Remy, a male smuggler from Sullustan, lived during the Imperial Era. He managed to get his hands on a Path engine, a unique hyperdrive used by the Nihil marauder group during the High Republic Era. While on Dol'har Hyde, Remy foolishly boasted about his acquisition in a bar filled with other smugglers; the Ortolan bartender considered this both unwise and unremarkable, considering the numerous starships that had crashed there centuries prior.
Remy transported the Path engine to the planet Corellia, where he sold it to Beol De'Rruyet of De'Rruyet Industries. De'Rruyet's goal was to duplicate the Path engine's technology, thereby revolutionizing lightspeed travel. After a meeting with fellow smuggler Sana Starros, Remy was located by General Vukorah of the Unbroken Clan criminal organization, who interrogated him regarding the device. Having been informed by one of her operatives that Remy had previously met with Starros, Vukorah heard Remy's attempt to divert the Unbroken Clan's attention towards Starros in exchange for his freedom. Vukorah killed Remy and seized his datapad, which contained details about where he had discovered the Path engine. Starros and the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Aphra, who Lady Domina Tagge of the House of Tagge had dispatched to prevent De'Rruyet from using the Path engine, later acquired the datapad.