Unidentified Ortolan bartender

An Ortolan bartender was employed on the planet of Dol'har Hyde. This individual, working in the service industry, had an encounter with the Sullustan smuggler known as Remy. During this meeting, Remy foolishly boasted to a group of smugglers about a discovery he had made, an item the bartender dismissed as mere refuse, leaving her with a negative impression.

Later, the planet became the destination for Doctor Chelli Aphra, a renegade archaeologist, and Sana Starros, a smuggler. They sought the origin of a Nihil Path engine that Remy had sold to Beol De'Rruyet. In their pursuit, they engaged in conversation with the bartender, who identified Remy from their description. She provided Aphra and Starros with information regarding Remy's transaction, directing them towards the crashed starship where Remy had unearthed the purported hyperdrive. General Vukorah of the Unbroken Clan crime syndicate tracked Aphra and Starros to Dol'har Hyde, discovering the location of the Path engine as well. As a result, the Unbroken Clan caused the dead of the bartender and the customers present.

