Born from cloning technology and steeped in the dark side of the Force, Am was a Force-sensitive human female clone, intrinsically linked to her twin brother, Karre. Their creation was no accident; they were intentionally molded to ascend as Dark Lords within a remnant faction of the Galactic Empire, known as the T-Empire. Sometime after the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY, Am and Karre found themselves aboard a Gemini-class Star Destroyer, overseeing the final calibrations of a devastating hyper cannon superweapon. When Am commanded the cannon to fire, she discovered its power core was missing, rendering it useless. Swiftly, she discerned Karre's betrayal and confronted him in a hangar as he attempted his escape. Aided by his droid, R-DUO, Karre commandeered a T-X-wing starfighter, which he flew out of the Star Destroyer. Intercepting his flight, Am emerged onto the Star Destroyer's hull and manipulated the Force to draw Karre and the power core back to her. A fierce Force-fueled struggle ensued, both twins vying for control of the core, until it shattered, revealing the kyber crystal within, which then also fractured and exploded.
In the wake of the explosion, both Am and Karre experienced visions, specifically one foretelling Am's death resulting from her interaction with the crystal. Karre disclosed his prior knowledge of this vision, revealing his theft of the kyber crystal was an act of salvation for Am. Despite his warnings against harnessing the crystal's power, she disregarded him and integrated it into her armor, before attacking him with her lightwhips. Fighting back, Karre was ultimately cast off the Star Destroyer by Am, plummeting into space only to be rescued by R-DUO aboard his X-wing. Am's aggressive actions caused her armor to overload, spiraling out of control. In a bid to save her, Karre channeled the X-wing's hyperdrive power, obliterating the kyber crystal with his lightsaber. Following his jump to hyperspace, Am was left adrift and unconscious amidst the Star Destroyer's wreckage, until her protocol droid, B-2ON, came to her aid.

Like her twin brother Karre, Am, a Force-sensitive human female clone, was secretly created using cutting-edge cloning methods and the power of the dark side of the Force. From the moment of their birth, the pair were groomed to become the Dark Lords of the T-Empire, a remnant of the Galactic Empire with designs on ruling the galaxy. During their genesis, Sith cultists kept a close watch over the twins. The astromech droid R-DUO and the protocol droid B-2ON loyally served Am and Karre, with the latter acting as Am's nanny, teacher, and confidante. At one point, while the twins were in the company of several cultists, Karre had a vision of Am's death as a consequence of wielding the power of a kyber crystal.

Sometime after the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY, Am and B-2ON were situated in her throne room aboard a Gemini-class Star Destroyer. The droid informed her that the final adjustments to the Star Destroyer were complete and that they awaited her command. B-2ON expressed his excitement at witnessing Am and Karre fulfill their mission. Am responded that their journey was just beginning and that she and Karre would bring order to the galaxy. B-2ON then reported that the Star Destroyer's planet-destroying hyper cannon would soon be operational and at full strength once it finished charging. He voiced his concerns about the potential effects of the twins' dark armor—which utilized the same dark energy as the hyper cannon—on their bodies. Am replied that she was willing to sacrifice everything for the dark side and then ordered the hyper cannon to be prepared to attack the New Republic.
However, before the superweapon could be activated, a T-Imperial crew member reported that the reactor core's power source had been stolen, preventing the hyper canon from charging. B-2ON was taken aback, as only Am and Karre had access to the reactor core chamber. Am glanced across the ship and noticed that Karre's throne was empty, realizing that he was the one who had stolen the power core.

Am commanded a squad of T-Stormtroopers to apprehend Karre, but he overcame them and reached a hangar where he planned his escape. Before he could depart, Am entered the hangar accompanied by B-2ON, a larger contingent of T-Stormtroopers, and two All Terrain Scout Transports. As she approached, Karre signaled for R-DUO, who was with him, to slip away unnoticed. Am demanded that Karre return the power core, promising to overlook his actions if he complied. Karre refused, removing his helmet and discarding his dark armor. Am questioned Karre's motives, asking if he intended to hand over the power core to the Republic, but Karre remained silent, claiming Am would not understand. Am then resolved to retrieve the power core by force, igniting two of her lightsabers in preparation to attack Karre. Before she could strike, R-DUO activated a stolen T-X-wing starfighter and fired upon Am. She managed to create a Force barrier, but the deflected blasts struck her own forces, enabling Karre to escape to the X-wing.
As Karre piloted his starfighter away, Am emerged onto the surface of the Star Destroyer and used the Force to pull the power core toward her. Eventually, she managed to extract both Karre and the power core from the X-wing and onto the Star Destroyer's hull. As Karre fell, Am seized the power core from his grasp, but before it reached her, Karre regained his footing and began pulling it back toward himself. Both twins wrestled for control of the power core until it shattered, revealing the crystal inside. Upon seeing the crystal, Am remarked on its beauty and power, declaring that it would become a beacon of hope for the galaxy. Karre countered that it would only bring despair.

Am and Karre persisted in their struggle for the kyber crystal, both striking it with Force lightning, causing it to resonate and then shatter, sending Am's lightning back at her and destroying her helmet. It then exploded, and both twins experienced the vision of Am's death that only Karre had previously seen. Karre explained that he had foreseen the vision and revealed that he had stolen the kyber crystal to prevent Am's death, stating that he knew she was too stubborn to listen if he had simply told her what he had seen. Am responded by telling Karre she did not fear death and reminded him of the purpose of their birth.

