
Vukorah, born a human female, achieved the general rank within the Unbroken Clan criminal organization. Following the bombing and subsequent death of Unbroken Clan soldiers on Chorgad by their rivals, the Mourner's Wail Syndicate, Vukorah launched an attack against the Mourner's Wail. Perceiving the leader of the Unbroken Clan as ineffective, Vukorah systematically eliminated those loyal to the old line, thereby seizing control of the syndicate. Later in her life, she became a bounty hunter.


Early life

During the Imperial Era, Vukorah was a member of the Unbroken Clan, a syndicate operating on Corellia. She progressed to the position of General within the organization's hierarchy.

Circa 10 BBY, Vukorah personally conducted the interrogation and torture of bounty hunter Beilert Valance. This occurred after his capture within the Unbroken Clan sanctuary in Coronet City, where he was implicated in the attempted assassination of Krynthia, the heir to the Mourner's Wail Syndicate, the Unbroken Clan's primary adversaries. Khamus, the Unbroken Clan's heir who had impregnated Krynthia and wished to conceal their relationship, orchestrated the assassination attempt. Valance collaborated in the scheme alongside Nakano Lash, a Nautolan, Bossk, a Trandoshan, Boba Fett, and T'ongor. As Valance lacked the information Vukorah sought, she deployed an interrogator droid to inflict torture upon him.

Hunting down Cadeliah

In 3 ABY, Vukorah, without the knowledge of her boss, attacked a group of Mourner's Wail Syndicate smugglers at the Smugglers' Refueling Station in the Kessel sector. She and her subordinates eliminated the Iktotchi criminal overseeing the operation. During this event, she received a communication from Lash, who proposed a surrender agreement. Vukorah opted to delay the call and trace its origin, instructing her henchmen to inquire about Cadeliah, the daughter of Khamus and Krynthia, who was under the Nautolan's protection.

The traced transmission originated from the planet Ruusan, leading Vukorah to initiate a search for Lash, Cadeliah, and Valance, with the intent of eliminating them. After locating Nakano Lash's freighter, one of her henchmen targeted the ship's reactors, resulting in Lash's demise and forcing Boba Fett, Valance, and Cadeliah to evacuate the exploding vessel. Despite the explosions, the detection of the energy signatures of the Broken Wing and Slave I indicated the survival of some individuals involved in the incident. Vukorah vowed to pursue the young girl relentlessly.

Subsequently, Vukorah contracted Zuckuss, a Gand findsman, and his droid partner 4-LOM to locate Valance and Cadeliah, dead or alive. She promised a substantial payment to compensate for the financial setback incurred by their failure to capture Han Solo, the Rebel leader.

The search for the Path Engine

Vukorah wielding the Unbroken Dagger

Later, Vukorah was observed on Corellia, interrogating a Sullustan smuggler named Remy who had acquired a specialized hyperdrive produced by the Nihil marauders during the High Republic Era. After Remy suggested pursuing Sana Starros instead, with whom he had made contact the previous day, and directing her inquiries to the other smuggler, Vukorah murdered the Sullustan with her knife. She then seized Remy's datapad, containing information regarding the Path Engine, and initiated a search for Starros. At the entrance of the hideout, Chelli Lona Aphra detonated a Detonite Ring, injuring Vukorah and rendering her unconscious. Subsequently, Aphra proceeded to retrieve the Datapad from Vukorah, who revealed herself to be conscious and aimed her blaster at Aphra, only to be disarmed by Starros, who was present with Aphra. The pair escaped while the Unbroken Clan's guards were overwhelmed by additional Detonite Rings.

Vukorah subsequently tracked the two to the planet Dol'har Hyde, where Remy had initially discovered the Path Engine, and commenced firing upon the tree where they were examining the wreckage of a Nihil ship. She then threatened to kill Aphra and Starros unless they surrendered. Aphra feigned surrender before escaping as Vukorah prepared to kill her with her ship's blasters. Believing that no one could have survived the ensuing explosion, Vukorah proceeded to the planet Midarr, where an Ortolan bartender from Dol'har Hyde informed her that the hyperdrive engine had been transported.

On Midarr, Vukorah, accompanied by a squad of Unbroken Clan henchmen, breached the De'Rruyet Center to recover the Path Engine. She then murdered a technician named Cadil, who attempted to inform her that the engine was non-operational, threatened to kill an individual every five minutes until the ship was fully functional, and aimed her blaster at Beol De'Rruyet, the project's leader. Chelli Aphra then entered the room, revealing that she was still alive, and offered to repair the engine herself, asserting that her expertise in ancient technology made her the only one capable of fixing the ship before the Empire arrived to apprehend the Unbroken Clan members. Vukorah accepted the deal, promising Aphra that she would be the last person to be killed in the room. Meanwhile, Sana Starros alerted Imperial Stormtroopers and facilitated the escape of hostages from the building. As Vukorah decided to cease waiting for Aphra to repair the ship and kill her, the Stormtroopers entered the building and commenced firing upon the Unbroken Clan. Aphra managed to escape with the crystal core of the Path Engine alongside Sana Starros. When Vukorah attempted to pursue them, the smuggler shot her in the eye, leaving Vukorah scarred and wounded.

Auction for Han Solo

Grand Leader Vukorah

Vukorah returned to Corellia to recuperate from her injuries. Upon entering her residence, one of her guards was killed by Deathstick, a Zabrak assassin who was already present. Vukorah then killed her remaining guard for suggesting they relocate to a less secure location. Deathstick formally invited Vukorah to represent her syndicate at the auction for the carbonite-encased Han Solo, hosted by the criminal syndicate Crimson Dawn on the planet Jekara, as the Unbroken Clan's current leader had withdrawn into mourning. Vukorah reluctantly accepted the invitation.

