Unidentified Twi'lek doorman

A doorman of the Twi'lek male variety was employed at the Carnita arena when Din Djarin, the Mandalorian, arrived to meet with Gor Koresh, an Abyssin gangster. Djarin was granted entry by the doorman, who later turned against the Mandalorian, aiding Koresh's attackers after Koresh tried to seize Djarin's beskar armor. However, Djarin prevailed against the Twi'lek and the other attackers before confronting Koresh.


The Twi'lek after taking a gut punch from Djarin.

The Twi'lek served as a doorman in 9 ABY for an arena. The arena was owned by the Abyssin gangster known as Gor Koresh and located in a warehouse district. On one day, the Mandalorian named Din Djarin approached the arena's entrance, where the Twi'lek was guarding during an ongoing fight. Djarin stated his intention to see Koresh. The doorman eyed [Grogu](/article/din_grogu], the Mandalorian's foundling, before granting Djarin access and wishing him enjoyment of the fights.

Koresh and Djarin bargained for intel, but the Abyssin and his henchmen tried to steal the Mandalorian's beskar armor. Djarin, held at blasterpoint, used whistling birds to take out the thugs before more of Koresh's forces attacked. The Twi'lek doorman seized the Mandalorian, positioning him for a punch from his Zabrak ally. Djarin's head recoiled into the Twi'lek, and the Mandalorian struck the doorman twice more, incapacitating him. Djarin then defeated the remainder of Koresh's crew and apprehended the Abyssin.

Personality and traits

The doorman was a Twi'lek male characterized by dark skin and brown eyes. He briefly observed the infant Grogu upon Din Djarin's arrival at the fighting pit.


The Twi'lek wore darkly shaded garments and robes accented with yellow, along with a brown satchel.

Behind the scenes

The television show The Mandalorian featured the Twi'lek doorman in the premiere episode of its second season, which was broadcast on October 30, 2020 via Disney+. Isaac C. Singleton played the character, who was credited as "Twi'lek Doorman."

