Eneb Ray

A male human named Eneb Ray fought for the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. He functioned as a spy for the Rebellion, infiltrating the Imperial government on Coruscant as a tax collector called Tharius Demo. Princess Leia Organa tasked Eneb with a mission to rescue dissident senators held at the Arrth-Eno Prison Complex.

Subsequently, Ray became involved in a failed attempt to assassinate Emperor Palpatine, leading to the destruction of the Arrth-Eno prison and the death of all the senators. The Empire claimed the rebels committed a terror attack that killed the senators. His cover compromised, Ray departed Coruscant.

Later, in a psychologically damaged state, Ray attacked Sunspot Prison, murdering the imprisoned Imperials in an effort to make Princess Leia a more ruthless leader. The Alliance defeated and captured him. Nevertheless, he escaped during transport.


Infiltrating the Enemy

Eneb Ray was an operative for the Rebel Alliance during the Imperial Era. After the Battle of Yavin, he went undercover in the galactic capital, Coruscant, posing as the Imperial tax collector Tharius Demo. On one occasion, "Tharius" visited a business exporter with significant tax debts to the Galactic Empire. When the man threatened to reveal him as a rebel, "Tharius" warned that imprisonment would hinder his family's ability to pay the taxes. Heeding this warning, the man agreed to settle his outstanding taxes.

Later, Ray sent shipping and procurement data for the Core sectors to his boss, Princess Leia Organa. Based on General Davits Draven's recommendation, Organa sent Ray to extract several Imperial senators facing execution from the Arrth-Eno Prison Complex, including Nadea Tural. She provided him with maps, access codes, and a ship for smuggling them off Coruscant. Despite viewing the mission as nearly impossible, Ray followed Organa's orders.

Ray rode an airspeeder and used special electrical gloves to climb the prison tower. He used a grappling hook to enter through a ventilation shaft. After eliminating a stormtrooper sentry, Ray freed the senators from their cell, only to learn from Tural that the Emperor was visiting the prison.

Eneb's Risky Move

Ray then stormed the command center and made the guards prisoner. He discovered that one of the guards, Coleet, was a fellow rebel agent. With Coleet's help, Ray contacted Organa securely and revealed the Emperor's impending visit, suggesting it was the perfect opportunity for assassination. Despite Organa's reservations, she authorized the mission, dispatching six other agents on Coruscant to assist.

Ray and the other agents, disguised as the imprisoned senators, met the Emperor, who arrived on a repulsorlift platform with stormtroopers and Imperial Royal Guards. Ray and the rebel operatives launched their attack, opening fire on the Emperor and his bodyguards. After taking out a stormtrooper with his grappling hook, Ray approached the Emperor, who ascended on the repulsorlift platform.

Ray pursued the Emperor to the landing platform using his grappling hook. Despite the stormtroopers, Ray shot down the man he believed to be the Emperor. However, it was a double. The real Emperor arrived on a Lambda-class shuttle and attacked Ray with Force lightning.

During the confrontation, the Arrth-Eno complex exploded, killing all the senators, rebel agents, and Imperials inside. Ray fell from the Emperor's shuttle but survived by using his grappling hook to cling to a speeder. While escaping, Ray overheard the Emperor claiming the rebels murdered the senators to prevent them from revealing their coercion into betraying the Empire. Devastated by the mission's failure and with a broken left arm, Ray escaped offworld with his contact, the exporter he had saved earlier.

Seeking Retribution

Following the Coruscant events, Ray sought vengeance. Although he survived the encounter with the Emperor, his face was disfigured, and he believed the Sith Lord's touch would eventually kill him. Seeing the Rebel Alliance's moderate tactics as weak against the Empire, Ray believed the Rebellion needed to be more ruthless. Organa and the Rebel Alliance searched for Ray but could not find him. Organa was saddened by the loss of one of her best agents and believed he had vanished.

Seeking revenge, Ray decided to kill Imperial prisoners at the secret Rebel Alliance Sunspot Prison, which orbited a star and was protected by ion canons. Wearing a mask and armor to conceal his face, Ray took command of several battle droids and IG-RM bodyguard and enforcer droids.

Ray and his droids traveled to the prison in a freighter, disembarking far from Sunspot Prison to avoid sensors. Using grappling lasers, Ray and his droids clung to the station. One droid was destroyed by the heat, but Ray and his droids breached the prison's Q Sector and control room.

Assault on Sunspot Prison

Although rebel forces led by Organa and her friend Sana Starros subdued Ray's droids in Q Sector, it was a diversion. Ray's forces captured the control room, taking the warden and rebel guards prisoner. After pistol–whipping the warden for dismissing him, Ray contacted Organa, stating he intended to kill the prisoners.