She subsequently participated in the event, remaining even after Darth Vader attacked Qi'ra, Crimson Dawn's leader, to retrieve Solo. Margo, Qi'ra's assistant, observed this, and Vukorah, while consuming spice wine, affirmed that it was "her kind of party" and anticipated further mayhem.

Following this, Qi'ra invited Vukorah to a private meeting, proposing an alliance between herself and the Unbroken Clan to unite the criminal underworld. To achieve this, Vukorah needed to assume leadership of her syndicate, a position she was ineligible for due to her lack of connection to the Unbroken Clan's dynasty's bloodline. Qi'ra responded by revealing a mysterious object in a box, prompting Vukorah to accept her proposal.

Taking over the Unbroken Clan

At the Unbroken Clan Palace on Corellia, Vukorah confronted the clan's leader while her bodyguards eliminated his. She asserted that he had been an ineffective leader since his daughter's death, while she had dedicated herself entirely to the clan. She employed the Unbroken Dagger to stab the Grand Leader, informing him as he died that he had a granddaughter named Cadeliah. Vukorah declared herself the new leader of the Unbroken Clan and instructed a guard to transmit a message to Qi'ra.

As the head of the Unbroken Clan, Vukorah recruited children who had previously worked for the White Worms, incurring the displeasure of Lady Proxima. Proxima provided T'onga's crew with intelligence regarding Vukorah's security, which the crew utilized to abduct Vukorah after T'onga injected her with a sedative. On the Edgehawk, T'onga interrogated Vukorah about Cadeliah's whereabouts, but Vukorah divulged no information and threatened to kill T'onga's wife Losha. Dengar, who had been dispatched by Crimson Dawn to infiltrate T'onga's crew, spoke with Vukorah, revealing his true allegiance. Dengar led the crew to the Vermillion at Bilbousa Spaceport, falsely claiming that he had obtained its location from Vukorah, but this was a trap set by Crimson Dawn. Losha remained aboard the Edgehawk to guard Vukorah, but Vukorah broke free from her restraints and attacked Losha, wounding her with a knife. Losha released her nexu Furball, but Vukorah identified a vulnerability on the creature and delivered a fatal blow with her knife. Regretful about having to kill an animal, Vukorah escaped the ship.

Sometime later, Vukorah was escorted in binders to the Unbroken Clan Palace, where Skormarra occupied the throne. He informed Vukorah that he was aware of Cadeliah, the syndicate's rightful heir, and that he intended to kill Vukorah. Vukorah seized a blaster from a guard and used it to shoot Skormarra and his lackeys, reclaiming the throne.

Vukorah employed a droid to surveil an Unbroken Clan member and his brother, who were plotting to kill her. Subsequently, she retrieved a camtono filled with credits and jewels from the Unbroken Clan's vaults and summoned some of the syndicate's soldiers, including the two conspirators, to a meeting. While consuming toniray that she had acquired from the Vermillion, Vukorah revealed that she was aware of the soldiers' plan to kill her in her sleep, and she announced her resignation as Grand Leader. At that moment, the bounty hunter droid IG-88 infiltrated the fortress to claim the Imperial bounty on Vukorah and her subordinates for collaborating with Crimson Dawn.

Vukorah inquired about the droid's ability to detect lies, and then asked if she was lying when she stated that she was no longer the leader of the syndicate and had no current connection to Crimson Dawn, to which IG-88 responded that she was not. She then identified the lead conspirator as the current Grand Leader, prompting IG-88 to shoot him, followed by his cohorts. The IG unit inquired if Vukorah was the one who broadcast the coordinates to the Unbroken Clan base, which she confirmed. IG-88 asked her what she gained from the transaction. While departing with the camtono in hand, she replied that she gained a fresh start.

A fresh start

Vukorah arrived at Syphacc's Bountiful Bounties (accompanied by several tooka cats) seeking employment as a bounty hunter. Losha, who was working for Syphacc, recognized Vukorah and immediately punched her, enraged at the former syndicate leader for killing her nexu Furball. Vukorah apologized and offered to allow Losha to blast her. The women heard a cry for help from Syphacc, who was being attacked by pit droids controlled by the Scourge. Wielding a sword, Vukorah assisted Losha in destroying the droids.

Following the fight, the two women were approached by former Imperial officer Jyala Haydenn. Losha recalled Haydenn shooting at T'onga, and Vukorah threatened to shoot out Haydenn's good eye. Haydenn provided Losha with a backup of Beilert Valance's memories, and Vukorah said she would prepare her ship. Losha and Vukorah traveled to Epikonia, where the Scourge-infected Valance was experimenting on T'onga. Vukorah's tookas carried explosives into the facility, then Vukorah and Losha joined the fight against the Scourge droids. T'onga restored Valance's memories, freeing him from the Scourge, and he destroyed the building after his allies escaped. Vukorah joined the others in a group hug, to Valance's confusion.

Vukorah joined a group of bounty hunters at the Bounty Hunters Guild Social Club, where Dengar and Raslin Grace boasted about bounties they claimed. Vukorah expressed doubt at Brene's claim that she and Boushh had been hired by Domina Tagge and was disgusted by Grace's story of killing a nexu.

Around the time of the Battle of Endor, Vukorah captured an individual whom she intended to turn in on Nevarro.

Personality and traits

Vukorah loved animals and owned several tookas during her life

Vukorah kept her circle of confidants very small. Her love for animals was also a defining trait.

