Ashla was a satellite of the world known as Tython. For countless years, the Jedi Order considered it a sacred place. Members of the Order would make pilgrimages to this satellite to contemplate the unsettling disturbances in the Force and precognitive experiences that troubled them.
Ashla, a moon with a terrestrial composition, circled the planet Tython within the Tython system, situated in the Deep Core region of space. It possessed a breathable atmosphere and featured a landscape dominated by saltwater seas and islands adorned with expansive, golden beaches. The skies of this moon were home to a native lifeform: the wingmaw, a predatory flying creature.
A few months following the inauguration of the Starlight Beacon in the year 232 BBY, Jedi Master Elzar Mann made his way to the Isle of Seclusion located on Ashla, traveling aboard his Jedi Vector. Mann, having been disturbed by a harrowing Force vision during the Starlight Beacon's dedication, selected the Isle as a sanctuary for solitary reflection on the images he had witnessed. Entering the waters surrounding the Isle, he ultimately received a vision guiding him towards the planet Valo.
The moon of Ashla was initially presented within the Star Wars Legends expanded universe, specifically in the premiere issue of the comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm. This comic was authored by John Ostrander, with illustrations by Jan Duursema, and was released by Dark Horse Comics on February 15th, 2012. Within the established Star Wars official timeline, the name Ashla was initially mentioned as a designation for the Light side of the Force within the Rebels episode titled "The Holocrons of Fate" (aired on October 1st, 2016). The moon itself, named Ashla, made its first appearance in the 2021 novel titled The High Republic: The Rising Storm, penned by Cavan Scott.