not true and urges her not to live for someone else. He tells her that as long as she is alive, she is free to choose her own destiny.

At Karre's command, R-DUO activates the hyperdrive, causing Karre's lightsaber to slice through Am's armor and one of the Star Destroyers. As Karre and R-DUO flee into hyperspace, the unconscious Am is picked up by B-20N amidst the debris of the wrecked Star Destroyer.

Later, Karre and R-DUO crash on the desert planet of Tatooine. Karre tells R-DUO that they did it and reassures the astromech droid that they will find her. He resolves to investigate the key to understanding their purpose, the reason he and Am were created. Karre resolves to find his twin sister and save her. The two stand on their wrecked starfighter and watch the double sunset.


