Beol De'Rruyet, a male of the human species, established De'Rruyet Industries. This company operated from the planet known as Midarr. During the Imperial Era, De'Rruyet came into possession of a Path engine. This engine was an ancient hyperdrive of the Nihil, which De'Rruyet asserted he could duplicate, thereby transforming lightspeed travel. Considering the potential economic consequences of this technology, Domina Tagge of the House of Tagge sought to prevent De'Rruyet from releasing the device. To this end, she hired the renegade archaeologist, Doctor Chelli Aphra, tasking her with investigating the Path engine to validate De'Rruyet's statements.
However, a functional copy of the Path engine proved elusive for De'Rruyet and his organization. Despite this failure, De'Rruyet planned to unveil the device, creating the illusion of its operability. He remained ignorant of the dangers inherent in activating the device, though he had devised a scheme to flee with his money should the Path engine not perform as advertised. The day preceding the planned expo, De'Rruyet's headquarters fell under attack by General Vukorah of the Unbroken Clan, who aimed to seize the Path engine.
In the [Imperial Era](/article/imperial_era], during the reign of the Galactic Empire, Beol, a human male, founded De'Rruyet Industries. This enterprise was headquartered at De'Rruyet Center on the planet Midarr. De'Rruyet's organization was a competitor to the Tagge Corporation, which was managed by Lady Domina Tagge. In the year 3 ABY, De'Rruyet discovered a Path engine through a secret network trading rare artifacts. This hyperdrive, once utilized by the Nihil marauder group, enabled access to unusual hyperspace routes referred to as Paths. De'Rruyet engaged with the smuggler, Remy, who had located the device within a destroyed Nihil starship on Dol'har Hyde, and they met on Corellia to finalize the Path engine's purchase.

Following his acquisition of the Path engine, De'Rruyet endeavored to replicate the technology. He declared that he had discovered a method to achieve this, which would revolutionize lightspeed travel. After his company created a copy of the Path engine and installed it into a starship, De'Rruyet scheduled the unveiling of the technology at the De'Rruyet Industries confluence on Midarr. However, the device he had obtained was only a component of a larger hyperdrive system and could not function independently. In fact, in the days leading up to the confluence, the replica remained incomplete and was prone to combustion if activated, potentially causing a catastrophic event at the expo. Concerned that the Path engine would not perform as promised, De'Rruyet secured a one-way ticket to Mon Cala, intending to abscond with the money if the device failed.
Domina Tagge, fearing that De'Rruyet's discovery would either dramatically alter the galactic economy or bring an end to the ongoing Galactic Civil War, both of which would devastate her dynasty financially, aimed to prevent her rival from releasing the technology. To this end, Tagge enlisted the services of the archaeologist Doctor Chelli Aphra, tasking her with ascertaining the origins of the Path engine and verifying the truth of De'Rruyet's claims before the expo could proceed.
On the eve of the confluence, De'Rruyet granted interviews to various reporters, reiterating the revolutionary nature of the hyperdrive and his intention to reveal it publicly. As his company made preparations for the expo, one of De'Rruyet's employees cautioned him that the reproduction of the device was incomplete. De'Rruyet, determined to satisfy his investors, instructed the protesting employee to ensure the device appeared convincing. Subsequently, Aphra and the smuggler Sana Starros, disguised as interns, approached him and offered him caf. De'Rruyet recoiled at the taste, declaring it was not what he had requested, and dismissed the "interns" before departing. Unbeknownst to De'Rruyet, Aphra had pilfered his access card, allowing her and Starros to examine the Path engine replica before investigating his office.

Upon discovering Aphra and Starros at his desk in his office, De'Rruyet confronted them. Aphra claimed they were investigators acting on behalf of the Empire, informing De'Rruyet that the Emperor would be displeased with the deception. De'Rruyet brandished his blaster at Aphra, insisting on the engine's success, and Starros demanded that he cancel the demonstration and surrender the device. However, their confrontation was interrupted by the arrival of General Vukorah of the Unbroken Clan criminal organization, who also sought to acquire the Path engine. Vukorah blasted a hole in the wall of De'Rruyet Center and held the interns and workers hostage, demanding that they make the device operational. De'Rruyet rushed to the main hall, disregarding Aphra's warnings to wait, where Vukorah aimed her blaster at him, requesting that he join her on the demonstration stage.
De'Rruyet often treated his employees and interns at De'Rruyet Industries with harshness and disdain. He also had specific preferences for his caf and became impatient when delivery was delayed. Despite his unsuccessful attempts to replicate the Path engine, De'Rruyet maintained that the device would revolutionize travel. He insisted that his employees create the illusion that the Path engine was functional, hoping to impress his investors and confident that his deception would remain undetected. However, anticipating the potential failure of his engine, De'Rruyet planned to flee with his money if it did not perform as expected. Doctor Aphra commented that De'Rruyet must possess a significant ego to believe he could replicate the device.
Beol De'Rruyet was a human male characterized by black hair, brown [eyes](/article/eye], and fair skin.
De'Rruyet wore a white tunic with gold trim and khaki wraps on the sleeves, paired with brown pants and black shoes. He carried a blaster pistol in a holster on his [belt](/article/belt]. De'Rruyet also carried an access card, which he kept unsecured in an external pocket. De'Rruyet made use of a starship, in which he had the replicated Path engine installed.
Beol De'Rruyet made his initial appearance, albeit through a hologram, in Doctor Aphra (2020) 6, a comic authored by Alyssa Wong, with illustrations by Ray-Anthony Height and Robert Gill, and published by Marvel Comics on November 25, 2020.