Organa and Starros stopped two IG-RM droids from shooting prisoners. Speaking through Organa's comlink, Ray reminded her the men were murderers and offered to list their crimes. When Organa protested, Ray argued that war required ruthlessness to win. To test Organa's resolve, Ray released eleven Imperial murderers, including the ruthless soldier Kolar Ludd.

Organa and Starros subdued the escaped prisoners and locked them in a cell. However, Ray deactivated the sun shields, incinerating the prisoners. Taunting Ray for thinking she was better than the prisoners, Ray warned she would lose the war. He embraced his identity as a murderer and credited Organa for making him who he was.

While Organa and Starros formed an alliance with the rogue archaeologist Chelli Lona Aphra, Ray went to maximum security cell 17 and killed an Imperial prisoner who claimed to have killed three Jedi. Before stabbing him, Ray told him his Emperor was a Sith Lord. After ordering his droid lieutenants to open cell 18, Ray used the prison's systems to throw Imperial prisoners into the sun.

Showdown with Leia

Despite resistance, Organa and her team regained control of the control room. When Organa demanded the identity of her adversary, her droid lieutenant claimed "he" was teaching her what she had taught him. Soon after, Organa's rebel comrades Han Solo and Luke Skywalker arrived on the Millennium Falcon. However, Ray ambushed them in the hangar bay, binding them.

Organa, Starros, and Aphra cornered Ray in the hangar. Still trying to convince Organa, Ray offered to spare Skywalker and Solo if she killed Aphra. While Organa refused, Starros considered killing Aphra with a blaster. Unable to break Organa's resolve, Ray removed his helmet, revealing his burnt face.

Organa was horrified and saddened to see Ray, who was presumed missing. Pitying Ray, Organa offered help, but Ray countered that she was the one who needed help. Ray began a countdown, but Organa refused to play his game. At Organa's signal, R2-D2 activated an ion pulse, allowing Organa to knock Ray down.

While Organa and Ray fought, Starros tried to kill Aphra. Gaining the upper hand, Ray attempted to strangle Organa, taunting her that her royal background shielded her from the realities of war. However, Starros shoved Aphra into Ray, knocking him down. The three women overpowered Ray.

Capture and Escape

After Ray was defeated, Rebel Alliance forces entered Sunspot Prison, evacuating the survivors. The dead were placed in body bags. Rebel troopers led Ray into custody. Pitying her adversary, Organa vowed to get him help. However, Ray believed he was beyond help and warned she would regret not listening to him.

As his transport left Sunspot Prison, Ray removed an unlocking device disguised as a dental implant from his mouth. Ray believed Organa and her rebellion were doomed against the Empire and that she would regret rejecting his "help."

Personality and Traits

Ray as the Imperial tax collector "Tharius Demo"

Eneb Ray was a human male with blond hair, green eyes, and fair skin. Ray was a skilled spy who was adept at both undercover work and combat. Ray considered himself a realist compared to the idealistic Leia Organa. While Ray maintained the facade of a steely Imperial tax collector, he despised the Empire's crippling taxation and the destruction of Alderaan.

Although Ray initially thought rescuing the pro-rebel senators was nearly impossible, he seized the opportunity to assassinate the Emperor. However, it was a trap, and all the senators and Ray's rebel comrades were killed. This failure made him believe the Rebel Alliance couldn't make the tough decisions needed to win the Galactic Civil War.

The failure of the Arrth-Eno mission and his scarring at the hands of the Emperor led Ray to embrace ruthless tactics against the Empire. He saw Organa as a misguided idealist unable to win the war. Ray's guilt for his role in the Arrth-Eno mission led him to advocate killing all Imperials, including prisoners at Sunspot Prison.

Following the events on Coruscant, Ray embraced his identity as a killer. Still, Ray respected Organa and sought to convince her to embrace his tactics. However, Organa refused to abandon her morals and defeated him. Spurned by Organa, Ray vowed revenge.

Skills and Abilities

Eneb Ray was skilled in both unarmed and melee combat. He used a grappling hook. Ray was also skilled at persuasion. Ray was also an escape artist who carried a concealed unlocking device inside a dental implant.

Behind the Scenes

Eneb Ray was introduced in the 2015 Marvel comic book Star Wars Annual (2015) 1. He was created by Kieron Gillen, drawn by Angel Unzueta, and colored by Paul Mounts. Eneb is the main protagonist and narrator of that story. In the comic's solicitation, he was incorrectly identified as Haarkon Dak.

Ray resurfaced in the 2016 Marvel story arc Star Wars Book IV: Rebel Jail. He was written by Jason Aaron, drawn by Leinil Francis Yu, inked by Gerry Alanguilan, and colored by Sunny Gho and Java Tartaglia.