Disregarding Karre's warning against using the kyber crystal, Am inserted a large fragment of it into her dark armor. Four mechanical limbs emerged from her armor, emitting dark energy that formed long lightwhips. She ignited her other two lightsabers, which also transformed into lightwhips, and then began attacking Karre, challenging him to risk his life to save her if he truly wanted to. As Am continued her assault, Karre retreated and sought cover. Am launched another attack that destroyed his cover, but her lightwhips became entangled around Karre's own lightsaber. He then severed the energy beams of Am's weapons, reverting all six to standard lightsabers.
Karre then attacked Am by leaping and significantly extending the length of his lightsaber blade. She blocked the attack and kicked at him with a lightsaber-like weapon in her heel, which Karre dodged. Karre leaped at Am again, but she again blocked his attack and then forced him back until she was able to launch a dark energy-powered attack that knocked Karre off the surface of the Star Destroyer and into space, where he was caught on his X-wing by R-DUO.

As a consequence of channeling too much power from the kyber crystal, Am's armor became overloaded and she lost control of it, resulting in her being constricted by dark energy. Karre witnessed her plight and realized that if he did not destroy the kyber crystal, she would meet her end, just as he had foreseen in his vision. He was uncertain if he possessed sufficient power to do so, but he agreed to R-DUO's suggestion of utilizing the X-wing's hyperdrive. R-DUO guided the starfighter toward Am while Karre stood on the outside of it and ignited his lightsaber, causing several massive beams of various colors to appear and then coalesce into a single larger beam.
As the X-wing approached Am, Karre's lightsaber sliced through the Star Destroyer until it reached her. Despite her predicament, Am blocked Karre's blade and screamed at him that their life's mission would be lost if the crystal was destroyed. Karre replied that was not true, telling her not to live for someone else and that as long as she was alive, she would be free to choose her destiny. He then ordered R-DUO to activate the hyperdrive, which gave Karre enough power to push past Am's lightsabers. Karre's lightsaber briefly narrowed as it destroyed the kyber crystal before returning to its full size to finish cutting through the Star Destroyer as his X-wing jumped to hyperspace.
After Karre's X-wing made its jump, Am's armor was destroyed and she was left floating unconscious among the the debris from the Star Destroyer until B-2ON arrived to rescue her. Karre's X-wing later came out of hyperspace and crashed on the planet Tatooine. After waking on top of his crashed starfighter, Karre told R-DUO that they would find Am and understand the purpose of their creation, and that he knew she was alive.
Am was a human female clone with purple eyes, blond hair, and light skin. She embraced her origin and the purpose of her creation, and her rage and the strength of her conviction gave her power. Am was stubborn and devoted to the dark side, willing to risk her life for it and her purpose. She struggled to find the right balance.
Am was created with advanced cloning technology, allowing her to survive in outer space unaided, and was scientifically designed to channel power, allowing her to use the Force. She was capable of creating a Force barrier and using telekinesis, being able to stop a starfighter with the Force. Am was more powerful than Karre, but was still defeated by him. Although she wielded the dark side, Am was not a Sith and was not trained in the Sith traditions.
Am wore a suit of prototype dark armor, which had a helmet, cape, and four mechanical limbs that could wield lightsabers. It was powered by dark energy. She wielded six red-bladed lightsabers, which she could convert to lightwhips, and had another weapon in her heel. Am wore black clothing under her armor, which was ripped when her armor was destroyed. She also wore a black headband and black earrings. Am had a throne room aboard the Gemini-class Star Destroyer.

Am made her debut in "THE TWINS," a short film penned by Hiromi Wakabayashi, directed by Hiroyuki Imaishi, and released as part of the first volume of the non-canon Star Wars: Visions anthology. The animated short, brought to life by Studio Trigger, premiered on Disney+ on September 22, 2021. Leading up to the short's release, Am was introduced in a video posted to the official Star Wars YouTube channel on July 3, 2021. She was subsequently identified in a article on August 17 of that year. Ryoko Shiraishi provided Am's voice in the original Japanese version of the short, while Alison Brie voiced her in the English dub. The soundtrack for the short, composed by Michiru Ōshima and made available for streaming on October 15, 2021, featured a track titled "Anthem of Imperial (Am's Theme)."
Shigeto Koyama designed Am, explaining that when creating Am and Karre, he did not focus on whether they were good or evil but instead visualized the essence of the characters. Among the designs in "THE TWINS," Am's was the least influenced by traditional Star Wars designs. Instead, she drew inspiration from the energy and style of Trigger's other films, such as their 2019 film Promare, also directed by Imaishi, as well as Japanese tokusatsu heroes like Kamen Rider and Ultraman. In addition to Trigger's aesthetic, Am's design incorporates elements from the armor worn by Sith Lord Darth Vader and classic anime details. The hilt of Am's lightsabers were the inverse of Karre's hilt, which was inspired by the lightsaber used by the Jedi Anakin Skywalker and his son Luke Skywalker.

The duel between the twins was inspired by the battle of Gojo Ohashi, a Japanese Heian period legend in which the warrior-monk Saitō Musashibō Benkei encountered the young Minamoto Yoshitsune on Gojo Ohashi bridge. Despite Benkei's superior power, Yoshitune emerged victorious. Similarly, Am possessed greater power than Karre, yet she was still defeated by him. Imaishi mentally choreographed the fight, drawing from a reservoir of fight scene ideas and selecting those best suited for Star Wars. Am and Karre represent a reversed version of the twins Leia and Luke. Twins are a recurring theme in Star Wars, but the short inverts this motif by focusing on twins aligned with the dark side.
When Am's armor deployed its mechanical arms, it was accompanied by a tone described by Sound Designer David W. Collins as a "Grievous/Kylo cocktail", blending the effects associated with the lightsabers used by General Grievous and First Order warlord Kylo Ren. This information was included in a article published on September 21, 2021, but the article incorrectly attributed the tone to Karre's armor. The error was repeated in "Star Wars: Visions Season One Companion," an article published in the 210th issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine on May 3, 2022.