Tatooine Rhapsody

"Tatooine Rhapsody" (in Japanese: タトゥイーン・ラプソディ) represents an animated short and a specific episode within the online television series known as Star Wars: Visions. Studio Colorido took on the production duties, and the short made its debut on the Disney+ platform precisely on September 22nd, 2021.

Synopsis of Events

Discovering a New Path

The episode commences during an active battle involving Galactic Republic clone troopers against Separatist B1-series battle droids. Order 66 has already been put into action, causing the clones who previously fought alongside the Jedi Padawan named Jay to turn their weapons against him. The Padawan escapes through the factory's corridors, eventually falling off a railing, which damages his lightsaber. Upon regaining consciousness, he finds himself inside a vehicle occupied by a Hutt by the name of Geezer Odajion. Odajion inquires about Jay's identity, a question Jay struggles to answer.

Subsequently, Jay integrates into Odajion's musical group, Star Waver, taking on the role of the band's lead singer. Odajion plays the flaming rumble bass, while the multi-torsoed alien, Lan Ar-Shoo, performs on the versatile cluster drums. K-344 ("Kurti") is on electrified dual guitars. The droid V-5 is in charge of handling and mixing the sound.

Hunted by Boba Fett

The bounty hunter Boba Fett arrives with several hired individuals, including a Weequay and a Nikto. Jay welcomes Fett and his companions. Fett then shoots Jay's guitar. Following this, he confronts Odajion, informing him that he's there to collect a bounty placed on him by Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Fett threatens that if Odajion resists, he and his men will harm his friends. Odajion dismisses Fett's threat with laughter, asking if Jabba desires his autograph.

Odajion tells his band "let's rock 'em" before activating a flamethrower concealed within his electric guitar. This action forces Fett to retreat. Ar-Shoo and K-344 then engage Fett's henchmen. Jay struggles with a Weequay, but V-5 intervenes, causing the Weequay to fall off the stage. Boba Fett then advances with his blaster, but Jay activates the sprinkler system. The band escapes aboard their starship, The Rolling Gales, flying away into the rain. Fett observes from behind.

While traveling on their starship, Jay mentions that this is the third time they've been pursued. Kurti jokes that they have very enthusiastic fans, while Odajion comments that this is the cost of fame. V-5 beeps, and Ar-Shoo's heads begin arguing about not finishing the show on three separate occasions. Jay intervenes, saying it would be nice to finish a show for once. At that moment, The Rolling Gales experiences a jolt. The band realizes they are being followed.

Fett pursues them in the Slave I, firing lasers at their ship. Odajion instructs Kurti to increase speed, but she responds that she has already pushed the engines to their limit. V-5 begins to panic during the flight. Jay expresses a feeling of unease. The ship is struck by laser fire and crashes to the ground.

After the crash, Fett forces his way into the ship. He informs Odajion that he has been marked for execution and that resistance is futile. Odajion protests, claiming ignorance of any wrongdoing. Fett disagrees, leading Odajion to declare that he will not join Jabba's crime syndicate. Fett warns that Jabba is not to be defied. Odajion reluctantly agrees and exits The Rolling Gales with Fett.

Loyalty to a Friend

As they depart, Jay urges them to wait. Fett questions his resolve. Jay activates his lightsaber, but it malfunctions. Odajion reluctantly follows Fett onto the Slave I. Several mice watch sadly in the rain. Aboard the ship, Ar-Shoo's bodies and Kurti begin repairing the ship. Kurti asks for Jay's help, but he is despondent about Odajion. Kurti says that there was nothing they could have done and believes their luck has run out. She reminds him that they are, after all, just a band. Jay refuses to abandon Odajion, considering their shared experiences.

Jay reflects on his initial meeting with Odajion, who asks him about his identity. In the flashback, Jay accepts Odajion's offer of friendship. V-5 plays a recording from Star Waver's first session. Odajion tells the band that they are the people he has been searching for. This recording evokes fond memories of Odajion for the band. Jay runs out into the rain, screaming in anger and frustration. He concedes that Kurti is right, they are just a band. Just then, the rain stops and the sun rises.

Captivating the Audience

The band plays on Tatooine

Later, at the Mos Espa Grand Arena on Tatooine, two Gamorrean guards bring Odajion before Jabba's majordomo Bib Fortuna, who releases Odajion from his binders. Jay and the rest of the band soon reunite with Odajion. Jay explains that they made a deal with Jabba to allow them to perform before Odajion's execution. Jay says that they only get one song. Odajion believes his friends have lost their minds and tells them that they don't need to get involved. Kurti asks Odajion if he is one to run away from his fans. Ar-Shoo mentions that this is the biggest venue since their band was formed. V-5 beeps in agreement. Jay commands his band to make this their best show ever before handing Odajion his guitar.

Odajion leads the band as they ride a cargo skiff to a podium. Jay sings a song while the rest of the band plays to the cheers of the crowd. The lyrics talk about traveling through hyperspace. A Hologlide J57 cam droid records the band's performance. Their music goes viral, attracting fans across Tatooine, including Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in Mos Eisley. The performance includes Odajion using the flamethrower in his electric guitar to set a hovering canvas sheet ablaze. The song's lyrics emphasize freedom and individuality, which resonates with the crowd, who begin chanting the lyrics.

A nervous Bib Fortuna observes the enthusiastic reception. As armed guards approach the stage in skiffs, Jay appeals to Jabba, stating that the Star Wavers will become the number one band in the galaxy. He asks if Jabba would like to be their first sponsor. A Nikto boy asks them to sing one more song, and he is soon joined by the crowd. The guards shoot in the air before leaving the podium. This allows Jay and the Star Wavers to perform another song for the crowd. Even Jabba and his entourage enjoy the band's music.


