The Martyrium of Frozen Tears, situated inside a Jedi Temple found within the Meridional Ice Cap on the world of Tython, contained a confessional constructed entirely from kyberite. Korin Aphra, a scholar, endeavored to discover its whereabouts, discovering it was located in the Deep Core, but her search proved unsuccessful. Subsequently, Chelli Lona Aphra, Korin's daughter, guided Darth Vader to the Martyrium as a ruse to divert him away from the Rebel Alliance's primary headquarters located on Hoth, a planet in the Outer Rim.
The Alliance later utilized the location as a base of operations. During the Rebel's usage of the site, Luke Skywalker journeyed to the Martyrium to deliver a confession. Sometime after, Vader, then affiliated with the Schism Imperial, went back to the Martyrium accompanied by other Schism members with the intention of acquiring the kyberite present. While there, Vader experienced visions showing confessions from numerous generations of Jedi who had previously visited the Martyrium, and witnessed a vision of Skywalker's confession. Vader commanded his followers to gather as much kyberite as their vessels were able to transport, and then to obliterate the temple, an order that the Schism executed.