"The Village Bride" (In Japanese: 村の花嫁) is an episode of the Star Wars: Visions web television anthology series, presented as a short animated film. Kinema Citrus produced this short, which debuted on Disney+ on September 22, 2021.
The episode begins with a sweeping view from space of a lush, green, and forested world. Deep within a forest, an explorer equipped with a helmet uses a device for navigation. He is accompanied by a masked woman known only as F, who expresses the need for caution in her travels. Valco, the helmeted male explorer, assures her that the Galactic Empire cannot reach them here. She inquires if he has finished exploring the planet, to which he replies that he has not, finding it too fascinating. Valco then removes his helmet, revealing himself to be a grey-haired human man.
Valco informs F that he has discovered something he wishes to share with her, remarking that her mask is unnecessary. They observe a young man, Asu, carrying his bride, Haru. Haru expresses her preference for walking, though she admits it isn't too bad being carried. Asu explains that a bride cannot arrive with dirty feet when going to a sacred place. Haru laments that her parents cannot witness this occasion. Asu assures her that they are watching and are now one with the planet. Haru also notes that his parents are deceased. They pass a destroyed probe droid entangled in the branches of a tree.
Valco guides F deeper into the forest. Meanwhile, Asu carries Haru up a staircase carved into the rocks. He then carries her through a stream, leading to a cave. Standing on a wooden platform outside the cave, Haru declares that they are the sky, the forest, and the river. Asu repeats this mantra before invoking "Magina" (the local term for the Force), beckoning it to rise. A blue bubble then appears, encompassing the surrounding area, including the masked woman and the explorer.
Haru experiences a vision of her childhood, playing with her future groom and her sister, Saku. The three children are seen creating a pathway for fish in a waterfall pool by moving rocks. F observes that these are the planet's memories. The earth begins to tremble, causing a significant portion of the forested landscape to be consumed. Valco explains that the people of this world deeply respect nature, and their rituals allow them to coexist harmoniously with it. The masked woman questions if this was what he wanted to show her.
Valco responds that it was, because an old friend of theirs had roots on this planet. F remembers her master. Later, Haru and Asu reach a summit as the sun sets. They admire the sunset, with Haru commenting that it has been there since the beginning of time. Afterward, Valco leads the masked woman towards a village. F realizes that this world has been exploited. Valco explains that the Separatists plundered the natives' resources during the Clone Wars. When F points out that this was all for war, the explorer responds that war is synonymous with loss. This triggers a flashback for the masked woman of losing her master during Order 66.

Later, at the village, droids serve food to Asu, Haru, and their wedding guests at a feast. F and Valco join the celebration. The masked woman expresses her unease, but the explorer counters that celebrations are meant to be shared. He warns that holding back will bring a curse. One of the hosts invites the travelers to share a drink and offers them an alcoholic beverage. The masked woman reluctantly accepts.
A villager is heard complaining. Another villager remarks that it seems too cruel. Valco learns from the server that the bride will be taken away tomorrow. From the host, he discovers that the departure of the Separatists only paved the way for a different kind of terror. He explains that raiders reprogrammed leftover Separatist B1-series battle droids and created their own army.
The host recounts how these raiders and their droids seized all their resources. He reveals that the raiders initially intended to take the village chief as collateral, but his granddaughter Haru volunteered to take his place. He warns that they will arrive in the morning to take her. He begins to complain about the strength of the drink, but a lady leads him away, attempting to cheer up the travelers.
Valco responds that he understands the village's deep grief, acknowledging the girl's sacrifice to save her grandfather. The female host expresses her hope that their Magina will be eternally connected and that they will never be separated. Haru's sister, Saku, objects, arguing that Haru should not bear this burden alone, as it is unjust. She declares that some are ready to fight, and several youths stand in support.
Haru responds that they have already discussed this. Saku is determined to fight the raiders and defeat them. Haru pleads with her to stop. Saku insists on freeing their families and the village. Haru argues that fighting is futile, but Saku retorts that the land is on their side. Haru reiterates that she has made her decision and urges her sister to understand. Saku questions the joy of a wedding filled with mourning before storming off with her friends.
Valco remarks to F that Saku reminds him of her. The masked woman replies that she understands his intentions. Valco says that he doesn't care about her code and questions why he should pretend otherwise.
Later that night, F meditates in the Force, levitating a stone. Haru asks if she can feel the Magina as well, causing her to drop the stone. F responds that if she can feel it, she can understand her bad feeling about the situation. Haru asks if F thinks she is being reckless. The masked woman asks what she thinks would happen if the marauders are thwarted. She fears putting her village at risk by fighting back. If she goes, she reasons that she can protect them all. She hopes not to be alone before walking away with her groom.
F meditates in the Force, causing her to experience a flashback. In a private hut, the groom Asu fingers a knife. When Haru notices, he explains that they are in this together. Haru smiles.

At dawn, F cuts her padawan braid and removes her mask. The raiders approach the village, prompting the villagers to gather. The raiders' starship lands, deploying several battle droids. The raiders consist of an Abyssin, a Twi'lek, and their leader, Lord Izuma. Izuma asks Haru if she is the village chief's replacement. Haru confirms that she is taking his place. Izuma says that he likes this planet and that she will serve as collateral to avoid any "unnecessary conflict."
Izuma reveals that his battle droids have captured Saku and her followers. He decides to make an example of Saku and prepares to execute her with his KYD-21 blaster pistol. He shoots at her, but the blaster bolt is held back through the Force. The villagers and raiders watch in shock. The formerly masked woman F surfaces and hurls the blaster bolt back at the lead raider, destroying his blaster. Izuma demands to know who she is.
F replies that you cannot change the river's flow by casting a stone, but by living in harmony with nature, you can change together. She adds that the people of this world know this lesson well. She adds that the breath of life becomes wind and will always respond. Removing her hood, she tells Magina to rise and says may the Force be with it.
Izuma orders his battle droids to open fire, but Valco shoots at them from a high cliff. The explorer runs out of ammunition but throws his helmet which contains a bomb that destroys the raiders' starship, disabling the battle droids' control signal and causing them to deactivate. The Abyssin and Twi'lek raiders flee, but the lead raider takes Haru hostage. He demands to know if the masked woman is a monster. F replies that she is a Jedi before igniting her yellow lightsaber. She charges at the lead raider, and cuts off his arm, saving Haru and the village.
Later, the villagers bid farewell to F, who departs in her starfighter. Valco decides to stay behind and live with the villagers. The female Jedi takes her starfighter into hyperspace.