Ortolans were a feeling, sentient race originating from the frigid planet of Orto. These native inhabitants were elephantine in nature, categorized as a species of short, two-legged beings with blue skin. Distinguishing features included sizable, drooping ears, tiny black eyes, and a prominent, trunk-like nose. To combat the cold climate of their world, they consumed substantial quantities of food to develop a thick layer of insulating blubber. A notable male Ortolan was Maximilian Rebo, the founder of the renowned Max Rebo Band.

Characterized by their blue skin, Ortolans were a sentient species of stocky bipeds, notable for their trunk-like noses and pair of small, dark eyes. In addition to these features, they possessed diminutive mouths, housing blunt teeth situated behind their noses, and a set of large, flexible ears that were sensitive to sound and served as fat storage. To endure the icy and snowy conditions of their environment, Ortolans consumed enough to develop a blubbery physique. Their adaptable fingers could absorb food and beverages, and were also adept at playing musical instruments. According to Inspector Thanoth, their bodily fluids possessed a "quite distinctive" odor. Ortolans could communicate in Galactic Basic Standard and typically lived for over 71 years.
The presence or absence of arms on Ortolans has not been consistent across various canon media. Some depictions align with the armless version described in Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, while others resemble their earlier portrayal in Star Wars Legends. A StarWars.com post detailing the making of Star Wars Resistance episode "The High Tower" mentions "an Ortolan doll (with extra limbs)," which matches the Legends depiction.